同义词替换原则妙用, 雅思阅读高分必备技。小编给大家带来了雅思阅读正确答题顺序,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
同义词替换原则妙用 雅思阅读高分必备技
1. 同义词/近义词替换
比如:lead to -> result in, reason-> factor, effect -> impact, army -> military等等。这种替换最为直接, 也是最容易识别的。
然后, 许多考生头脑里的词汇往往都是独立存在, 没有进行任何的归类总结, 即使是最容易识别的替换, 往往也会与之失之交臂。因此, 每当我在带来考生做阅读题时, 我都会让他们把每一道题答案的出处标记出来, 仔细对比题目和原文之间的替换,把同义词近义词整理在一起, 便于复习记忆。 见得多了, 考生就会掌握这种“雅思风”的替换原则, 形成高效的题感。
2. 词性发生改变。
词性替换主要是指题目中的关键信息与原文中的内容词性发生了变化。这样的替换相对来说,难度系数偏低,只需要考生能够识别出相同的词根即可。如剑桥4中有一道段落小标题配对中, 出现了形容词和名词之间的转换。
3. 同类词替换。
同类词替换是指,原文和题目中出现的替换词, 不属于同义词, 但是彼此是包含关系。 比如military这个词出现的频率非常高, 经常被替换成battlefield, weapon,war,这些词和military意思并不相近,但都跟军事有关,他们属于同一范畴,有包含关系。
主动语态转被动语, 这种替换其实特别容易识别,建议考生但凡看到题目中出现了被动语态, 马上就要条件反射预想到文章中会出现主动语态。 比如剑桥4中的一道summary:
题目:In the experiment described in Part 2, a set of word 33 was used to investigate whether...
原文:We gave a list of twenty pairs of words to ....
这里原文提到的我们给出的东西其实就是题目中所说的被用来做调查的东西, 只是在甄选填写哪个单词时要留意list=set, pair of words=word pairs, 因此答案就是pairs。
5. 上下义词的替换。
例如剑桥4中Volcano这篇文章, 有一个标题选项是Volcanoes and the features of our planet. 其对应的段落中则出现了made stable atmosphere, provided water for the oceans, rivers and ice-caps, rifted continents, raised mountain chains, constructed island and shaped the topography of the earth. 此处our planet就是earth, features指的就是大气,大洲, 岛屿等等。很显然这个段落讲述的就是火山与地球的特点之间的关系。
虽然同义替换在阅读中给考生设置了许多障碍,但是倘若考生能够用心观察积累这些同义替换, 反而可以充分利用雅思的这一“替换”原则,在文章并非完全看懂的情况下,仍然高效率的找出答案。比如:在填空类的题目中考生只要能够识别空格前后实词的同义替换,往往就可以轻松找到答案。
此处可见, 题目和原文几乎是一一对应的替换, 因此, 即使有不认识的单词也没有关系。
题目:the treetop research
What is the TreeTop Barbie project?
TreeTop Barbie was designed to inspire youth - especially young girls - to become aware of the field of the forest canopy. She is a real Barbie doll, but wears hand-tailored clothes that are modeled on real field clothes and climbing gear, including a field guide to canopy plants and animals (both Barbie- and human-sized). The TreeTop Barbie package includes the doll and a personal letter from Barbie about forests and their importance to people.
What issues does this project address?
TreeTop Barbie can serve as a role model to encourage young girls in directions that are alternatives to the mainstream Barbie doll and what she represents in our society. TreeTop Barbie and her accompanying educational materials also provide a link between youth and an exciting part of the natural world in tropical and temperate ecosystems.
How can I get a TreeTop Barbie?
TreeTop Barbie is distributed by The International Canopy Network (ICAN)? a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting forest canopy conservation through research and education. Funds generated will support this and other outreach activities.
Exploration of forest canopies is no easy task—since researchers can't cross between
tree-tops? they have to clamber up trunks, explore, descend, and then climb the next. Or they did, until the advent of the Sol Vin Bretzel Canopy Raft.
A canopy raft is, basically, an inflatable PVC pontoon frame with high-tension netting spread between. They're pre-inflated and lifted into positioned via airship, dirigible, or helicopter. Once in position, the rafts are set down among the tree-tops, allowing researchers unfettered access to the uppermost reaches of the forest ecosystem. Scientists can observe from the raft? rappel from it too—they can even live on its temporary floor for several days at a time.
The pretzel shape of the raft in the top image is known as a Sol Vin Bretzel, created by architect Gilles Ebersolt (yes,like "Pretzel" but in German),a recent design that replaced the previous, octagonal raft shape. Its unique 400m2 area offers numerous advantages over its predecessors. Itrs a more structurally sound platform that maximizes surface area, preventing any outlying section from folding or collapsing. It‘s also extremely lightweight——meaning it doesn't crush the new growth of the canopy upon which it rests.
