托福写作词汇分类汇总 动物食物类常用词总结分享
伙伴 n. companions
人类 man/ humans/ the human race/ humanity/ humankind/ Homo sapiens
虐待 n.&vt. abuse
替代物 n. replacement= alternatives
爆发的传染病 n. epidemic
囚禁 n. captivity
动物 n. creatures
驱散我们的寂寞 drive off our loneliness
表现很乖的 adj. well-behaved
保护 vt. preserve
栖息地 n. habitat
残忍的 adj. brutal/ callous/ merciless/ inhuman/ ruthless
生物多样性 n. biodiversity
濒危动物 endangered species
兽皮 n. hide
兽毛 n. fur
制药公司 pharmaceutical company
生物医学研究 biomedical research
临床的 adj. clinical
实验室 n. laboratory
(用实验、仪器等的)模拟 n. simulation
动物权益保护主义者 animal right activists
医学研究 medical research
残忍的 adj. cruel/ merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal
活体解剖 n. vivisection
麻醉 n. anesthetic
减轻动物的痛苦 relieve/ alleviate/ ease animals’ pain
宠物是主人的伙伴 pets are their masters’ companions
给主人心理安慰 afford their masters consolation and comfort
偷猎 v. poach
某一种事物是没有替代物的 there are no replacements/ substitutes/ alternatives for sth.
味道好的 adj. tasty
风味 n. flavor
香味儿 n. aroma
超级好吃的 adj. scrumptious
美味食品 n. delicacy
地道的,正宗的 adj. authentic
多样性 n. variety
有机的 adj. organic
摄入量 n. intake
……的摄入过多 excessive intake of …
肥胖症 obesity
冠心病 coronary heart disease (CHD)
油腻的 adj. greasy
食品卫生 food hygiene
奶制品 dairy products
缺乏运动的生活方式 sedentary lifestyle
很不健康的外卖或者速冻食品 TV dinner
糖尿病 n. diabetes
心血管疾病 cardiovascular disease
营养不良的 adj. malnourished
无法治愈的病 incurable disease
治疗 n. treatment
治疗 n. therapy
营养成分构成表 nutrition fact
有营养的 adj. nutritious/ nourishing
素食主义者 n. vegetarian
冷冻食品 frozen food
罐装食品 canned food
让人发胖的 adj. fattening
控制饮食 watch your diet
食品,小物品 n. groceries
低热量的 adj. low-calorie
低脂肪的 adj. low-fat
低胆固醇的 adj. low-cholesterol
以不破坏健康的速度去减肥 lose weight at a healthy pace
钙 n. calcium
高纤维 n. high in fiber
发胖 gain weight
超重的 adj. overweight
慢性病 chronic diseases
(疾病的)症状 n. symptoms
虚弱的 adj. feeble
对于某种饮食或者物品上瘾的人 n. junkie
菜系 n. cuisine
某种菜的制作方法 recipe
饿得不行了的 adj. starving
保持健康 keep fit
精力充沛的 adj. invigorated
原料 n. ingredient
饮料 n. beverage
有益健康的 adj. wholesome/ healthy
均衡的饮食 balanced diet
饮食习惯 dietary habits
主食;主要的 n.&adj. staple
厨具 cooking utensils
餐具 eating utensils
西式餐具 n. silverware
过敏 n. allergy
碳水化合物 n. carbohydrate
蛋白质 n. protein
维生素 n. vitamin
矿物质 n. mineral
微量元素 trace elements
对……提供补充 vt. supplement
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.
Preference in methods of relaxation varies from person to person. Among these methods, staying indoors and reading or watching a movie is more popular than going outside and doing physical exercise. As for me, I prefer relaxing by reading a book and watching a movie.
Reading books or watching movies helps me relax physically. My days are busy with finishing all of my work, commuting to my office on the other side of the city, , and doing household chores that I do not have much time or energy to exercise. However, opening a book or playing a movie helps me slow down and restore my vitality. For example, when I read or watch a movie, I can sit back on a sofa or recline in bed. In this way, my muscles can rest. In contrast, when I exercise, I by no means rest or relax my body. In addition, I have to add washing my workout clothes to my already long list of chores.
Reading books and watching movies also helps me relax mentally. The tedious meetings, repeated routines and limited new tasks of my job makes me mentally exhausted. At these moments I like to enjoy an interesting story from a book or a famous movie. Then, all of the disturbing feelings, like boredom and depression, go away and I come away feeling inspired. For instance, I recently read the Biography of Steve Jobs and learned how this leader conquered adversity. In one of my favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, the main character Andy shows that no matter what difficulty we may confront, as long as we keep hope in our hearts, all the pressure will pass and the sun will still shine tomorrow.
Admittedly, exercising can help us relax to some degree. Football matches with co-workers, playing badminton in the backyard with family, and even a basketball game with some strangers could provide an escape from daily stress. However, viewed from a different perspective, doing physical activity has some potential risks. For instance, it is not uncommon to hear that people get physical injuries during physical exercise. What is worse, even some people have died suddenly from overstress their already tired bodies during exercise.
In conclusion, even though doing sports sometimes makes me feel more relaxed, I prefer reading a book or watching a movie when I want to relax.
托福写作模板 4大开篇方法教你如何起头
Businesses are as likely as are governments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a government.
Contrary to the statement’s premise, my view is that businesses are less likely than government to establish large bureaucracies, because businesses know that they are more vulnerable than government to damage resulting from bureaucratic inefficiencies. My position is well supported by common sense and by observation.
“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.
As a saying goes, “God helps those help themselves”, which is true in most cases. But as far as the large numbers of laid-off workers caused by the technological and market changes are concerned, I believe the government and the business certainly have an unshakable responsibility to take.
“Work greatly influences people’s personal lives—their special interests, their leisure activities, even their appearance way from the work place.”
The speaker claims that our jobs greatly influence our personal interests, recreational activities and even appearance. While I agree that the personal lives of some people are largely determined by their work, in my view it would be a mistake to draw this conclusion generally. In my observation, the extent to which occupation influences personal life depends on the nature of the work, and how central the work is to one’s sense of self.
“We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us.”
I believe this statement should be interpreted broadly—to mean that we are influenced by the exterior shape of buildings, as well as by the arrangement of multiple buildings and by a building’s various architectural and aesthetic elements. While I doubt that buildings determine our character or basic personality traits, I agree that they can greatly influence our attitudes, moods, and even life styles.
“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”
As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helping displaced workers adjustWhile individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.