对于从小就习惯于二元划分的判断题的同学而言,在雅思阅读判断题里,横空出世的Not Given实在是难以接受也难以适应。小编给大家带来了雅思阅读判断题Not Given套路,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
雅思阅读判断题Not Given套路深深深几许
首先我们要明确Not Given 是如何界定的,哪种情况才叫做Not Given。我们来看看雅思官方给出的Not Given 的两种界定:
1. If there is no information on this.
2. If it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about it.
简单来说,Not Given 就是一个无端捏造的描述,是出题人的臆想。这里请烤鸭们注意,Not Given 是臆想和捏造事实,并不代表着就是错误的。根据我们对于判断题Not Given 的研究发现,这种臆想通常有两种方式,今天我们先给大家分享第一种:
雅思阅读判断题之“部分臆想”式Not Given
所谓“部分臆想”就是说这种Not Given 并不是完全捏造,还是有一部分内容是基于文章的,但是有一部分是出题人的捏造和臆想。
这类Not Given 我们应用做细节题的思路,从题干入手找到定位词,然后回到文章寻找相关描述,定位到和题目相对应的句子,对比原文和题目的描述构成怎样的逻辑关系,如果原文和题目的描述不构成同义替换,也不构成排斥关系,那么我们即可以判断该题答案为Not Given。换句话说,“部分臆想”式Not Given。
题目: Beacons and flashing lights are still used by ATC today.
原文: As early as the 1920s, the earliest air traffic controllers manually guided aircraft in the vicinity of the airports, using lights and flags, while beacons and flashing lights were placed along cross-country routes to establish the earliest airways. However, this purely visual system was useless in bad weather, and, by the 1930s, radio communication was coming into use for ATC.
我们通过题目中的定位词beacons and flashing lights 定位到文章中的段落,对比题目和原文和题目的逻辑关系发现,两句话不构成排斥关系也不是同义替换,原文描述的是beacons and flashing lights 在二十世纪二十年代的情况,没有提及现今,所以可判断此题为Not Given,并为“部分臆想”式Not Given。
总的来说,“部分臆想”式Not Given 是一部分内容在文章中没有提及到,从题目入手是可以在原文中找到相关描述的,再通过逻辑思维的判断选出答案。
文章题目The history of Russian Ballet
重复年份20160114 20150418 20121124
题型判断 6+填空 7
文章大意芭蕾舞发源于意大利,从 17 世纪后传入俄 国后一直欣欣向荣。出了很多优 秀的艺术家和作品,外国舞派也对俄 国芭蕾舞发展有着影响。后期以戏剧味 发展主流,一直讲到本世纪 70 年代的发展。
Until 1689, ballet in Russia was nonexistent. The Tsarist control and isolationism in Russia allowed for little influence from the West. It wasn't until the rise of Peter the Great that Russian society opened up to the West. St. Petersburg was erected to embrace the West and compete against Moscow’s isolationism. Peter the Great created a new Russia which rivaled the society of the West with magnificent courts and palaces. His vision was to challenge the west. Classical ballet entered the realm of Russia not as entertainment, but as a “standard of physical comportment to be emulated and internalized-an idealized way of behaving. The aim was not to entertain the masses of Russians, but to create a cultivated and new Russian people.
Empress Anna, (1730 – 1740) was devoted to ostentatious amusements (balls, fireworks, tableaux), and in the summer of 1734 ordered the appointment of Jean-Baptiste Landé as dancing-master in the military academy she had founded in 1731 for sons of the nobility. In 1738, he became ballet master and head of the new ballet school, launching the advanced study of ballet in Russia, and winning the patronage of elite families.
France provided many leaders such as Charles Didelot in St Petersburg (1801-1831), Jules Perrot(1848-1859) and Arthur Saint-Léon (1859-69).
In the early 19th century, the theaters were opened up to anyone who could afford a ticket. A seating section called a rayok, or 'paradise gallery', consisted of simple wooden benches. This allowed non-wealthy people access to the ballet, because tickets in this section were inexpensive.
One author describes the Imperial ballet as “unlike that of any other country in the world…the most prestigious of the ballet troupes were those attached to the state-supported theatres. The directors of these companies were personally appointed by the tsar, and all the dancers were, in a sense, Imperial servants. In the theatre, the men in the audience always remained standing until the tsar entered his box and, out of respect, after the performance they remained in their places until he had departed. Curtain calls were arranged according to a strict pattern: first, the ballerina bowed to the tsar’s box, then to that of the theater director, and finally to the general public.
