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1. 不要再叫考官老师了!


我们不要忘记的事实是雅思口语考官不是你的老师,他们也不是中国人(有极少数的在国内出生的考官)而且在他们看来这样超级有礼貌的行为和态度就很奇怪。我在谈的行为是什么?比方说-考试开始的时候等考官先坐考生才坐或者在考试的过程中用太礼貌的说法跟考官交流,像"it's really a great pleasure to meet you teacher", "thank you teacher", "it was so nice talking with you teacher"这样的。考官会想"我不是他的teacher,他为什么一直这样称呼我。第一第二次遇到这样的考生那位考官会觉得很好笑,但是见到几百个这样太过于礼貌的考生后考官会感觉很烦。

我的意见:把考官像朋友一样看待。微笑,尽量让自己享受跟他谈话,要是你有机会跟他开玩笑的话那就更好。想像你在一家咖啡厅跟你最好的朋友聊天。我理解在考试的压力下我上述的意见可能不容易做到,不过我推荐你尽可能保持自信,尝试享受面试的过程。遇到那么多太礼貌很紧张的考生后,一旦考官遇到自信,有趣的你,他会感觉很高兴。你考完跟考官告别时他有可能会对你说"it was so nice talking to YOU!












3. 不知道怎么解释自己的看法,或者缺少自己看法

当被问关于自己看法的问题时(in your opinion......, what do you think........, if it were up to you.....,那样的)很多考生只会谈事情的现状。比如说

"How do you think foreign languages should be taught in schools? Should teachers spend more time on speaking,or on listening and reading? 在你看学校应该怎么教学生外语?他们应该都重视口语,还是听力和阅读?

很多考生只会用这样的答案回答上边的问题-"In China, teachers always focus on reading, they don't spend much time on speaking."

这个答案跟这个问题不配。我也不太清楚考生为什么一直会犯这样的错误,但是我认为可能是因为他们听不清楚问题。考生有时候会听问题里的几个词,比如“foreign languages" 和"taught in schools"可是忽略其他的关键词比如"How do YOU think”和"should".


4. 过于现身说法 / 把自己做例子


Do people in your city prefer ridingbicycles to driving? 你城市的市民更喜欢骑自行车还是开车?

Do you think people these days are moreinterested in art than people in the past? 你认为现代人还是过去的人对艺术有感兴趣?

Do you think there should be more museums in your city? 你认为你城市应该有更多博物馆吗?

很多考生的错误是,回答上述的这些问题是他们一直会把他们自己做例子。'take myself as an example'是他们最常用的一句话。问题就是考官想确认你会谈普遍事情还是只会谈关于你自己的事情。无论讲什么外语,谈普遍的事情比谈到关于我们自己的事情更难。要是你不表现你谈普遍事情的能力,你就得不到好成绩。

我的意见:你在准备考试时,经常跟你的语言同伴(看第10个意见)练习谈普遍事情或者各种现象。你可以在网上找一些话题。我推荐这个网站- Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom

5. 把home和family犯混

雅思口语考试第一部分经常有关于你“home"的问题。很多考生不理解英语的'home'只是你住的房子并不包括你家人。考官会问"Do you like your home"这样的问题,考生就会在脑海里把问题译成“我喜欢我家吗?”。然后考生会谈他喜欢他爸妈的很多理由。


6. 浪费考试前的几个小时看书或者一次又一次重复背他们已准备好的回答



我的意见:要是你有一个会英语的很好朋友或者恋人的话,无论是外国人还是中国人,请他陪你到考试中心。你等着进考试中心的时候跟他用英语聊天。20-30分钟就够。要是你的朋友当天不能陪你的话那打电话交流也行。如果你朋友群真的没有会英语的那就对其他等着考试的考生搭讪。用英语对他说“Hey, let's practice speaking in English for a few minutes while we're waiting.”他们一开始可能会觉得尴尬,但是你们的会话也会帮助他们准备。你应该考试开始提前20分钟进去考试中心。在那间教室等着的时候,我推荐你听你最喜欢的英文歌或者一些简单的英文广播或者播客。

7. 反复谈到他们让中国壮大的贡献和愿望

















8. 一直用中式英语


With the development of society /science and technology / the economy etc etc etc

...to exercise my logical thinking andcritical thinking

our China

to exercise myself / to relax myself (这两个不仅是奇怪还有语病)


9. 保持很呆的眼神



10. 依靠低效果的学习方法准备口语考试


阅读:6.5 听力:6 写作:5 口语:4.5

在中国这样的成绩很普遍,但是大部分考生对那样的成绩不满意。最奇怪的事情是得到了这样成绩以后,他们会再次来到培训学校,又一次花很多时间和金钱为了上同样类似的课,听同样类型的教师,用同样的学习方法。不奇怪的事情是,他们第二次考雅思得到同样的成绩!我不是说培训学校不能帮助考生。我只是说对提高口语水平来说它们是一个低效果的方法。我跟很多考过雅思的中国朋友谈过他们在培训班口语课的经验。他们都说口语课会有很多学生,30个学生以上。老师会讲一些考试的策略不过学生没有机会讲话。这样教育方法的后果就是中国的平均雅思成绩是 5.3 .


