很多文章我们在看完文章标题以后就能够结合常识对文章的内容进行合理预测。比如:let’s go bats 这篇文章,我们就能确定首先文章是在讲蝙蝠这种动物。而关于蝙蝠大家都知道的特点就是在夜晚活动和狩猎,喜欢生活在阴暗潮湿环境,知识储备好一点的学生可能还会联想到声波。所以,文章里自然讲的东西也不会偏离太远。其次,在文章里遇到的不认识的单词,可以往这个话题上靠拢,比如:sonar ,radar(声纳和雷达),就是跟蝙蝠的声波有关的概念。
雅思阅读有一些文章是有引言的,引言一般和标题正文的字体都不一样。基本有以下3个作用:a 文章内容简介 7-P89 b 文章背景介绍 8-P26 c 答案来源 8-P50
而在7-1-1这篇文章的选取中,我们应该重点关注6-9和10-13这两大类题型。因为6-9是集中型的题目,定位的答案相对靠近,都在文章的D段,在读原文的过程中,会更容易定位,而且我们知道所有题目都和facial version 相关,大大缩小了定位范围。10-13题,这种句子填空题一般是按照原文先后顺序出现的,在E段里面一次出现了相关内容。这样定位相对更有规律,而且基本每个题目都出现了sonar和radar这两个概念,所以,考生只需在读原文的过程中去关注和这两个概念相关的内容,再结合每个题目里的关键词,就比较容易解决。而相反最靠前的1-5题反而是最难定位的段落细节配对题,完全在原文乱序又分散,这种题目建议考生在把其他题目完成之后,借助原文和对其他题目的理解再来进行定位,可以节约不少时间。
It is right that college graduates earn higher salaries than the less well-educated in the community. But they should also pay the full cost of their study. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Some conclude that college students should bear Idontknowl expenses for their higher learning on the generalization that college graduates usually receive higher salaries for similar jobs than those without a college degree. We can not deny that higher level of education, indeed, do associate with better income. Still, build on such fact alone, the conclusion remains questionable when more aspects are taken into consideration.
The whole argument in question rests on an assumption that it is always the case that people with higher education make more money than those less well-educated. But salary or income is, in most cases, based on contributions made by employees to companies or organizations in which they are employed. Statistics in the labor market indicate that people with professional training tend to find jobs easier than college graduates do and that blue-collar workers who do not hold college degrees are becoming the hotties in the labor market. Employers prefer to hire and pay more to highly skilled and specially trained people rather than fresh college graduates. In the auto industry, for instance, skilled technicians make two or three times more than their college educated counterparts who make the average salaries in other companies. And it is widely accepted that people’s income is determined more by talent, hard work, and willingness to take risks than solely by certain qualifications such as college education. Otherwise, the unemployment rate of college graduates would not be increasing every year and the rule of supply and demand will lose much of power in controlling the labor market. Admittedly in some knowledge extensive field such as research, teaching, and practice of law the labor force are primarily consists of highly educated professionals. But such people make up only a fraction of the labor market and are thus unrepresentative of the whole employment in general.
Considering the goal of education, we find that it is even more problematic for the country to throw all the responsibility of financing college education to college students. The goal of higher education of a nation is to improve and strengthen the general level of intellectual and professional capacity of its labor force, thereby increasing the competency of the nation in the global economy. As tax payers, parents all contributes to the education system and country in various ways. It is only reasonable and necessary that the country gives some forms of financially assistance to students to ease the burden of rising education costs. Such help should go to not only students from needy or impoverished families but also outstanding students from affluent backgrounds. Doing so can significantly boost the motivation of children from millions of families to engage in higher level of study. It is understandable that the general quality of people in a country will improve and its economy will benefit both now and in years to follow.
If the burden of supporting children’s higher education is dumped on parents and students, thousands of brilliant students will be deprived of chances to pursue their academic inspiration. Among those who suffer would definitely be future great scientists, business managers, artists and statesmen. The loss will be disastrous and irreversible.
In conclusion, the idea that students should also pay the full cost of their study is wrong and harmful because it is wrong to assume that higher education necessarily equalize high income. Moreover, it is in the best interest of a nation to take responsibility in financing college education so that the goal of higher education will be better met.
Some people say that older people should live with their adult children. Others say that they shouldn't. Which do you think is good practice.
One of the topics in daily life is whether or not the older people should live with their adult children. My answer is the question is that it is better for them not to.
Firstly, people of different ages have different ways of life. The old people like a quiet, peaceful and regular life whereas the young prefer noises, activities and unrestrained enjoyment. If they live together, old may feel that they are always disturbed and the young may feel that they are often handicapped.
Secondly, people of different generations have different views and values. What is quite normal to the parents may seem to be old-fashioned or wrong to the children. When they live together, they may disagree on matters ranging from minor domestic matters to national and international issues. Consequently, family life may be unpleasant or even unbearable to both the old and the young.
Last but not the least, adult children, like their parents, love independence and freedom, but their parents still take them as children and unintentionally interfere in their affairs. The situation will be worse if the adult children are already married. In this case, the children have already built a new and closed world and any outside interference may lead to conflicts.
From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that if the parents and their adult children do not live together permanently, both the old and the young can enjoy complete independence and freedom, live a life they like, and keep intact their affections for each other.(257 Words)
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