文章题目Aquaculture in New Zealand
重复年份20160114 20151031 20121124 20110212
题型小标题 7+人名理论配对 3+句子填空 3
文章大意新西兰水产养殖,介绍了新西兰一种新型保护海底动物多样性兼顾商业运作 的方式一 aquaculture , 其发展遇到的问题及前景。
14. vi (一个受益的村庄)
15. vii (company’s profit)
16. 选含 limitation 的那项
17. 选含 concerns to environment 的那项
18. 选含 alternative explanation 的那项
19. 选含 research 的那项
20. 选含 science and business 的那项
24. polyculture/aquaculture
25. commercial partner
26. market value/high price
文章题目We have star performers
重复年份20160114 20121124
题型段落细节配对 4+判断 4+填空 5
文章大意人才与天赋,讨论人才和选人标准之间的论证。讲公司考核员工主要的依据, talents, 文章批判了传统的观点(才能是与生俱来的,是不变的,是需要公 司去发现的)。文章先用一段肯定了有才能的人的存在,然后分段讲到,才 能是随时间变化的,是不能被精确度量的,是可以凭努力换来的。
28 One example from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins bigger stars F
29 One failed company that believes stars rather than system B
30 One suggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the competition nowadays G
31 One metaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of hiring stars. C
32 McKinsey who wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge influence made by this book. NG
33 Economic condition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or not a country would prefer to hire foreign employees. YES
34 The collapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident instead of company’s management mistake. NO
35 Football clubs that focus making stars in YES
An investigation carried out on 1000 36 analysts of a survey by Harvard Business Review found a company hire a 37 star has negative effects. For instance, they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the 38 working environment that they used to be. They move faster than wall street and increase their 39 salary. Secondly, they faced rejections or refuse from those 40 rivals within the team. Lastly, the one who made mistakes had been punished by selling his/her stock share.
文章题目Children's adults
重复年份20151219 20140802 20111026
题型选择 4+句子配对 4+判断 4+简答 1
文章题目Odd and curious money
重复年份20161103 20130427B 20080831
20041120 20040529 20040131200604222005090320050709
题型单选 5,配对 8
选择 5
中国 19 世纪用的货币是:silver ingots
15. 泰国用虎骨做钱币的原因:it is hard to obtain
16. 用狗牙做项链:worth a higher value
17. 用鲸鱼的一部分项链:the chief of a tribe
18. Cross 货币如何制造的:pouring the melting iron in a sand mould.
配对 8
19. Tanumu..gin: 把银质奢侈品融化制成
20. obans:最重的日本货币
21. Penny: 形状不能打破,否则失去价值和灵魂
22. Cross:在津巴布韦地区依然沿用
23. 巴比伦货币:现代货币的来源
24. Japanese family tree:用在亚洲北部的几个国家 25. dog teeth: 给自己的新娘准备的项链
26. 鲸鱼骨:宗教意义和部落首领
文章题目An ancient city- Titris Hoyuk
重复年份20161022 20130829
题型段落信息配对 5,填空 6,多选 2
文章大意本文主要介绍了 Titris Hoyuk 的城市规划以及建筑特点
段落信息配对 5
14. An introduction of the equipment applied by the archaeologists to
the site of itris. (D)
15. An explanation of the simple access to the research on the Titris city.
16. An account of how agriculture communities turned into urban cities.
17. An indication of the Titris people used the houses more than
purpose. (F)
18. A mention of where loyal people lived. (A)
填空 6
19. In the centre of the residential building is a courtyard.
A doorway gives access to the house where Titris lived.
21. The number of cooking areas indicates that extended families lived in
the house.
22. Archaeologists thought oval basins which are part of the house are
prepared for treating raw materials.
23. The researchers believed that the people in Titris turned sheep's wool
into fabric.
24. The Titris people have a tomb at home which is uncommon in present-day
多选 2
Which are the TWO reasons for the growth of cities?
A. geographical locations
B. ambitious leaders
C. existence of communication network
D. desire for social communication
E. knowledge of building techniques
雅思阅读判断题Not Given套路相关文章:
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