雅思阅读总是在中等水平游走,高分可望而不可即。那么究竟怎样才能提高阅读分数,今天小编给大家带来了 雅思阅读低分四大症状,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
C5 p66-70 Disappearing Delta
Step 1. 浏览所有题型,划分考察范围
关注大标题和68页图示,Disappearing Delta,确定主题词Nile delta等类似词汇会高频出现,不作为定位词。
Step 2. 先读正序题,后读乱序题
因为有了如上考察模式,我们可以先读正序题A1,划出定位词Egypt’s Mediterranean和考点词erosion occurred before Aswan dams,由于A段不出小标题,我们可以直接搜索判断题的细节定位词,定到A段前两句,发现考点吻合(in the past, land scoured away from…),A1的答案为YES。
Step 3. 逐段阅读每段,完成每段会考察的题型,交叉做题(先正后乱)
现在到B段,很可能出判断题A2细节题,并且一定会出小标题B段主旨。于是先读正序题A2,划出定位词(Aswan dams)和考点词(people predicted… before dams were built)。回到B段,先读第一句话,发现后文是对首句话的细节补充,得出第一句话为主题句,标记TS(Topic Sentence)。然后顺着往后读,发现没有提到修建大坝之前,人们是否预测有海水侵蚀的事情。得出A2判断题答案NOT GIVEN。
B段后半截出现But也需要关注,但其实是通过介绍修大坝的目的,来呼应首句话,强调修大坝造成了泥沙被拦截,泥沙无法像之前那样自然地流到三角洲去填补侵蚀。于是回到66页划出每个小标题关键词,得出B段主旨的小标题为iv. Interrupting a natural process。
因为完成了A2,现在回到判断题A3,划出定位词(Aswan dams)和考点词(考修建目的是不是increase fertility)。由于刚才读B段But后就发现了修大坝目的,是provide electricity and irrigation…,考点不吻合,答案是NO。
1. 阅读缓慢症
time flies(时光飞逝)用来形容雅思阅读考试简直不能太贴切,基本80%以上的烤鸭们都面临着时间严重不够用这一大难题。还没做完第一篇,考官就开始 “40 mins left”, 基本来不及细看第三篇,阅读考试就结束了。这慌慌张张地读文,糊里糊涂地做题,怪不得大部分人出考场的第一句话都是“一切都要看天意了!”。其实,按照雅思官方(即那些母语为英语的英国人)的逻辑来说,1个小时解决3篇文章40道题是totally合理的!因为当你步入国外学习,等待你的就不仅仅是一个小时只看3篇文章那么简单了,也就是说如果你的阅读速度不够快的话,你是很难跟上国外课程的节奏的。那么,这阅读缓慢症我们到底应该怎么治呢?
首先,我们一定要明确一个大原则即:以题带读文章,不以做题为目的读文章在考场上是不推荐的,毕竟这是一场昂贵的应试考试,如果大家是想锻炼阅读能力,那么建议可以在课下多精读文章。如果是在考场上,那么我们就必须学会如何在文章上进行扫读和略读。我们可以拿下面这段话试一试:Maintaining a level of daily physical activity may help mental functioning, says Carl Cotman, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Irvine. 这句话中肯定有我们看着陌生的词汇比如neuroscientist,但是事实上它只是人物的身份介绍,对于我们做题功用性并不大。因此我们可以完全忽略读句子的后半句,只要获得physical activity help mental functioning这句信息即可。其实在每篇剑桥真题中,都有这样冗杂的信息,我们并不需要全部读懂这些内容。适当的一代而过最好不过了。
2. 定位盲目症
3. 词不答题症
第三类病症的选手往往能够锁定住答案出处,但是在答案的选择上经常搞出乌龙,笑点频出。很多时候他们对句子里基本的单词都认识,就是连到一起意思就乱套了。其实说到底着就是对长难句的分析不到位,当句子拎不清主干和从句,意思理解上也就费劲了。我们看如下这句话:Research carried out by scientists in the United States has shown that the proportion of people over 65 suffering from the most common age-related medical problems is ———. 作为一道填空题,这句话很少有学生能够一遍看明白。首先我们会发现句子的主语是research,提取主干的话,它的谓语动词应该是has shown, 宾语的位置换成了一句话,且答案空在这句话上,故我们题干的中心又落在到了这个宾语从句上,那么从句里很明显主语是the proportion of people 那么谓语动词成了is,根据词性搭配,我们要填的词判断是个形容词,所以把句子简化一下,我们就可理解是Research has shown that the proportion of people is 怎么样,然后通过题干中 United States,over 65快速定位,锁定答案。
雅思阅读练习题:Does online preschool program work?
