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这些,就是考官们最在意的real content,也是他们在你的回答里孜孜以求的高光时刻。



1. 打开google网,搜索

按照口语的人物,地点,物品,和事件的4大分类,分别关键词搜索historical figure, historical place/building, historical object, historical event。

2. 挑选若干页面



3. 搜集潜在的主题词汇

比如进入上述这个页面后, 我仅截取文章的前面一小段。

有这些词汇值得记录:throughout history(史上), help to shape human history(塑造人类史), model king(明君), spiritual teacher(精神导师), give discourses to(传道), disciple(徒弟)


4. 精简主题词汇


5. quora的补充



6. 不过,找语料,推荐使用google搜索关键词“quora+X.X.X.X.X”,简单直接。

比如,还是historical figure:


100+的回答,足够收集很多不同背景不同国度的人的对historical figure的不同观点,词汇与故事。



如果你对real content有较高的追求,希望在词汇,观点,故事这个内容层面上打动考官,那么,开始使用google+quora吧,他们将为你打开一个新的世界,不管是雅思口语写作,还是新知。


1. Do you like changes?

I don’t really like change much, no. To be honest, I like life to remain quite stable. I like things to be predictable and so I am a little bit resistant to change. Some people seem to embrace change quite happily, but I’m not one of those people. I prefer things to be pretty much the same without any surprises or things that come along to rock the boat or affect my plans or organization. I’m a very organized person with a fairly conventional life, you see. So, I don’t really favour change much.

2. Can you name some changes that happened in your hometown recently?

My hometown has changed in a number of very positive ways over the past few years. I think it’s because the government have invested money into making it more attractive and following a new “green policy”. Lots of flowerbeds, plants, trees and green areas have been built, roads have been improved and facilities have been updated. So, I’m pretty happy with these changes in my town.

3. Are there any positive changes in your country these days?

There have been both positive and negative changes. In terms of the positive changes I’ve seen a lot of new infrastructural developments, like improved roads, faster trains and more efficient public transport in general, as well as some environmental changes, like cleaner air and more initiatives to make cities greener and more environmentally friendly.


1. What’s the best present or gift you have ever received?

Oh, let me think… emmm… I think the best gift I received was a new bike, when I was a kid. I was so excited about this! I was about 6 years old, and all my friends had cool bikes, and then my birthday came around and I got a really amazing bike. I was so happy about this. So, at least at that time in my life, it was definitely the best present!

2. Do you give expensive gifts?

I sometimes do yes. It depends. Sometimes for a friend’s birthday a few of us club together and put some money together and get a really nice pair of fancy sunglasses or an accessory or something for the person. But usually I think it’s the thought that counts, and many people put too much emphasis on the price of gifts and this isn’t a good thing.

3. What do you often choose as gifts?

It depends on who the gift is for! I usually get some ideas from the person’s friends if I don’t already know the kind of things they like or need. A choice of gift could range from a small desk-toy for an office, like a cute cartoon figure, a pair of designer sunglasses, a book… It completely depends on the person.

4. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

Popular gifts today are perhaps small fashion accessories. Cute bags for girls, maybe a football or basketball T-shirt for boys… If you go to someone’s house for dinner then it’s customary to take some fruits, some juice, a bottle of wine, maybe some snacks and cakes. Things like this.


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