抽象名词可以举出很多例 子, 诸 如 reason,idea,definition… 我 们 以definition 为例,definition 的意思是“定义,解释”,一篇文章中可能会出现对多个专家学者对某一特定现象的解释或阐释,那么在这篇文章中,每一个学者说过的话,都是一个“definition”,如此一来,如果我们选择某一题目中的“definition”作为定位词,那么该题目便无法对应到文章中的具体部分,显然就无法进一步解答了。
雅思阅读中涉及到的时间非常多,大到世纪,小到分秒。时间同样是一类适合选择作为定位词的“特殊词”。时间的特性之一便是其唯一性,而这恰恰符合我们选择定位词的要求,诸如 1985、二十世纪等都是唯一且确定的时间,同样容易发现,且不易替换。更不用说年份这类词尝尝是以阿拉伯数字形式出现的,就更加显眼了!
例如数字上容易出现特殊情况的百分数。《剑桥雅思 7》Test 2 Passage 3 的第 34题 :
“The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area.”中选择“20%”作为定位词,而回到文章中却根本没有发现 20% 这个数字,实际上就是考官耍了一个小trick,20% outside 在文章中变成了 80% within。
所以,当用百分数 X 作为定位词没有找到对应时,我们要去寻找 1-X。
例 如, 剑 7 Test 1 Passage 2 中 第 22 题:
“Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation systems.”中的“irrigation systems”,即灌溉系统一词,大多数烤鸭初看该词并不知道其准确意思,但是它属于要以宾语名词为主的情况,且本身就是一个专有名词,文中该词也是以原词形式出现的。
同样的情况也适用于第 26 题:
“In the future, governments should maintain ownership of water infrastructures.”的“infrastructures”一词。
什么是“顺序原则”?即雅思官方在题型特点注释中所述的“Answers are in passage order.”若某题型符合这一描述,考生可以顺着题号一题一题地往文章更靠后的位置找答案。
顺序原则与题型:宏观地看一篇雅思阅读文章包涵的全部题型,答案分布的顺序也符合题型出现的先后顺序,例如全文包含先判断题,后填空题这两种题型,则较有可能出现的情况是判断题答案分布在文章的前半部分,而填空题在文章后半部分。例如: 剑桥雅思真题集系列7,Test 4 Passage 1: 前7题判断题分布于前6个段落,剩下的段落填空题分布于第9段,和前面7段无关。
接下来说说哪些题型符合“Answers are in passage order”(我们把题型总体分成四大类:判断、选择、填空和配对)
1.判断题,包括identifying information(TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN)和identifying writer’s views(YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)均严格符合“顺序原则”。
3.填空题,(在此我们把所有要填单词作答的题型全部归为填空题),除段落概括填空(summary completion)以外,简答题(short answer questions)、句子填空(sentence completion)、表格填空(table completion)、笔记填空(notes completion)、流程图填空(flow-chart completion)和示意图填空(diagram labeling)均符合“顺序原则”。针对段落概括填空,我们可以默认它也为顺序原则,但需要做好个别答案乱序的心理准备(例如C7T4P1(Ant Intelligence)、C8T2P2(The Little Ice Age)
4.配对题。字面理解,“配对”即把混乱的项与相应部分对应起来,因此配对题很自然就是乱序的,包括段落标题配对(matching headings)、段落信息配对(matching information)、人名与陈述配对(matching people to statements)和事件与时间段配对(matching events to time periods)等。
需要注意的是,顺序原则仅适用于同一题型内,若跨越了题型,就不一定了。例如:剑桥雅思C9T1Q18-26,18题至20题为short answer questions,21题至26题为identifying writer’s views,两种题型均符合顺序原则,但是20题的答案在文章的相应位置并不一定出现在21题答案的相应位置之前。
Economic Evolution
A Living along the Orinoco River that borders Brazil and Venezuela are the Yanomam people, hunter-gatherers whose average annual income has been estimated at the equivalent of $90 per person per year. Living along the Hudson River that borders New York State and New Jersey are the Manhattan people, consumer traders whose average annual income has been estimated at $36,000 per person per year. That dramatic difference of 400 times, however, pales in comparison to the differences in Stock Keeping Units (SKUs, a measure of the number of types of retail products available), which has been estimated at 300 for the Yanomam and 10 billion for the Manhattans, a difference of 33 million times.
B How did this happen? According to economist Eric D. Beinhocker, who published these calculations in his revelatory work The Origin of Wealth (Harvard Business School Press, 2006), the explanation is to be found in complexity theory. Evolution and economics are not just analogous to each other, but they are actually two forms of a larger phenomenon called complex adaptive systems, in which individual elements, parts or agents interact, then process information and adapt their behavior to changing conditions. Immune systems, ecosystems, language, the law and the Internet are all examples of complex adaptive systems.
