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1. 雅思听力只考细节,基本不考总结题,主旨题。

2. 听力最重要的是词汇,听力词汇与其他词汇不同点在于,你需要听出单词而不是单纯的看出或者写出单词。

3. 听力的大小写问题不要过分强调,官方回答通常情况下是大小写都可。

4. 雅思听力备考生需要特别注意单词的拼写和单复数,细节决定成败。

5. 注意题型的多样性,主要两大类分为填空题和选择题。

6. 填空题分为表格题,总结填空题,单句填空题,地图题。

7. 填空题要根据空格前后的词来预测答案的词性和内容。

8. 做适当的笔记,跟题干预测相关内容的笔记,比如说填数字,就记录数字;填动词就记录动词。

9. 注意原文当中和题干当中的同义替换,雅思听力就是考的题干和原文的同义替换能力。

10. 速记答案时采用缩写形式,只记单词的前两个字母,或者辅音变化,不用全部拼写出来 .

11. 不选违反常规的选项 .

12. 明显跟其它三个选项不同的选项90%是干扰项。

13. 正确的选项往往是对原文的同义替换;生动具体、重复原词的选项通常不正确。

14. 对于字数较多,难以辨别的选项,一定要认真比较它们的关键词,不要怕耽误时间。

15. 选择题要注意听风就是雨的陷阱,要听懂整个句子再进行选择。

16. 看题干要沉着,明确题目问什么再答题。考生因审题粗心而答错题的概率比你想象的高得多。

17. 在同一题下出现并列的短语,单词,数字,一般选最后一个。

18. 注意重复原则,同一题下出现多次的单词是关键词,也有可能就是答案。

19. 当句中突然出现语音,语调,语速的变化,暗示了答案的出现。

20. 当句中出现了明显的转折词,那么意味着有考点的出现。

21. 趁余音缭绕快速答题,否则会记忆缺失,混淆正确答案。

22. 雅思听力的出题频率一般是30秒钟间隔,如果过长没有出现下一个题的答案,多半就是已经漏听了,注意舍得原则,有舍才有得。

23. 没有证据,切忌想当然。没找到靶子,胡乱放的一枪,肯定没有打中。基本上,你拿不准的题就是答错了。

24. 最佳复习资料推荐剑桥系列3-7,每套题做精听,听力按照场景和题型分类复习。



History tells us that the origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (an area in present day Turkey). One of the legends tells about that he acquired a fortune when his parents died while he was still in his teens. By nature St.Nicholas was a generous and honest man, particularly devoted to children. He also cared deeply for the poor. He brought various gifts, money and other useful items to the houses of the poor. He did this at night, and in secrecy, so that no one knew, as he wanted no glory, he just wanted to help people. He became widely known for his generosity.


There is one famous legend about Saint Nicholas. The story tells of Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a miserable hut on the edge of Myra. The three sisters were very poor. They could barely earn enough to keep themselves and their old mother from starving to death. When Nicholas heard of their plight, he was very concerned. He decided to do something to help them.


One night, when everyone was asleep, Nicholas crept through the streets to the edge of town. Quietly, he tiptoed up to the hut where the three sisters lived. He climbed onto the roof and dropped three bags of gold through the hole in the roof where the smoke from the fire came out. Now it so happened that the three sisters has washed their stockings before they went to bed. The stockings has been hung by the fire to dry. When Nicholas dropped the gold through the smoke hole, each bag of gold fell into a stocking.


The three sisters were overjoyed to find three bags of gold in their stockings when they woke up the next morning. Soon, the story began to spread. Other people began to hang up stockings in the hope of finding bags of gold when they woke up in the morning. From this legend sprang the custom of hanging stockings up by the chimney on Christmas Eve. Over the years, Saint Nicholas became associated with Christmas.


After his death around 350 A.D. he was buried in Myra, but in 1087 Italian sailors purportedly stole his remains and removed them to Bari, Italy, greatly increasing St. Nicholas' popularity throughout Europe. His kindness and reputation for generosity and love for children gave rise to claims that he could perform miracles and devotion to him increased. St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre. In Greece, he is the patron saint of sailors; in France he was the patron of lawyers, and in Belgium the patron of children and travelers. The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive. In 16th century Holland, Dutch children would place their wooden shoes by the hearth in hopes that they would be filled with a treat and goodies.




Clerk:Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson's office. What can I do for you?

Mrs. Reed:Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.

Clerk:Well, let's see. I'm afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. Reed:How about Thursday?

Clerk:Sorry, but I have to say he is also occupied on Thursday. So, will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed?

Mrs. Reed:I have to work on Wednesday. By the way, is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday?

Clerk:I'm afraid the office is closed on weekends.

Mrs. Reed:well, what about Friday?

Clerk:Friday. Let me have a check. Oh, great. Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.

Mrs. Reed:That's fine. Thank you, I'll come then.


appointment  n. 预约

fully  adv. 完全地,充分地

book   vt 预定,预约

occupy   vt 占据

available  adj 可以见到的,有空的

check  n. vt检查,查看


would like to   想要

make an appointment   预约

have to   不得不

by the way   顺便问一下

see a doctor   看医生

be occupied  没有空

be free  有空

be available  有空

check the appointment book  查预约簿

make it 10:00 tomorrow morning  定在明天早上10点

reschedule the consultation  重新安排会诊时间

cancel the appointment  取消预约


What can I do for you?  需要我帮忙吗?

I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.  我想本周约见大夫。

I'm afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday  恐怕他周一,周二已经预定满了。

Is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday?  约翰逊大夫周六有空吗?

Will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed?  雷德太太,星期三你看如何?

Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.  约翰逊大夫本周周五有空。

I wonder if I could come to see Dr. Johnson this afternoon?  今天下午我能来找约翰逊大夫看病吗?

Can you come here tomorrow morning at 10:00 ?  明天早上10点你能来吗?

I'm afraid Dr. Johnson is occupied this afternoon.  恐怕约翰逊今天下午没有空。

Will you be free the day after tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.?  后天下午4点你有空吗?

Just a moment, please. I will check the appointment book.  稍等片刻,我得查一下预约簿。

Let's make it 10:00 next Monday morning.  那我们就定在下周星期一上午10点吧。

I'm afraid we'll have to reschedule the consultation.  恐怕我们得重新安排这次会诊时间。

I'm sorry I'll have to cancel the appointment I made with Dr. Johnson this morning.  非常抱歉,我不得不取消今天上午与约翰逊大夫的预约。

The doctor will be available next Monday afternoon.  大夫下周星期一下午应该有空。


★ 英语学习

★ 如何计、换算雅思考试的分数


