GRE单词对于绝大部分同学来说难度很大,起初同学们会凭直觉认为单词越长越难背。但是,经历过一段时间的学习后,大家发觉那些构词比 较简单的单词反而更难以掌握,特别是以字母 D , T , S , 开头,由5-6个字母组成的单词。其次, GRE 考试多次出现一词多义的考题,所以单纯地依靠“刷单词”,考生未必能掌握出题人实际考察的意思。
因此,针对 Word Polishing 比较好的学习方法是,在真题练习中,通过上下文的意思理解并掌握单词。
Mothers of twins do not just get twice the bundle of joy—they are also healthier than other mothers
THROUGHOUT history, twins have provoked mixed feelings. Sometimes they were seen as a curse—an unwanted burden on a family’s resources. Sometimes they were viewed as a blessing, or even as a sign of their father’s superior virility. But if Shannen Robson and Ken Smith, of the University of Utah, are right, twins have more to do with their mother’s sturdy constitution than their father’s sexual power.
At first blush, this sounds an odd idea. After all, bearing and raising twins is taxing, both for the mother and for the children. Any gains from having more than one offspring at a time might be expected to be like higher infant and maternal mortality rates. On this view, twins are probably an accidental by-product of a natural insurance policy against the risk of losing an embryo early in gestation. That would explain why many more twins are conceived than born, and why those born are so rare (though more common these days, with the rise of IVF). They account for between six and 40 live births per 1,000, depending on where the mother lives.
Dr Robson and Dr Smith, however, think that this account has got things the wrong way round. Although all women face a trade-off between the resources their bodies allocate to reproduction and those reserved for the maintenance of health, robust women can afford more of both than frail ones. And what surer way to signal robustness than by bearing more than one child at a time? In other words, the two researchers conjectured, the mothers of twins will not only display greater overall reproductive success, they will also be healthier than those who give birth only to singletons.
Alas, pinning down evolved relationships between fertility and health is tricky. Modern medicine and the pampering effects of economic growth mean that, these days, women everywhere give birth to fewer children than they did in the distant evolutionary past, when human bodies and physiology were forged—even as more of the offspring they do bear survive into adulthood. In Europe and North America this demographic transition began in earnest around 1870.
One way round this is to look at records gathered before the demographic transition began. The problem is that few authorities then kept tabs diligently enough to provide adequate fodder for statistical analysis. One exception was Utah, a state largely settled in its early days by Mormons, who have always taken such matters seriously. As a result, Utah’s Pedigree and Population Resource, a database of which Dr Smith is the director, contains 1.6m genealogical records for people in the state from the early 1800s to the 1970s.
围绕着寻找记录及合并的方法要在人口过渡开始前完成。这个问题是只有很少的当局会勤奋的为统计分析提供足够的材料保持制表符。一个例外是犹他州,在早期有摩门教徒定居在此,他们总是严肃的对待事情。结果,在史密斯博士作为主管的一个数据库中,犹他州的血统和人口资源包括160万份在早期的1800世纪到 1970世纪中居住于此的居民的家谱记录。
To test their theory that the bearers of twins are supermums, Dr Robson and Dr Smith scoured the records for women born between 1807 and 1899 who survived past the age of 50, when the menopause typically strikes. They excluded those married more than once, those widowed before they were 50 and also (this being Utah) those wives who were part of one of the polygamous marriages once legal among the state’s Mormon settlers. (In a study published earlier this year, Dr Smith and his colleagues found that the more wives a Mormon woman had to compete with for her husband’s attentions, the fewer children she was likely to produce.) This left them with some 59,000 women, around 4,600 of whom had given birth to twins at least once.
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To assess the effects of the demographic transition, the two researchers split the sample into women born before 1870 and those born in or after it. The results, just published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, confirm their hypothesis. Mothers of twins in the pre-1870 batch gave birth, on average, to 1.9 more children than the mothers of singletons. Those in the post-1870 batch had 2.3 more. More importantly, from an evolutionary point of view, more of their children made it to maturity. The mothers of twins in the pre-1870 batch had 1.24 more children who survived past the age of 18 than did other mothers. After that date the figure was 1.56.
