很多考友们说新托福的阅读难度(difficulty)好大,很多单词(word)都不认识,句子(sentence)也看不懂。解决(to solve)这样的问题(problem),我们应该从最根本(the basis)入手:词汇(vocabulary)和句子结构(sentence structure)。新托福考试的阅读部分覆盖面(coverage)越来越广,题目的topic涉及到很多专业领域(field),如生物(biology)、地理(geography)等等;因此,我们也必须认识一些相对专业的(professional)词汇,这样可以促进我们对于文章的理解(understanding)和把握,也对词汇题有巨大的(huge)好处。长难句的把握是几乎所有阅读考试的根本(basic)问题;针对此项问题,我们需要了解长难句的语法(grammar)结构,扩大(to expand)阅读量。推荐参考一些经典教材如新概念第四册等。
词汇和句子结构的把握提高了,从根本上说(basically)我们的阅读能力(reading ability)在提高。几乎所有托福的高分(high score)得主都有很高的(high)阅读能力。然而,这样的进步(improvement)要在短期看到效果(effect)并不容易(not easy);毕竟(after all),阅读能力的提高是一个长期的(long)过程(process),要建立(to build on)在一定阅读量的基础上。所以备考托福,其实并不是一日之功,我们可以从很早就开始为提高自己的英语水平做准备(to prepare),有意识地(consciously)、主动地(actively)扩大自己的阅读量。
当我们的阅读能力达到一个较高的水平(level)时,新托福考试就开始考验(to testify)我们的另一个能力:考试技巧(skill)。考试技巧其实不外乎以下几个方面:迅速把握文章内容(content)、识别题目(question)、针对不同题目进行不同解法,以及快速排除(to exclude)错误选项。即便是高分得主,在潜意识(unconscious)里也完成(to finish)了这样的过程。我们在备考期间,应该尤其(especially)重视在这些方面进行总结(to conclude)。另外需要特别提醒的是,我们在做题中,针对一个题目选出(to choose)答案的时候,一定要在文章中找到答案的依据,切不可凭印象(expression)做题。
有同学会问,到底应该先读文章再做题目(to do exercises after reading passages)还是一上来直接做题目呢(to do exercises immediately)?两种方法都尝试一下,找到更适合自己的方法。上来直接就做题,可以很快接触题目,做一道是一道,心里踏实;先阅读文章后做题,可以对文章整体有一个大致的(general)把握,开始做题后入手也快。两种方法各有利弊,不过对于后种先读文章的同学,对于阅读深度(depth)的把握需要适当(appropriate),也就是指读文章的精细程度。我的个人建议(personal suggestion)是,读文章时抓住(to grasp)段落的主旨或主题句,留心(pay attention to)重要的支持性论据。这样一来我们也就大致把握文章的内容而且不用精细到每一句话(every sentence)。同时在时间上要控制(to control)在五分钟之内,这样好为后面的题目留出时间(to leave time)。
正如阅读部分,听力能力的提高也是一个长期的过程(process)。其实除了(except for)写作(writing)可以短期速成以外,提高英语能力的本身也是一个缓慢的(slow)过程。我们可以平时多听英语广播(English broadcast)、看英文节目(English program)或看原版英文电影(English movie)。很多“听写”方法(method),是锻炼听力能力的好办法。在做听写(dictation)时,我们可以将听写的内容和出题的内容进行比较(to compare)和总结(to conclude)。这样可以帮助(to help)我们识别听力的重要出题点(point),摸清ETS的出题思路。因为听力考试是在模拟美国课堂和生活的真实场景(scene),所考察的题目也通常是讲座(speech)或者对话(dialogue)中重要的信息点。
在练听力时,我们应该尤其重视多次重复的(repeated)内容、谈话者重音(accent)强调的内容、谈话者给出的建议、谈话者对某个问题做出解释(暗示问题的重要性)、意思出现转折的地方、重要的人名(name)等。通过不断的总结(summary),我们对于听力内容会更有主动权。虽然真正的听力考试并不是听写,但我们可以对于需要重点注意的地方尽可能多记笔记(take note)。有可能的话(if possible),把speaker的每一句话记下来(主要是key word)来辅助回忆(memory)。
口语部分可能是全中国学生新托福考试中最头疼的部分(part)。口语部分的6道小题,分别考查(to testify)我们表达自己观点(opinion)和重复别人观点的能力(ability)。提高口语能力的最好的途径就是:多练习(to practice more)!如果距离考试还有一定时间,努力去找学校里的外教或者同学聊天吧!多说永远是提高口语水平的方法。
开始备考托福后,目标就不单纯是提高口语能力了,还要尽快地适应考试。托福口语考试的时间非常紧(time is limited)。例如,前两道题只有15秒钟的准备时间和45秒钟的回答时间。怎么样能在45秒内完成漂亮的陈述(statement)呢?
