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托福口语confused高级表达:Can’t think straight


例:There are so many people talking. I just can't think straight.

托福口语confused高级表达:Be balled up


例:That dame is so balled up. She doesn’t know anything.

托福口语confused高级表达:Be (as) clear as mud


例:The explanation was as clear as mud.

托福口语confused高级表达:At a loss


例:I don't know what to do. I'm at a loss.

托福独立口语高频话题应对模板和高分范文分享:a person needs talent to be an artist


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A person needs talent to be an artist.


Well, I believe one can never be a real artist without some talents.

The first one is the talent to be creative because artists cannot just copy others' works but have to create their own ones. And this kind of ability cannot be taught by any teacher or be acquired through practicing.

The second one is the talent to realize the mission of being an artist cause artists are not just interested in arts, but determined to devote themselves to this career. For example, a 4-year-old artist, Aelita, said she’s going to paint for 24 hours. This is not something her parents told her, but an innate desire.


1. artists cannot just copy others' works


2. be interested in sth.

对某事感兴趣。如果是怀有极大的兴趣,你可以说:have passion for sth.

3. devote oneself to sth.

致力于/献身于…… = give all your attention and effort to one particular thing, 你还可以说dedicate oneself/ one's life to sth.

4. an innate desire

一种与生俱来的渴望(还有一个叫“内心的渴望” = inner desire)

请注意:这里不能用inherent替代innate。我们看innate的英文解释 = an innate quality or ability is something you are born with 【素质】天生的,与生俱来的;

而inherent是什么意思呢?a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it 内在的,固有的,是某物的一部分或不能与之分开。例句:I am afraid the problems you mention are inherent in the system. 你体积的这些问题恐怕本来就存在于这个体制中。(是一种体制内在固有的问题)


Well, I believe one can never be a real artist without some talents.

The first one is the talent to be creative because artists cannot just copy others' works but have to create their own ones. And this kind of ability cannot be taught by any teacher or be acquired through practicing.

The second one is the talent to realize the mission of being an artist cause artists are not just interested in arts, but determined to devote themselves to this career. For example, a 4-year-old artist, Aelita, said she’s going to paint for 24 hours. This is not something her parents told her, but an innate desire.

托福独立口语高频话题应对模板和高分范文分享:which class would you join for fun


Which class would you join for fun? Art class or science class.

Please give your reasons with details.


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me because I'm just the one who has no passion for anything about art. Most of the time, when others are appreciating a great work of art, I will just count when the class will end. Sometimes, I may even have to drink a lot of coffee before the class to prevent myself from falling asleep during the class. By contrast, in the science class, it is so interesting that I hardly feel bored. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid, all of these can spark my interest and I am overwhelmed by tons of the secrets of the cosmos.


1. fun 不要发成“放”

2. art 不要发成aunt, 要发出r的音。

3. science 不要发成"散s",应该是/'saɪəns/。

类似的:surroundings /sə'raʊndɪŋ/ 也不要忘记发n

4. passion /'pæʃ(ə)n/不要发成pension/'penʃ(ə)n/ 主要就是注意元音的发音,是/æ/不是/e/

5. passionate 同理/'pæʃ(ə)nət/,一定要注意两个a的发音。

6. mysterious 不要忘记浊化s之后的t。

类似的:station, stand, stunned; street, stranger, stress

7. curiosity 这个词有好几个音节,不要吞音。

8. overwhelmed over的v请不要忘记轻咬下唇。


1. 【have passion for sth.】对某事怀有激情

2. 【Most of the time,】大多数时候(大多数人 = most people, a majority of people,如果说most of the people意思是“我们中的大多数”,而且,后边要加定语来修饰限制people)

3. 【appreciate a work of art】 欣赏一件艺术作品

4. 【prevent sb. from doing sth.】阻止某人做某事

5. 【fall asleep】睡着

6. 【during the class】 在课上,还可以说in a/the class

7. 【hardly feel bored】从不感到无聊 (hardly 相当于一个否定词)

8. 【mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscovered asteroid】神秘的黑洞,神奇的万有引力和尚未被发现的小行星

