GRE阅读提升词汇量5本经典小说推荐 ,拓展课外阅读量还能学好词汇,快来一起学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
MIDDLEMARCH by George Elliot
19世纪的小说并不适合所有人阅读,但这些小说普遍具有的特点就是对提升GRE词汇量很有帮助。当然读这类小说建议大家最好结合方便查词的工具进行阅读,因为生词量是比较大的。George Elliot的小说文字优美,笔下人物虽然性格多有缺陷并不完美却栩栩如生,其勾勒出的生活色彩让小说具有很强的可读性和吸引力。
LOLITA or PNIN by Vladimir Nabokov
TO THE LIGHTHOUSE by Virginia Woolf
THE HOUSE OF MIRTH by Edith Wharton
In the United States between 1850 and 1880, the number of farmers continued to increase, but at a rate lower than that of the general population.
Which of the following statements directly contradicts the information presented above?
A The number of farmers in the general population increased slightly in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
B The rate of growth of the United States labor force and the rate of growth of the general population rose simultaneously in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
C The proportion of farmers in the United States labor force remained constant in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880.
D The proportion of farmers in the United States labor force decreased from 64 percent in 1850 to 49 percent in 1880.
E The proportion of farmers in the general population increased from 68 percent in 1850 to 72 percent in 1880.
The given sentence indicates that the proportion of farmers in the general population decreased from 1850 to 1880. Choice E says exactly the opposite — that this proportion increased — and therefore it contradicts the passage and is the correct response. Choice A is incorrect because it agrees with the given sentence, and Choices B, C, and D are all incorrect because they refer to the labor force, about which the given sentence says nothing.
Observations of the Arctic reveal that the Arctic Ocean is covered by less ice each summer than the previous summer. If this warming trend continues, within 50 years the Arctic Ocean will be ice free during the summer months. This occurrence would in itself have little or no effect on global sea levels, since the melting of ice floating in water does not affect the water level. However, serious consequences to sea levels would eventually result, because __________.
22. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
(A) large masses of floating sea ice would continue to form in the wintertime
(B) significant changes in Arctic sea temperatures would be accompanied by changes in sea temperatures in more temperate parts of the world
(C) such a warm Arctic Ocean would trigger the melting of massive landbased glaciers in the Arctic
(D) an ice-free Arctic Ocean would support a very different ecosystem than it does presently
(E) in the spring, melting sea ice would cause more icebergs to be created and to drift south into shipping routes
To logically complete the passage’s open-ended “because,” something is needed that will explain why the continuation of the warming trend would have serious consequences for sea levels. The passage explains that the melting of the Arctic Ocean ice will not affect sea levels because the contribution that the water contained in that ice makes to sea levels is the same whether the water is frozen or liquid. But Choice C points to a way in which increasing temperatures in the Arctic could add water to the ocean, namely by melting ice on the land. So Choice C logically completes the passage and is the correct answer.
Given that the passage has already explained that melting sea ice does not affect sea levels, the formation of sea ice described in Choice A does not explain why there would be consequences for sea levels.
Choices B, D, and E all describe possible consequences of increased temperatures in the Arctic, but none of these consequences suggests a mechanism by which sea levels would change. So none of these options provides a logical completion for the passage.
Saturn’s giant moon Titan is the only planetary satellite with a significant atmosphere and the only body in the solar system other than Earth that has a thick atmosphere dominated by molecular nitrogen. For a long time, the big question about Titan’s atmosphere was how it could be so thick, given that Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Callisto, which are the same size as Titan, have none. The conditions for acquiring and retaining a thick nitrogen atmosphere are now readily understood. The low temperature of the protosaturnian nebula enabled Titan to acquire the moderately volatile compounds methane and ammonia (later converted to nitrogen) in addition to water. The higher temperatures of Jupiter’s moons, which were closer to the Sun, prevented them from acquiring such an atmosphere.
According to the passage, Titan differs atmospherically from Ganymede and Callisto because of a difference in
A rate of heat loss
B proximity to the Sun
C availability of methane and ammonia
D distance from its planet
E size
The paragraph discusses Titan’s thick atmosphere and explains the conditions under which a body can have a thick atmosphere.
According to the last two sentences of the paragraph, Titan was able to acquire an atmosphere because of a prevailing low temperature, but Ganymede and Callisto could not because they were at a higher temperature. Because the reason for this difference in temperature was their respective distances from the sun, Choice B is correct. The passage says nothing about differences in rate of heat loss, availability of methane andammonia, or distance from their planets, and it explicitly states that the three moons are the same size.
Sparva, unlike Treland’s other provinces, requires automobile insurers to pay for any medical treatment sought by someone who has been involved in an accident; in the other provinces, insurers pay for nonemergency treatment only if they preapprove the treatment. Clearly, Sparva’s less restrictive policy must be the explanation for the fact that altogether insurers there pay for far more treatments after accidents than insurers in other provinces, even though Sparva does not have the largest population.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
(A) Car insurance costs more in Sparva than in any other province.
(B) The cost of medical care in Sparva is higher than the national average.
(C) Different insurance companies have different standards for determining what constitutes emergency treatment.
(D) Fewer insurance companies operate in Sparva than in any other province.
(E) There are fewer traffic accidents annually in Sparva than in any of the provinces of comparable or greater population.
The passage tells us that in Sparva automobile insurers pay for far more medical treatments after accidents than they do in Treland’s other provinces. The passage concludes that the explanation is to be found in the difference in legal requirements for insurers in Sparva as compared to other provinces.
The question asks you to identify among the answer choices a fact that would support the passage’s argument. The explanation offered in the passage can be supported by ruling out other explanations that might, given the information presented in the passage, appear likely. One obvious explanation for there being more medical treatments in Sparva is that there are more accidents there. Choice E rules out that explanation. So Choice E strengthens the argument in the passage and is the correct answer. Choices A and D each present consequences that are likely results of insurers in Sparva having to pay for more medical treatments. But neither bears on the cause of insurers having to pay for more treatments. Choice B does not strengthen the argument and may weaken it. A higher cost of medical care provides additional motivation for people to seek insurance payments to cover whatever post-accident care they receive. So Choice B might weaken the argument by providing an alternative explanation for insurers paying for more medical treatments in Sparva. According to the passage, whether treatment is emergency treatment is, in other provinces, an important criterion in determining insurers’ responsibility. But since this criterion does not apply in Sparva, Choice C is not directly relevant to the point that the passage is trying to establish.
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