雅思口语part1答案解析:Famous people

1. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?

Well, I think in a way it’s the price you pay for being a celebrity. If you’re a famous movie star, I think it’s probably relatively easy to stay out of the limelight unless you want to be the centre of attention. Other so-called celebrities seem to me to be completely devoid of talent, though. They are only famous for ‘being famous’!

2. Do you want to be a superstar?

Not really. I like to go outside without worrying about paparazzi -photographers taking pictures of me. Having fans is nice, but I like to keep my life nice and simple and I like privacy and personal space.

3. Do you want to be famous in the future?

I admittedly envy the wealthy life of celebrities. However, I realize that their lives are too hectic and very public. I am a very private person and I never want my private life to be exposed to strangers. I guess, it is better to be an ordinary person than a celebrity. At least I can enjoy going anywhere and doing anything I love without being conscious of what other people will say or being secretly filmed.

4. Is there a film star you like best?

Actually I wouldn’t say that I have one particular favourite, and if I’m completely honest I’d have to say that I don’t really pay much attention to film stars’ names or who they are and that kind of thing. I just like watching good films I’m not really bothered about who the actors or actresses are.


Describe a friend of yours who is a good leader.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you knew this person

How this person behaves

And explain why you think this person is a good leader

Tom, an American friend of mine, Tom, is a great leader. I know him from Xi’an, around 10 years ago now I think. He started a charity called The Library Project, which basically raises money and builds libraries for remote countryside locations that have poor facilities, in different countries in Asia. He worked very hard to set up the charity, get all the paperwork in order and establish the right legal connections and things like this. It’s not easy to start your own business and Tom was incredibly patient in setting up this company. He employs about 10 members of staff in China and quite a few in the small offices in other Asian countries, and he manages the staff really well, focusing on strong communication, a fair approach to work and giving out tasks, and a very encouraging attitude. He has a very personal touch with the clients he works with as well as his own staff, and I think this attitude has helped him get far in his career and gain the respect of others along the way.

Part 3

1. Who is the head of the family in your culture?

Well, that really depends. There is no fixed answer today. My country is also a big country with quite a few different types of people from different economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. So, there is some variation. More traditional-minded people still see the father, the man of the house as the head of the family, but in more modern and perhaps international sectors of society there is greater equality. In some families the woman, the mother of the household is very much the one who holds the purse-strings and controls the finances of the family and the domestic life – this is also common in my culture.

2. Are men better at decision making in a family?

No, of course not. There are different decisions to be made in life, and to be made by families, and sometimes women are better than men and vice versa. It totally depends on the type of decisions we are talking about as to who might be better at make them.

3. Should a leader discuss with team members when making decisions?

I believe that some decisions should indeed be discussed with all members of a team, and other decisions should take place at a higher level and not involve team members. It totally depends on the kind of decisions that we are addressing, their level of confidentiality and whether it is a benefit to the team, the company, or the individuals in the team, to partake in the decision-making process. Generally, I enjoy a very collaborative and task-based company culture, so I like to work in an environment where teams work together and get involved in a certain level of decision-making.

4. More men than women tend to be leaders today. Do you think this will change in future?

I think it will change a bit yes. But not too much. When it really boils down to it a lot of women actually don’t want to be top leaders of Fortune 500 Companies I don’t think – just as one example. I think the pressure in some of these leadership roles is way too high and way too intense and totally kills any time that a person has to spend with their family. I think that women are more inclined to want to focus their time and energy on family, and men, by nature are a bit more aggressive, perhaps even cold, and want to climb career ladders more fiercely and ambitiously. These are generalisations, yes, and there are always exceptions, but largely I think there’s some truth in this.


★ 2020年雅思口语题库汇总新题

★ 《老友记》口语笔记第1季:10集

★ 学习资料库

★ 雅思口语Part2攻略

★ 雅思口语备考绝招

★ 雅思口语的DosandDON’Ts详解

★ 雅思口语高分技巧之题目迁移

★ 雅思口语3分~8分距离有多远

★ 雅思口语能力判断依据

★ 雅思口语7分经验分享