首先(first of all),按照(according to)口语的题目,逐个练习(可以参考分类方法):这里要向大家推荐(to recommend)一个很好用的软件:Cool Edit。练习的时候严格控制时间,把自己说的录下来,从里面找自己说的不好的地方(比如不知道说什么、说的不连贯、发音不好、语调平淡等)。针对不同的问题逐个改进,坚持不断地练下去,过一段时间(after a period)你会发现:我的口语(oral English)竟然提高了这么多!这是我个人非常推崇的备考办法。
另外,我们如何知道自己的语音语调(tone)是不是标准(standard)呢?我们还要听native speaker的样本(example)。大家在网上可以搜到一个叫做《iBT托福口语考试答题方法及范例The ibt TOEFL Master Speaking》的视频文件(video file),里面针对6道不同的题目都给了完美的native speaker的作答,极具参考价值,可以让我们真切地感触到“连贯”。另一个很好的资源是美剧。我们可以模仿经典的《老友记》中人物的发音(pronunciation)。
最后(finally),分享(to share)一个非常非常有用的小技巧(tip):关于15秒钟应该怎么利用(to make use of)。建议大家拿到口语题目后,立刻构思出回答的要点,然后抓住15秒钟的时间提前练习,组织(to organize)好自己开头的语言(language)。这样等到真正的45秒钟开始时,我们相当于多了一次“重新说”的机会,有更大的可能性(possibility)把开头表达得更完善(more complete), 这个对于后来的叙述是有关键影响(influence)的。我们说:Well begin is half done. 试想大家如果开头的话就乱了阵脚,肯定很泄气。这个小办法也绝对适用于全部6道口语题。
对于写作提高最快的方式就是:多练习(to practice more)。切忌光列提纲不练全文写作。当然如果有时间的话,针对OG上给出的大量写作题目列出提纲(outline)是很用帮助的。但是一定还要练笔(当然,考过GRE作文或者写作大牛完全可以不做任何准备上考场)。
最开始练习independent writing时,同学们往往会遇到不知如何下手的问题。因此,我们在练习的初期,可以先阅读一些新托福写作的范文、相关书籍;精读里面的文章,注意作者的文章结构(structure)和展开方式,同时积累例子(example)和细节(detail)。这样,我们对于独立写作的套路就有了基本的(basic)了解。另外在关注文章的展开方式时,我们同样可以学习范文里的句式结构和高深的词汇。并不是鼓励(to encourage)大家抄袭,而是真正地掌握较高级的(advanced)句子结构和较复杂的(complicated)词汇,这些都会给我们的作文加分。
经过了范文学习的过程,我们就可以开始针对不同话题(different topic)的文章思考(to consider)自己的观点,列出提纲,寻找supporting details。这样,在做好了充分的准备后,我们就可以有准备地开始真正的练笔阶段(phase)。特别要说明的是,如果同学们没有好的模拟写作小软件(software),建议使用windows自带的写字板,切忌使用Microsoft Word等具有纠错功能的软件进行模拟写作(writing)。在练笔的最初阶段可以不计时间,但熟悉了写作的流程后一定要每次写作都计时,模拟真实的(true)考试环境。
Integrated writing部分是听力和写作的结合(combination),不需要大家发表个人观点(personal opinion),因此考察的是听力能力和复述的能力。在听力前的三分钟要认真阅读题目中的文字,文字中会有3个支持文字观点的论据,听力则会针对这三个观点逐个展开。对于听力部分,同样提醒大家要多做笔记,记住细节(to remember details),在作文展开中体现出来。因为综合写作的模式比较固定(fixed),因此可以提前准备好模版和固定的句式。注意,一篇高分的综合写作一定有变化多样的句式,这个在我们准备模版的时候一定要体现出来。
口语部分,语调比发音重要的多(tone is more important than pronunciation)。模仿《老友记》中的语调是一个捷径(short cut)。
口语的第一、二题考察我们表达自己观点(express our own opinion)的能力。很多同学担心第一、二题考到自己没有准备的题目。其实在考场上,我们能够提前知道第一、二题考试内容的概率是非常大的!因为考试时大家的开考时间不同,只要不是第一个考,提前听到别人说口语题目的可能性是极其大的。不过操作中必须小心:因为别人说口语的时候,很有可能就是你在做听力的时候。一定不能因为听口语题而耽误(delay)了自己的听力考试。
另外,考试前和中间休息时,不建议大家喝太多水(not to drink more water)。在里面内急的感觉据说非常痛苦(painful)。中间休息时也不用吃过多东西,毕竟之后马上要说口语。
The canopy, the upper level of the trees in the rain forest, holds a plethora of climbing mammals of moderately large size, which may include monkeys, cats, civets, and porcupines.
Smaller species, including such rodents as mice and small squirrels, are not as prevalent overall in high tropical canopies as they are in most habitats globally.