14. E opinion of experts on a certain access method have changed
15. D a desc ription of physical limitation of a certain access
17. A the details of ecological and environmental of canory
18. B a desc ription of lack of cooperation and research
19. c
20. e
21. a
22. d
23. b
24. asserts
25. ballon
题目:Leister Curve
1. The first paragraph has referred the purpose Challenge the traditional architecture
2. The desc ription of the theatre which is the correct one aptly named
3. make the building process completed
5有个建筑开建之前已经获得认可had a permit-NO
临街的人能看到 people on-view
Large vehicles
题型:段落细节匹配5+填空4+选择 4
这是一篇关于coyote郊狼从野外到城市里生存的文章,郊狼转战城市的原因是森林面积减 少,此狼食肉动物,而且适应能力极强,而且在狼逐步灭绝的过程中,郊狼已成为顶端动物,虽天生具有攻击性,但其实即使居住在城市里对于人类也不会具有攻击性。往往郊狼最终攻击了人类的事情,其原因也是源自于人类的善意,比如人类有的想要保护郊狼然后就看到狼就喂食,而这种对于天性和本能的改变导致郊狼会有仇视产生攻击心理。郊狼在城市里的居住地范围不会占据大面积,有个小块儿隐蔽的地方就可以,但专家不会透露具体地址。郊狼在城市 里的危险是被撞死然后作者说保护郊狼和赶走郊狼是两难境界,但其实人类只要允许 这群郊狼野性地自由成长就不会有大危险。
Passage 3 :
题目:Thinking for themselves
这是一篇关于对动物认知能力的研究。很多人认为动物不会像人类一样有认知能力,但有个倔强的研究者就拿来一鹦鹉做研究,最后鹦鹉除了会说语言,还会认数字,还有区别事物的能力,之后探讨动物的creativity,由于世人觉得狗不能作为研究对象然后研究者拿鸟做研究,有一种叫jay(松鸦)的鸟,那只鸟叫betty有着晾人的创造力她可以根据自己要取食物的需求自己找类似物做个钩子,研究是让别的鸟偷走betty的钩子以为betty会去 寻找丟失的钩子,但事实并没有,betty看到一个电线,然后卷成了钩子,麵食物,专家们都惊诧了,好赞。然后接着用鸟做例子,说明其实动物也是有心机的,她们可以根据经验判断谁是敌人然后做出相应心机婊举动保护自己。最后用海肠证明动物超强的模仿力但事实上有些专家还是不认可动物的认知能力,其实是他们老伴随着变化而先把对于事物的定义给改喽
文章题目We have star performers
重复年份20160114 20121124
题型段落细节配对 4+判断 4+填空 5
文章大意人才与天赋,讨论人才和选人标准之间的论证。讲公司考核员工主要的依据, talents,
文章批判了传统的观点(才能是与生俱来的,是不变的,是需要公 司去发现的)。文章先用一段肯定了有才能的人的存在,然后分段讲到,才
28 One example from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins
bigger stars F
29 One failed company that believes stars rather than system B
30 One suggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the
competition nowadays G
31 One metaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of
hiring stars. C
32 McKinsey who wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge
influence made by this book. NG
33 Economic condition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or
not a country would prefer to hire foreign employees. YES
34 The collapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident
instead of company’s management mistake. NO
35 Football clubs that focus making stars in YES
An investigation carried out on 1000 36 analysts of a survey by Harvard
Business Review found a company hire a 37 star has negative effects. For
instance, they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the 38 working
environment that they used to be. They move faster than wall street and increase
their 39 salary. Secondly, they faced rejections or refuse from those 40 rivals
within the team. Lastly, the one who made mistakes had been punished by selling
his/her stock share.
文章题目The influence of social network to people's loneliness
重复年份20140920 20130622
题型配对 6+选择 4+判断 4
交媒体使人变得更加孤独,有些人却不同意。在大学生中做了一个调查,结 果表明孤独感与人们花时间在社交媒体上无关。社交媒体会使人变得焦虑,
Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, suggests that
his recent research shows that online social media use, rather than making us as
users feel inter-connected, contributes to overall life dis-satisfaction and
This side-effect can have drastic results, considering over 1.1 billion
users around the world are linked up on Facebook alone.
The study monitored 82 participants’ feelings and well-being, compared to
their social media use, over a long period of time. This kind of LONG TERM
comparative research was the first of its kind to be conducted.
The main correlation result was: the more time spent on social media, the
less happy you will be over time.
A separate study in 2010 conducted by Carnegie Mellon University discovered
that when users are DIRECTLY interacting with social media friends, such as
posting pictures and status updates, tagging photos, or liking things, their
sociability and well-being increased.
However, the dangerous part of our social media use stems from the time we
are passively consuming social media content, which represents a majority of
user time spent on these platforms. This passive consumption of other peoples
idealized vacations, days off, meals, boyfriends, family, etc. led users to feel
lonely and unsatisfied with their own lives, despite how eschewed this
perception of others lives ACTUALLY is.
Thus, social media has forced us to face a grave paradox: social media
claims to be the platform that can connect users with their friends, family,
community and the like within seconds, and this is true; however, never before
have we experienced more isolation than we are now as a result. Our obsession
with our digital social media lives is beginning to take precedence over our
physical, here-and-now lives, resulting in our inability to interact with real
people, and enjoy life’s current moments without being distracted by how this
will be portrayed on social media.
文章题目Expert in musician
重复年份20160130 20140517
题型选择 4+判断 6+填空 4
文章大意天赋是遗传先天的还是靠练习,主要以音乐为例。讨论坚持不懈对成功的作 用和他们的关系。首先探讨了毅力是否是成功的必要条件,并阐述了众多学
家就此提出的各类观点。在论证天才是不是也需要坚持不懈时,举例了莫扎 特一个人坚持找工作的过程。最后证明了坚持不懈和成功的关系密切。
部分参考答案: 选择:
1. what's the definition of talent in the first paragraph
brain structure different from others
2. what can we learn from violin players?
Not sure the change of brain size is the cause of effect of practice
3. the result of findings by experts suggest
Talent may have little to do with ....
1. ericsson's study has influenced other researchers. NG
2. the other areas have one thing in common. Y
3. whose who becoe world scale practice regularly every day NG
4. anyone who practiced over 10.000 will become a talent N
5. current learning and cognitive skills support the practice theory Y
Receive a lot of practice from his father. .... first symphony at the age
of four....not
popular...but not inherited.