9. 【arouse/ spark my interest; arouse/ spark/ awaken/ pique my curiosity】 激发我的兴趣/好奇心

10.【be overwhelmed by sth.】使某人感到非常惊讶


Personally, I believe that science class is a better choice for me instead of [than] art class because I am the one who likes doesn’t like/ has no passion for things of art. Inthis way, Most of the time, when the others are appreciating a great aunt art work, I will just count how long will the class end the class will last/ when the class will end. Sometimes, I even may/ may even have to take some measures to prevent myself from falling sleep asleep when/ while my classmates are immersed in a passionate work of music art.

However, in the science class, it is so interesting that I can hardly be distracted by the surroundings. The mysterious black hole, the magical universal gravitation, and the undiscoverted undiscovered asteroid, all of these got my attention arouse/ spark my interest/ arouse/ spark/ awaken/ pique my curiosity. And I was overwhelmed by tons of secrets of the cosmos.

托福独立口语高频话题应对模板和高分范文分享:suggestions on saving our planet


Please give your suggestions on saving our planet since we are facing serious environmental problems.

Please include reasons and details in you explanation.


It is a fact that the earth is suffering from serious environmental problems and I’d like to offer the following suggestions: First of all, as water shortage is a universal problem in many parts of the world, I suggest that everyone should conserve freshwater resources by reducing our daily consumption. For example, we could flush the toilet by the water we have used to wash our face. Secondly, big cities in the developing world are the victims of air pollution, so the less use of private cars is a way out. We could take some public transportation, such as metro and bus instead.

And as for my mental health, I think I will try to listen to some light music before going to bed. It will help improve the quality of sleep. And when I run into some bad things I'll complain to my close friends or parents rather than keep all the pressure to myself.



1. 逻辑很清晰,措施描述的很清楚,很好;

2. 内容中有丰富的细节而且真实可信,很有说服力;

3. flush the toilet;metro and bus instead这些例子用得很贴切

这份回答逻辑清晰、细节到位、例证真实都是至关重要的得分点。我们也看到题目中要求我们using specificexamples and details,而这份模板为我们完美诠释了如何展示真实的有细节的生活化的例子。


1. 开头请转述statement:we are facing serious environmental problems与the earth is suffering from serious environmental problems;

2. 环保类话题相关表达积累

1) water shortage水资源短缺

2) suggestion 当“建议”讲的时候是可数名词,当“暗示”讲的时候才不可数。其他表示建议的词:recommendation也可数,advice不可数。

3) conserve freshwater resources 保护淡水资源


动词 protect, preserve, conserve 名词 protection, preservation, conservation


A. protect somebody/something/yourself (against/from something)意思是:to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.保护某人或某物不受到伤害

例如:to protect rare wild animals from extinction 保护珍稀野生动物免于灭绝

B. preserve somebody/something (from something) 意思是:to keep somebody/something alive, or safe from harm or danger 保护某人或某物活着或免于受伤,其同义词是save

例如:The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.


C. conserve something意思是: to use as little of something as possible so that it lasts a long time 尽可能地少用某物以便让它可以持续很长时间(这其实是对于不可再生能源的一种保护)

例如:Renewable energy resources can help conserve fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions.可再生能源有利于保护化石燃料并减少碳排放。

4) reduce our daily consumption 减少日常的消耗,the less use of private cars 减少对于私家车的使用,这里为我们示范了两种表示“减少”的方式。

5) sth. is a way out ……是一条出路

6) the victims of air pollution 大气污染的受害者。

此外:常见的环境污染还包括:水污染(air pollution)土壤污染(soil pollution)噪声污染(noise pollution)


It is a fact that the earth is suffering from serious environmental problems and I’d like to offer the following suggestions:

First of all, as water shortage is a universal problem in many parts of the world, I suggest that everyone should conserve freshwater resources by reducing our daily consumption. For example, we could flush the toilet by the water we have used to wash our face.

Secondly, big cities in the developing world are the victims of air pollution, so +the less use of private cars is a way out. We could take some public transportation, such as metro and bus instead.



