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首先我们要知道的是,国外比较注重享受生活,所以,一般有leisure time的时候,总会计划来一次度假,所以在话题刚开始的时候,介绍即将前往的地点Where to go,这里就要有一些心理准备哦,因为一般会出现一些新的或者不太熟悉的词,随后,一般会给出preparation for a trip的小tips,简单归类如下:

如果去Mountains做hiking的话,就要准备好tent,hiking shoes/boots,rucksack(大登山包);为了防止迷路,还要准备好compass,cave torch/flash light;在勘察地形或者欣赏自然美景时binoculars也必不可少哦。

国外的自然环境比较好,还有可能会去rainforest之类的地点旅游,那么water-proof coat,strong walking boots;还有特别需要准备的insect repellent(驱虫剂),若需要过夜的话mosquito net(蚊帐)等也需备齐。当然,还很有可能来个惊险刺激的canoe trip啦,这时候就需要准备好washable shoes,sweater,high-energy snack等。

在岛屿类国家,还可以组织去tropical island来个冒险哦。这时就需联系好ferry,准备好bottled water。特别注意的是在晚上时可能会骤冷,所以准备好sweater和thick socks也很有必要。为了以防万一,还需要准备一些医疗设备,以备不时之需,如first-aid kit,buy medicine at the chemist’s等,为了预防外出易染上的malaria,可能还需要先打vaccine。

接着,可能还要准备晚上的住宿问题,做些arrangements。确定是住在hotel,motel,inn,还是youth hostel(青年旅社);亦或是来个农家乐,住在cottage,cabin里。还有还要确认相关的服务,比如是否会提供B&B(bed & breakfast)服务等。最后如果是对话形式的话,还会有两人最后对于时间、地点等的再次做consistent的确认。

雅思听力小范围预测:Section One

场次 20110903 2008

场景 问卷调查

题型 填空 10

内容概述 电话调查某城市本地人对该城市的满意度和建议。

1. 地址:Fowler Road

2. 邮编:RO62LR

3. 职业:Waiter


4. Streets 的干净程度

5. Health Service 的满意度

6. Police 的印象


7. 一个是 parks 有很多可以跟老婆散步

8. 还有一个是有 schools,很方便

9. 可以和 local 交流

10. swimming pool


Section One

场次 20150618 20110118 2007

场景 学校咨询

题型 填空 10

内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校

填空 10

1. from 8:10 to 9:00am

2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone

3. parents can attend art course with their kids

4. next gathering for parents: July

5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back

6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes

do not wear boots.

7. Activities: cooking, music and chess

8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside

9. a professional dentist emergency took place

10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.

场次 NEW

场景 Sports

题型 单选 6,配对 4

内容概述 运动中心开业


1.What purpose for this activity/new course? ----- C. celebrate the opening of dance studio

2. What day is the most popular day for this center? ----- B. weekdayevenings

3.How can guest get a discount? ----- A. book in advance

4.What is the special offer? ----- A. free training hour with acoach

5.Why did they win a award? ----- C. offering professional advisers

6.Why did some guest finallyquit? ----- B. did not share experience among friends


A. release stress

B. the leg strength

C. .....

D. better concentration

E. quick react/short react time

7. General training ------ B

8. Weight training ------D

9.Aerobic training ----- A.

10. Squash ----- E

场次 20110111 20100605

题型 填空 7 单选 3

内容概述 男教授和一男一女两个学生讨论语言学习问题

单选 3


A. German for science is too difficult.

B. she doesn’t grasp the skill to learn independently

C. she is too busy to learn

2. What did Ivan do in the library?

A. sort out the timetable

B. read newspapers

C. send e-mail

3: 两人学习中共同的问题。

选 A. too many people in the library.

场次 20110105 20110709 2009104 20081108

学科 教育

题型 单选 2 填空 8

内容概述 坚持能力研究,讨论 education 分组和所设计的一些学习项目

单选 2

1. samples in the subject course students have common features:

选 an age group

2. elder students are more influenced by

选 impact from their family

(先说没想到学生不是考虑 Financial 什么的,最后提到了 family

表格填空 5



在听力方面有一个技能大家必须要了解就是word boundaries 词汇边界:一个单词的发音会受到它前面或后面单词的影响,就在某个单词结束下一个单词开始的时候很难听出来,因为这些单词似乎都连在一起了。


这篇文章朗阁(微信ID:cdlongre)小编就给大家总结一下英文当中的word boundaries

1连读 (辅音+元音)

Linked words:Consonant + vowel


add up

what are these?

the main objective

2多音 (元音+元音)

Inserted sounds: Vowel +vowel

当前面的单词以元音结尾,下一个单词又以元音开头的时候,中间你会听到类似/w/, /j/, /r/的音。


do /w/ anything

try /j/ out

no /w/ idea /r/ of it


Disappearing sounds: Consonant + consonant

当一个单词以/d/ 或/t/结尾,下一个单词以辅音开头,/d/ 或/t/的音会消失。


next day

rapid growth



1. they invested in property

2. a mixture of oil and residues

3. it’s an open market

4. it’s due on Friday morning

5. free admission on Sundays

6. it shows as a white mark


★ 雅思听力备考及考试时的技巧整理