Preschool is good for children, but it’s expensive.
Can 4-year-olds learn what they need to know for kindergarten by sitting in front of a computer for 15 minutes a day?
Utah is betting they can. This year, more than 6,600 children across the state are learning by logging on to laptops at home in a taxpayer-funded online preschool program that is unlike any other.
This is preschool without circle time on the carpet, free play with friends and real, live teachers. In online preschool, children navigate(航行)through a series of lessons, games and songs with the help of a computer mouse and two animated raccoons(浣熊)named Rusty and Rosy.
The Obama administration last year awarded an $11.5 million grant to expand the online program into rural communities to study how well it prepares children for kindergarten. Schools in South Carolina are testing it, and Idaho lawmakers are considering a pilot program(试点项目).
It’s a sign of the growing interest among educators in using technology to customize(定制)learning, even for the youngest children. It also gives children who might otherwise not get any preparation for elementary school a chance to experience an academic program.(这也给了那些上小学前原本可能没有任何准备的孩子一个机会来体验学习课程。) But it’s also missing some ingredients(成分)— especially social and emotional learning — that many experts and parents consider central to the education of young children.
Utah’s approach, which is far cheaper than traditional preschool programs and can reach students in the state’s most remote areas, is to some critics an example of a common problem: Lawmakers want to harness(利用)the oft-touted benefits of early-childhood education without investing enough to ensure quality. (犹他州的办法,虽然比传统学前方案便宜得多,而且能惠及该州最偏远地区的学生,但是在一些批评家看来,这种方法恰恰体现了一个常见的问题:为政者想利用孩子早期教育被经常吹嘘的种.种好处,却又投资不够以确保其品质。)
“It’s wishful thinking(异想天开) by state legislatures,” said Steven Barnett, the director of the National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers University. “We want preschool, we want to get these great results, but we don’t actually want to spend the money.”
State Sen. Howard A. Stephenson (R), who sponsored the bill that created the Utah program, sees it differently. Utah is one of 10 states that lack a state-funded traditional preschool program. In its K-12 schools, Utah spends just $6,252 per student, which is less than any other state and two-thirds of the national average.
“We want to reach the greatest number of children with the resources that we have,” Stephenson said. “I don’t think we’re being cheap at all. We’re being smart.”
Called Upstart — or Utah Preparing Students Today for a Rewarding Tomorrow — the program has grown quickly since its inception(开始) in 2008, bolstered(支持,援助) by external evaluations that have shown early literacy(读写能力)gains among children who use it. (从2008年开展以来,该课程发展迅速,而且也得到了外部评估的支持:使用该课程的孩子已经初步显示出读写能力的提高。)It is a program of the Waterford Institute, a Utah-based nonprofit center that has long sold instructional software to K-12 schools.
Upstart will cost about $5.3 million this year, or about $800 per student. That is about half the cost of Arizona’s state-funded traditional preschool program, which is the least-expensive in the country, and a fraction(分数;一小部分)of Washington’s universal preschool program, which costs $15,000 per student, according to Barnett’s early education research center at Rutgers.
Waterford provides participating families with software and parent training sessions and, if need be, laptops and Internet access. The nonprofit also has installed solar panels for several students whose homes do not have electricity, including for the Parrish family, who live in the Navajo Nation’s iconic(标志性的) Monument Valley.
“I would recommend it to other parents,” said Clara Parrish, whose granddaughter began Upstart last year while attending a traditional preschool for two half-days each week. “She was a little behind, and then when she went to Upstart, she caught up. I think she’s doing better than she was.”