Small mammals, being warm blooded, suffer hardship in the exposed and turbulent environment of the uppermost trees. Because a small body has more surface area per unit of weight than a large one of similar shape, it gains or loses heat more swiftly. Thus, in the trees,where shelter from heat and cold may be scarce and conditions may fluctuate, a small mammal may have trouble maintaining its body temperature.
Small size makes it easy to scramble among twigs and branches in the canopy for insects,flowers, or fruit, but small mammals are surpassed, in the competition for food, by large ones that have their own tactics for browsing among food-rich twigs. The weight of a gibbon (a small ape) hanging below a branch arches the terminal leaves down so that fruit-bearing foliage drops toward the gibbon's face. Walking or leaping species of a similar or even larger size access the outer twigs either by snapping off and retrieving the whole branch or by clutching stiff branches with the feet or tail and plucking food with their hands.
Small climbing animals may reach twigs readily, but it is harder for them than for large climbing animals to cross the wide gaps from on tree crown to the next that typify the high canopy. A macaque or gibbon can hurl itself farther than a mouse can: it can achieve a running start, and it can more effectively use a branch as a springboard, even bouncing on a climb several times before jumping. The forward movement of a small animal is seriously reduced by the air friction against the relatively large surface area of its body. Finally, for the many small mammals that supplement their insect diet with fruits or seeds, an inability to span open gaps between tree crowns may be problematic, since trees that yield these foods can be sparse.
1. The passage answers which of the following questions?
(A) How is the rain forest different from other habitats?
(B) How does an animal's body size influence an animal's need for food?
(C) Why does the rain forest provide an unusual variety of food for animals?
(D) Why do large animals tend to dominate the upper canopy of the rain forest?
2. Which of the following animals is less common in the upper canopy than in other environments?
(A) Monkeys
(B) Cats
(C) Porcupines
(D) Mice
3. The word they in line 4 refers to
(A) trees
(B) climbing mammals of moderately large size
(C) smaller species
(D) high tropical canopies
4. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true about the small mammals in the rain
(A) They have body shapes that are adapted to live in the canopy.
(B) They prefer the temperature and climate of the canopy to that of other environments.