为了评估人口过渡的影响,这两名研究员分头对在1870年前和在这时及之后进行生产的妇女进行取样。结果公布在英国皇家学会学报上以证明他们的假说。在 1870年前生产双胞胎的母亲平均比生一个的多生1.9个孩子。这在1870年后就变为多于2.3个了。更重要的是,从一个逐渐发展的角度来看,她们的孩子会更成熟。比起其她母亲来说,在1870年以前生育双胞胎的母亲会有多于1.24个孩子,这些孩子更能活到18岁。之后这个数据变成了1.56。
Of course, having twins automatically increases a mother’s lifetime fertility by one, relative to her number of pregnancies. But, since few women have twins more than once, the data imply that mothers of twins are more productive, even ignoring that effect. Moreover, they also outperformed the mothers of singletons on a range of other reproductive measures, including intervals between births (shorter) and the age at which they gave birth to their last child (older).
Most strikingly, the pre-1870 group of mothers of twins actually lived longer than those who were not thus blessed. They were, in other words, simply healthier. This suggests that, in evolutionary terms at least, twins are far from a curse. On the contrary, they are indeed the mark of a supermum.
热门GRE阅读背景材料 抗击咖啡锈病
WHEN Jesus Maria Aguirre saw his coffee bushes wither away, he knew that he had lost the sole source of income for his family. “We would go to collect coffee and would come back with our baskets nearly empty,” says the Colombian grower, recalling the pernicious effects of the “coffee rust” fungus, or roya.
The fungus stunts the growth of the fruit of arabica coffee plants. It infected about 40% of Colombia's crop between 2008 and 2012. Production plunged from a high of 12.6m 60kg bags a year in 2007 to just 7.7m bags in 2012. As supply from Colombia shrank, international buyers turned to growers elsewhere.
这种真菌阻滞了阿拉比卡豆咖啡树果实的生长。在2008年至2012年间,它已经使哥伦比亚 40%的作物受到了感染,产量因此由2007年的峰值1260万袋60公斤的咖啡豆暴跌至2012年的仅770万袋。随着哥伦比亚的咖啡供应量的萎缩,国际上的咖啡买家开始向其它咖啡生产地寻求供应。
What Mr Aguirre went through then is now the lot of farmers throughout Central America, the Dominican Republic, southern Mexico and Jamaica. Production there fell by 30% between 2011 and 2013 because of roya, reckons the International Coffee Organisation. USAID thinks it has caused $1 billion of economic damage in Latin America since 2012. This time Colombians are the ones taking advantage.
On his farm on the slopes of the country's central mountain range, Mr Aguirre today presides over 1.5 hectares (4 acres) of healthy bushes plump with red berries. For yields to recover, he had to yank up fungus-prone bushes and plant a new variety that promised to fight off the blight. He was one of thousands of farmers who joined in a countrywide scheme run by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, which represents more than 500,000 independent growers. By June 2014 more than 3 billion bushes had been replanted.
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Three-quarters of them were replaced with a roya-resistant variety known as Castillo, which had been developed in the labs of Cenicafé, the coffee federation's research arm, after 13 years of selective breeding. Lindsey Bolger, head coffee buyer for Keurig Green Mountain, a roaster in the United States, said the industry was “on pins and needles” about whether the Castillo would work. It has. Colombia produced 11.5m bags in the 12 months to June 2014, up by 31% on the previous 12-month period, according to the coffee federation. Buyers are coming back.
这些咖啡树中的四分之三被一种被称为“卡斯蒂罗”的 “抗罗亚”品种替代,此品种是由哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室经过13年精心选育开发出来的。林塞·博尔捷,美国绿山咖啡烘焙公司的首席采购,在谈及 “卡斯蒂罗”能否担任恢复产量重任时,形容咖啡产业对此是“如坐针毡”。事实上,“卡斯蒂罗”做到了。据咖啡联合会数据,截至2014年6月的12个月内,哥伦比亚出产了1150万袋咖啡豆,比上个同期的产量增长了31%。采购商们又把目光开始投回哥伦比亚。
Fernando Gast, Cenicafé's director, says seeds of the Castillo coffee plants have been sent to Mexico, El Salvador and Costa Rica for evaluation. But he warns that Colombia's success story is not directly transferable to Central America. The Castillo variety was created for Colombia's needs and may not adapt to Central America's soil and climate, he says.
Cenicafé's 89 researchers cannot rest easy, either. They are working on a project to map the coffee genome. That should help them develop new varieties that will not only resist roya, which is continuously evolving, but will also be less susceptible to erratic weather. The search for a stronger brew is never over.