Public preschool programs have been expanding nationwide as policymakers have come to see early-childhood education as key to closing persistent achievement gaps between children from poor and affluent(富裕的)families. (公立学前课程已经在全国范围内发展起来,因为政府已逐渐认识到,孩子的早期教育是消除一直存在的穷人家和富人家孩子成绩差距的关键所在。)Research shows that at-risk children who attend high-quality preschools are more likely to have positive life outcomes than their counterparts(对等的人或物)who do not attend preschool. They are more likely to graduate from high school and less likely to get into trouble with the law or to go to jail.
But Barnett and other earyl-education experts said that those powerful effects stem not only from(来自于) the academic boost(提高)that preschools can provide but also from the social and emotional skills — such as self-control — that young children learn when they play and negotiate with their peers in person.
It is not clear whether or how an online learning program can teach those kinds of skills; evaluations of Upstart have not measured what children learn in that realm(领域).
“They’ve selected their outcomes that they are likely to achieve, and it’s probably safe to assume that impacts on the others are zero,” Barnett said. (巴内特说:“他们只选择那些可能实现的结果,我们也许可以认为,[该课程]对其他方面产生的影响可能为零。”)
Claudia Miner, a Waterford vice president, said Upstart officials teach parents how they can bolster their children’s social skills. But she said that lawmakers are most interested in the program’s potential effect on literacy. “You don’t measure social skills in third grade; you measure reading skills,” she said in an e-mail.
Miner added that some parents simply are not ready to send their 4-year-olds to school, but they also want help to prepare them for kindergarten. And other families, particularly in Utah, live in such far-flung(偏远的)places that sending their children to a traditional preschool is not realistic or affordable.
“In some of the most rural parts of Utah and the country, there simply isn’t a bricks-and-mortar(实体的)option or, if there is, it involves a long travel time,” Miner said.
About half of the children who participated in Upstart during the 2014-2015 school year were enrolled in another preschool program. One of them was Megan Albrecht’s daughter, who attended a preschool three half-days each week.
“The Upstart program was great, but it really just went over letters, just the alphabet and the grammar part, and there’s so much more than just that,” said Albrecht, a mother of three in Panguitch, Utah, a rural town of 1,600 in southern Utah, near Bryce Canyon’s famous rock hoodoos.
But Albrecht said Upstart is an important tool because it provides her a structure, and a daily nudge(推动), to teach her daughter the alphabet and basic skills for kindergarten.
Mark Innocenti, a professor at Utah State University, was skeptical(怀疑的)about using scarce state funds to pay for an educational model with unproven results for low-income students. But after evaluating whether the program is effective when used in home day care and district-run preschool programs, his thinking has changed.
Innocenti said he has been convinced that combining online learning with traditional preschool is a valid approach that gives children the best of both worlds. But he said he remains concerned about relying on an in-home computer program to serve the poorest children, especially those whose parents work or speak English as a second language.
Utah’s legislature recently started an effort to serve those children in traditional, center-based preschools. In a twist on preschool funding — using “social impact bonds” — investors can foot(结算;衡量) the upfront costs of providing traditional preschool programs. And if the program meets goals for reducing the number of children who need costly special education services, taxpayers pay the investors back, with interest.
That program is quite small, serving about 1,000 children, according to Stephenson, the state senator. And it is far more expensive than Upstart. It probably will cost taxpayers between $1,900 and $2,000 per child, according to state fiscal analysts.
Stephenson said the cost of traditional preschool limits how many of the state’s 50,000 4-year-olds can be served.
“We can cover a lot more children with the same dollars with Upstart,” he said.
navigate 航行
pilot program 试点项目
customize 定制
ingredient 成分
wishful thinking 异想天开
inception 开始;开端
bolster 支持
literacy 读写能力
fraction 小部分;分数
iconic 标志性的
affluent 富裕的
counterpart 对等的人或物
stem from 来自于......
boost 提高;增长
realm 领域
far-flung 偏远的
bricks-and-mortar 实体的 (与virtual “虚拟的”相对)
skeptical 怀疑的;不相信的
conception 观念;观点
inception 初期阶段
reception 接待
deception 欺骗
perception 感知
interception 拦截;截获
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