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The new 4G mobile phone services in the UK are not as super-fast as the industry promised - and could get worse.


The mobile phone companies boasted that 4G services would be ‘five times faster’ than the existing 3G networks when they launched in the autumn of 2012.


However, a new official study puts the real figure at an average of 2.5 times faster - 14.7 megabits per second compared to 5.9Mbit/s per second on the 3G service that most people use.


At the same time, the evidence suggests that 4G services are likely to slow down as more people connect to them.


4G technology is being promoted by the big mobile networks on the basis it offers high speed internet access and smooth video streaming without annoying buffering.


More than 10 million people have been won over by the promises and have signed two year contracts costing an average of £20 ($30) a month.


When 4G services launched at the end of 2012, the average download speed was up at around 19 Mbit/s, however the new research suggests an average of 14.7 and other studies put it as low as 10.


This has happened because more people are using the service, effectively causing jams on the airwaves. The only way this can be countered is if the networks spend millions upgrading masts and installing new ones.



buffering 缓冲



Thinking of giving up meat from your diet? The potential health benefits of a green diet are well established, but a story by the Mother Nature Network (MNN) says there are also some potential side effects and health risks associated with a vegetarian lifestyle.

Could low cholesterol kill you? A study by the Honolulu Heart Program found that elderly people with a "low cholesterol concentration" had a "significant association with mortality." In addition, a 2009 review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that while vegetarians have an overall lower rate of cancer compared with meat eaters, vegetarians do have a 39 percent higher rate of colorectal cancer.

Other health concerns associated with vegetarianism cited by MNN included lower bone mineral density and lower levels of vitamin B12. However, the publishers of the bone density study said the "magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant," at just around 5 percent.

Going vegetarian appears to have gained popularity in recent years. A recent Yahoo Sports article even examined the diet of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter Jake Shields. Though much of the media's focus has been on a worldwide trend toward bigger diets, whether that's Pizza Hut offering strange fast food mashups or yet another customer at the Heart Attack Grill proving that there is truth in advertising.

The lesson in these potential risk-factors seems to be that if you're going to become a vegan or vegetarian, you'll need to spend more time planning your nutritional choices to help ensure a balanced intake of vitamins and other nutrients. Though if you don't have the time or inclination for such efforts, there may be another option. University of Idaho nutritionist Katie Minor says that a "flexitarian" diet may be a viable third way.

"Flexitarians are people who are vegetarian most of the time, but once in a while will consume an a

nimal protein," Minor told MNN. "The more restrictive you are with your diet, the more you'll have to closely monitor what you're consuming and the more likely your need will be to supplement. Work with a registered dietician to make sure you're not at risk for dietary deficiencies."


In case you haven’t heard, Ireland passed a historic referendum Friday. For the first time, same-sex marriage legalization was voted on by the people (they voted “Yes” btw). Here are some of the best celeb reactions to the news.


Hozier: The pure joy of it. I'm so proud of Irelandtoday... We can all take pride in making history. Only sorry I can't be there to celebrate!

爱尔兰灵魂歌手霍齐尔(Hozier): “开心极了,爱尔兰我为你自豪... 创造历史就是创造荣耀,可惜我不能到场庆祝。”

J.K. Rowling: Sitting here watching the Irish make history. Extraordinary and wonderful.

英国作家J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling): “坐等见证爱尔兰人创造历史,简直棒极了!”

Zach Braff: Ireland, if this is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

美国明星扎克•布拉夫(Zach Braff): “爱尔兰同胞们!如果这是错误的决定,那我宁愿一错到底!”

Ricky Martin: #Ireland says YES to marriage equality making it the first country to pass the freedom to marry by popular vote! #Love Always Wins

波多黎各裔巨星瑞奇•马丁(Ricky Martin): “爱尔兰成为首个通过公投实现婚姻平等自由的国家,真爱无敌。“

Sam Smith: So happy Ireland have passed the law to get married there. Still genuinely shocks me thou, that this is only just happening!!

英国歌手萨姆•史密斯(Sam Smith): “真高兴爱尔兰公投通过了。不过我还是惊呆了,这一切竟然是真的!!”

Ellen DeGeneres: Ireland did it! The 1st country to legalize marriage equality by popular vote, but they won't be the last! What an incredible accomplishment

美国脱口秀主持人艾伦•德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres): “爱尔兰做到了!成为第一个通过公投使同性婚姻合法的国家。相信未来会有更多国家效仿,他们真了不起!”

Olivia Wilde: Go Ireland go! Show the world how to lead with love. So proud to be Irish today.

美国女演员奥利维亚•维尔德(Olivia Wilde): “爱尔兰加油!你让世界看到了爱的力量!身为爱尔兰人我倍感骄傲。”

Kathy Griffin: As an Irish-American woman who spread her father's ashes in #Ireland, I couldn't be prouder today!

美国女演员凯西•格里芬(Kathy Griffin): “ 我是身在美国的爱尔兰人,我曾将父亲的骨灰撒在爱尔兰的土地,为今天的爱尔兰感到无比骄傲!”

Russell Crowe: Dear Ireland, you are even more amazing.

好莱坞男影星罗素•克洛(Russell Crowe): “亲爱的爱尔兰,你越来越了不起。”

Jesse Tyler Ferguson: I'm staunchly against leaving civil rights up to a popular vote but I'm thrilled the populous Ireland seems to embrace #Marriage Eqaulity!

美国演员杰西•泰勒•弗格森(Jesse Tyler Ferguson ): “让公投来左右民权我是坚决反对的,但爱尔兰民众如此渴望婚姻平等真是让我振奋!”

Stephen Fry: The Irish people spoke. And the words they spoke were Respect, Dignity and, loudest of all, Love. The sanctity of marriage has been upheld.

英国演员史蒂芬•弗莱(Stephen Fry): “爱尔兰人民表达了他们的意见,他们表达的是尊重、尊严还有最重要的,爱。婚姻的神圣得以坚持。”

Alan Cumming: Omfg!Ireland! Have you done it? Is it really a YES?

美国演员艾伦•卡明(Alan Cumming): “我滴个神啊!爱尔兰!你来真的?公投真的通过了?”

Josh Jackson: Proud of my #irish heritage every day. But to today it is particularly strong #Equality For All

加拿大演员乔什•杰克逊(Josh Jackson): “一直以我大爱尔兰为荣,但今天的荣耀感特别强!平等至上!”

Seth MacFarlane: Congratulations to Ireland for legalizing same-sex marriage on a national level! Come on U.S., let's catch up to the future.

美国制片人塞思•麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane): “恭喜爱尔兰同性婚姻合法化!美国,加油,让我们也赶上这个潮流。”

Hillary Clinton: Well done, Ireland. -H

美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton): “爱尔兰干得漂亮!”


staunchly: 坚定地

sanctity: 神圣性


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