C In biological evolution, nature selects from the variation produced by random genetic mutations and the mixing of parental genes. Out of that process of cumulative selection emerges complexity and diversity. In economic evolution, our material economy proceeds through the production and selection of numerous permutations of countless products. Those 10 billion products in the Manhattan village represent only those variations that made it to market, after which there is a cumulative selection by consumers in the marketplace for those deemed most useful:VHS over Betamax, DVDs over VHS, CDs over vinyl records, flip phones over brick phones, computers over typewriters, Google over Altavista, SUVs over station wagons, paper books over e-books (still), and Internet news over network news (soon).Those that are purchased “survive” and "reproduce" into the future through repetitive use and remanufacturing.
D As with living organisms and ecosystems, the economy looks designed—so just as humans naturally deduce the existence of a top-down intelligent designer, humans also (understandably) infer that a top-down government designer is needed in nearly every aspect of the economy. But just as living organisms are shaped from the bottom up by natural selection, the economy is molded from the bottom up by the invisible hand. The correspondence between evolution and economics is not perfect, because some top-down institutional rules and laws are needed to provide a structure within which free and fair trade can occur. But too much top-down interference into the marketplace makes trade neither free nor fair. When such attempts have been made in the past they have failed—because markets are far too complex, interactive and autocatalytic to be designed from the top down. In his 1922 book, Socialism, Ludwig Von Mises spelled out the reasons why, most notably the problem of “economic calculation” in a planned socialist economy. In capitalism, prices are in constant and rapid flux and are determined from below by individuals freely exchanging in the marketplace. Money is a means of exchange, and prices are the information people use to guide their choices. Von Mises demonstrated that socialist economies depend on capitalist economies to determine what prices should be assigned to goods and services. And they do so cumbersomely and inefficiently. Relatively free markets are, ultimately, the only way to find out what buyers are willing to pay and what sellers are willing to accept.
E Economics helps to explain how Yanomam-like hunter-gatherers evolved into Manhattan-like consumer-traders. In the Nineteenth century French economist Frederic Bastiat well captured the principle: “Where goods do not cross frontiers, armies will." In addition to being fierce warriors, the Yanomam are also sophisticated traders, and the more they trade the less they fight. The reason is that trade is a powerful social adhesive that creates political alliances. One village cannot go to another village and announce that they are worried about being conquered by a third, more powerful village—that would reveal weakness. Instead they mask the real motives for alliance through trade and reciprocal feasting. And, as a result, not only gain military protection but also initiate a system of trade that—in the long run—leads to an increase in both wealth and SKUs.
F Free and fair trade occurs in societies where most individuals interact in ways that provide mutual benefit. The necessary rules weren't generated by wise men in a sacred temple, or lawmakers in congress, but rather evolved over generations and were widely accepted and practiced before the law was ever written. Laws that fail this test are ignored. If enforcement becomes too onerous, there is rebellion. Yet the concept that human interaction must, and can be controlled by a higher force is universal. Interestingly, there is no widespread agreement on who the "higher force" is. Religious people ascribe good behavior to god's law. They cannot conceive of an orderly society of atheists. Secular people credit the government. They consider anarchy to be synonymous with barbarity. Everyone seems to agree on the concept that orderly society requires an omnipotent force. Yet, everywhere there is evidence that this is not so. An important distinction between spontaneous social order and social anarchy is that the former is developed by work and investment, under the rule of law and with a set of evolved morals while the latter is chaos. The classical liberal tradition of von Mises and Hayek never makes the claim that the complete absence of top-down rules leads to the optimal social order. It simply says we should be skeptical about our ability to manage them in the name of social justice, equality, or progress.
Questions 1-5
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement if false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
SKUs is a more precise measurement to demonstrate the economic level of a community.
No concrete examples are presented when the author makes the statement concerning economic evolution.
Evolution and economics show a defective homolog.
Martial actions might be taken to cross the borders if trades do not work.
Profit is the invisible hand to guide the market.
Questions 6-8
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 6-8 on your answer sheet.
6 What ought to play a vital role in each field the economy?
A a strict rule
B a smart strategy
C a tightly managed authority
D a powerful legislation
7-8 Which two of the following tools are used to pretend to ask for union according to one explanation from the perspective of economics
A an official announcement
B a diplomatic event
C the exchange of goods
D certain written correspondence
E some enjoyable treatment in a win-win situation
Questions 9-13
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.
In response to the search of reasons for the phenomenon shown by the huge difference in the income between two groups of people both dwelling near the rivers, several researchers made their effort and gave certain explanations. One attributes 9 to the interesting change claiming that it is not as simple as it seems to be in appearance that the relationship between 10 which is a good example of 11 , which involve in the interaction of separate factors for the processing of information as well as the behavioral adaptation to unstable conditions. As far as the biological transformation is concerned, both 12 and the blend of genes from the last generation bring about the difference. The economic counterpart shows how generating and choosing the 13 of innumerable goods moves forward the material-oriented economy.
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