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1. New ways of organizing the workplace all that reengineering and downsizing - are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.

[句子主干]New ways of …workplace…are only one contribution to…, which is…, and…

[语法难点]有插入语。两个破折号中间的成分为插入结构,可以视为括号里面的内容。Such as后面的内容是对many other factors的列举。在阅读的时候基本可以跳过不看,除非后面有细节题考查这里的内容。

[句子翻译] 组织工作场所的新方法——包括机构重组和缩小规模——只是促进某个经济实体的综合生产率提高的一项措施,还有其他许多因素促进生产率的提高,比如对机械设备的联合投资、采用新技术、对教育培训投资等。

[翻译技巧]all that译为“这一切包括”。overall productivity译为“综合生产力水平”。Joint investment译为“联合投资”。Drive译为“驱动”。

2. His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long term profitability.

[句子主干]His colleague,…, says that… ,chopping out costs without giving…

[语法难点]有省略。chopping out costs without giving sufficient …分句是非限定性定语从句。修饰的是前一分句的整体意思。without后面要跟现在分词giving。


1.But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and humansolidarity as compatible is no more “contradictory” than Du Bois'famous,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting withhuman unity,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that alsoaccommodates national identities and roles.


2.Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of earlytwentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker,theserecent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.


3.Despite these vague categories,one should not claimunequivocally that hostility between recognizable classes cannot belegitimately observed.


4.Yet those who stress the achievement of a general consensus among the colonists cannot fully understand that consensus without understanding the conflicts that had to be overcome or repressed inorder to reach it.


5.It can be inferred from the passage that the author would bemost likely to agree with which of the following statements regardingsocioeconomic class and support for the rebel and Loyalist causesduring the American Revolutionary War?插入语多

6. Although it has been possible to infer from the goods andservices actually produced what manufactures and servicing tradesthought their customers wanted,only a study of relevant personal documents written by actual consumers will provide a precise picture ofwho wanted what.


[句子翻译] 他的同时迈克尔·比尔说,为数众多的公司以简单机械的方式进行机构重组,降低了成本,但却未能充分考虑长期赢利。

[翻译技巧]far too many译为“太多的(比实际需要)”。re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion应译为“以简单机械的方式”。chop out译为“削减”。


43.There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms ofinappropriate social relationships either between those who areinvolved and those who are not simultaneously involved in thesatisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiatedand those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.


44.Many critics of Family Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights see itssecond part as a counterpoint that comments on,if it does notreverse,the first part,where a “romantic” reading receives moreconfirmation.

研究艾米丽·勃朗特(Emily Bronte)小说《呼啸山庄》(WutheringHeights)的许多文学评论家,将小说的第二部分视作一种对比物,即使没有将第一部分予以逆转的话,也是在对第一部分作出一种诠释评判,而在小说第一部分中,一种“浪漫的”的读解能获得更为充分的确证。

45.Granted that the presence of these elements need not arguean authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that ofHenry James,their presence does(15) encourage attempts to unify thenovel's heterogeneous parts.

诚然,这些因素的存在并不能证明作者对小说架构的意识可与亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James)的那种意识相比拟;然则,任何力图将小说所有形形色色的因素统一起来的做法,在某种程度上注定是无法令人信服的。

46.This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffensinto a thesis(although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of anynovel is always a danger),but because Wuthering Heights hasrecalcitrant elements of undeniable power that,ultimately,resistinclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation.


47.The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one sourceof common copper ore to another,with variations exceeding themeasurement error;and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniformis topic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source.



38.Some geologists,however,on the basis of observations concerningmantle xenoliths,argue that the mantle is not layered,but thatheterogeneity is created by fluids rich in “incompatible elements”(elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state)percolatingupward and transforming portions of the uppermantle irregularly,according to the vagaries of the fluids' pathways.


39.The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationshipsthat kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,fromabstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficultfor Proust to set them out coherently.


40.It is possible to make specific complementary DNA's(cDNA's)that can serve as molecular probes to seek out the messengerRNA's (mRNA's)of the peptide hormones. If brain cells are making thehormones,the cells will contain these Mrna'S. If the products the braincells make resemble the hormones but are not identical to them,then thecDNA's should still bind to these mRNA's,but should not bind astightly as they would to mRNA's for the true hormones.


41.The molecular approach to detecting peptide hormones using cDNAprobes should also be much faster than the immunological method becauseit can take years of tedious purifications to isolate peptide hormonesand then develop antiserums to them.


42.This succession was based primarily on a series of deposits andevents not directly related to glacial and interglacialperiods,rather than on the more usual modern method of studyingbiological remains found in interglacial beds themselvesinterstratified within glacial deposits.