(C) They have difficulty with the changing conditions in the canopy.
(D) They use the trees of the canopy for shelter from heat and cold.
5. In discussing animal size in paragraph 3, the author indicates that
(A) small animals require proportionately more food than larger animals do
(B) a large animal's size is an advantage in obtaining food in the canopy
(C) small animals are often attacked by large animals in the rain forest
(D) small animals and large animals are equally adept at obtaining food in the canopy
6. The word typify in line 19 is closest in meaning to
(A) resemble
(B) protect
(C) characterize
(D) divide
7. According to paragraph 4, what makes jumping from one tree crown to another difficult for
small mammals?
(A) Air friction against the body surface
(B) The thickness of the branches
(C) The dense leaves of the tree crown
(D) The inability to use the front feet as hands
8. The word supplement in line 24 is closest in meaning to
(A) control
(B) replace
(C) look for
(D) add to
9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?
(A) canopy (line 1)
(B) warm blooded (line 5)
(C) terminal leaves (line 13)
(D) springboard (line 21)
Prehistoric mammoths have been preserved in the famous tar pits of Rancho La Brea (Brea is the Spanish word for tar) in what is now the heart of Los Angeles, California. These tar pits have been known for centuries and were formerly mined for their natural asphalt, a black or brown petroleum-like substance. Thousands of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil remains. Major excavations were undertaken that established the significance of this remarkable site. The tar pits were found to contain the remains of scores of species of animals from the last 30,000 years of the Ice Age.
Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 million from vertebrates, 2.5 million from invertebrates, have been recovered, often in densely concentrated and tangled masses. The creatures found range from insects and birds to giant ground sloth's, but a total of 17 proboscides (animals with a proboscis or long nose) — including mastodons and Columbian mammoths — have been recovered, most of them from Pit 9, the deepest bone-bearing deposit, which was excavated in 1914. Most of the fossils date to between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago.
The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would often have been concealed by leaves and dust. Unwary animals would become trapped on these thin sheets of liquid asphalt, which are extremely sticky in warm weather. Stuck, the unfortunate beasts would die of exhaustion and hunger or fall prey to predators that often also became stuck.
As the animals decayed, more scavengers would be attracted and caught in their turn. Carnivores greatly outnumber herbivores in the collection: for every large herbivore, there is one saber-tooth cat, a coyote, and four wolves. The fact that some bones are heavily weathered shows that some bodies remained above the surface for weeks or months. Bacteria in the asphalt would have consumed some of the tissues other than bones, and the asphalt itself would dissolve what was left, at the same time impregnating and beautifully preserving the saturated bones, rendering them dark brown and shiny.
1. What aspect of the La Brea tar pits does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The amount of asphalt that was mined there
(B) The chemical and biological interactions between asphalt and animals
(C) The fossil remains that have been found there
(D) Scientific methods of determining the age of tar pits
2. In using the phrase the heart of Los Angeles in line 2, the author is talking about the city's
(A) beautiful design
(B) central area
(C) basic needs
(D) supplies of natural asphalt
3. The word noticed in line 5 closest in meaning to
(A) predicted
(B) announced
(C) corrected
(D) observed
4. The word tangled in line 10 is closest in meaning to
(A) buried beneath
(B) twisted together
(C) quickly formed
(D) easily dated
5. The word them in line 13 refers to
(A) insects
(B) birds
(C) cloths
(D) proboscideans
6. How many proboscideans have been found at the La Brea tar pits?
(A) 9
(B) 17
(C) 1.5 million
(D) 2.5 million
7. The word concealed in line 17 is closest in meaning to
(A) highlighted
(B) covered
(C) transformed
(D) contaminated
8. Why does the author mention animals such as coyotes and wolves in paragraph 4?
(A) To give examples of animals that are classified as carnivores
(B) To specify the animals found least commonly at La Brea
(C) To argue that these animals were especially likely to avoid extinction.
(D) To define the term scavengers