1、初步学习儿歌:“I can ”。
1、通过情景表演,让幼儿初步感受句型“I can”。
——和幼儿打招呼。引入情景表演。复习句型“Who is it?”“It’s me。” T:Hello,Boys and Girls。
C:Hello,Miss Xue。
T:I love you!
C:I love you too!
T:Today,Some animals will come。But,Who are they?(做想状)Hear!(做听状)
C:Who is it?Who is it?
T:It’s me。It’s me。
——老师说完从黑板后面飞出,边飞边说:“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”。在幼儿面前飞上几圈之后和幼儿打招呼。
T:Hello,Boys and girls。
T:Nice to meet you!
C:Nice to meet you too!
T:Yes,I’m a bird。I can fiy!(边说边做飞状)
T:Now,Boys and girls,Let’s like a bird,Ok?
T:Oh,Stand up please!Let’s line up and follow me。When you fly,you should say:“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”。Louderly! ——老师边飞边提醒幼儿飞时要大声地跟着老师念“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”。
T:Please fly to your seat。
T:Look!(做看状),Who is coming?
T:Oh,Boys and girls,Let’s have a look,Here are there animals,They are。。。。。。(等待幼儿说出:Fish、Rabbit and bird。
T:Yes,you are very clever!(手指小鸟),It is a bird,Just now,The bird says:I can?(等待幼儿说出Fly。同时老师边说边做飞的动作以此来引导幼儿说出。)
T:Yes,Now,Please fllow me read :“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”。(集体念三遍)
——以下同上学念“Swim,swim,swim,I can swim。”“Hop,hop,hop,I can hop。” T:who want to be bird?
T:Listten carefully。If I say “bird,bird。”You may do like this。
(老师带领幼儿做飞的动作并要求幼儿要大声地念出来。) T:Are you clear?
T:(其他幼儿)Show your fingers and fllow me。
3、初步完整学习儿歌“I can”。
T:Now,Boys and girls,There are some pictures under your chairs,next,you can take it out and mey do like this。(老师把椅子底下的图片取出并示范贴在自己的身上)。
T:OK,please look at me and listen carefully。Now,you should look carefully who are you?(老师向每位幼儿问一遍:You are ?等待幼儿自己说出自己身上小动物的名称)。
T:OK,If I show this picture(小鸟图片),The bird should mey do like this(小鸟要飞出来,然后飞回去,同时要大声念儿歌)。
T:OH,Look,The day is dark。This animals will go home。They are going to sleep。(做睡觉状)Look,this is bird’s home(依次介绍小动物的家,并把小动物图片贴在地上的房子里)。
The brids go home(带领幼儿飞回家,带要求幼儿一定要边飞边说:“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”。如幼儿不说,可停止游戏)
T:Please stop!When you fly,you should says:“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”。(继续游戏)
T:(听起床音乐)Morning bells are ringing,It’s time to get up。The brid get up。。。。。(幼儿听指令分别起床飞回座位)
T:Today,all the boys and girls did a good job。I’m very glad!So I will each everyone a red flower。(给幼儿每人奖励一朵大红花)
T:Oh,I’m very hungry!Are you hungry?
T:Let’s go to the Supermarket,OK?
T:Ok,Stand up please !Let’s say Bye-bye to teachers。
C:Bye-bye teachers!
T:Follow me:“Fly,fly,fly,I can fly”“Swim,swim,swim,I can swim。”“Hop,hop,hop,I can hop”。
教学目的(Teaching aims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣。
教学内容(Teaching content):学唱一首英文歌曲Good morning
教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD, 或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲。 教学过程(Teaching process):
T: Good morning, boys and girls. I have a gift for you. Let’s listen.
教师在多媒体中播放《Good morning》,本堂课在美妙的歌声中展开了。
T: Do you have any songs which can share(分享) with us? S1: I have ‘Hello!’
S2: I have ‘ Body song’.
S3: I have ‘How are you ? ’
3、学唱歌曲,并且比赛 T:We have many beautiful songs here. Now would you like to sing the songs. Let’s learn the song ‘Good morning’ and have a competition(比赛). Ss: OK! 全班同学学习,然后四人小组练习,教师巡回指导。在指导中教师要特别注意纠正学生的歌词读音以及音准问题。
1. 培养幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动;
让幼儿认识apple orange,因为幼儿在日常生活中经常见到和接触,所以幼儿比较了解且会较容易学会。只要是让幼儿认识苹果和橘子的英文单词,对它们有一个简单的印象。
四.活动过程: 1.热身运动
播放上次教学活动的《hello》 2.单词导出
师:good morning,girls.do your like eating fruits?(小朋友,你们喜欢吃水果吗?) 师:do you know their english name?(你们知道他们的英文名字吗?) 师:今天老师和小朋友认识两种水果的英文名字
师:look!what is this?(看看,这是什么?)
师:this is a apple.(这是一个苹果)
师:苹果,苹果,apple ,apple
师:look!what is this?
师:现在我们来听听水果的英文儿歌 3.品尝水果
准备水果,给每个幼儿一个(橘子),让幼儿通过嗅觉品尝橘子的滋味。让幼儿更深入的了解、认识橘子和苹果。 4.播放《i like apple》,引起幼儿兴趣。 播放两到三遍的英语儿歌,吸引幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿对苹果和橘子等的英文单词有印象。 5. 幼儿辨认水果
t: i’m hungry now.i want to eat some fruits, who want to help me?(作举手状) 接着当幼儿上来时,教师说:i like apple/orange。看幼儿是否拿到正确的水果。如果拿错,可说:no, i don’t like orange.i like apple(手指apple).无论何种情况,记得说thank you .
i canhear
teaching tools: related songs videos, card stickers and headdre
and aociated avoid. teaching steps: one: warming up:
t: hello, lovely kids.let’s say hello to our
friends.(greet teachers and childcare and the children clap and say hello.)
c:( children also greet each other.)
t: ok,stop。 (teacher does “stop” action.).now,
join us for hello it! please follow me doing.(teacher and children sitting in a circle, hands up and say hello to the sky ,hands down and say hell to the earth.hands for ward and back or left and right
hands.are together hello.preschool teachers to do the movements to follow and say hello tone is not the same.).
t:ok,stop。(teachers do “stop” action. two:
t: everybady.please looks at me! (teachers come sin card .this card is painted on the train)
t: now, this card sticker’s .what card above? c:
tithes are a little train. follow me together. tc: little train ~~~~~~ t: do you like? c:yes。
t:now, i wonder if you know what train emits sounds?
t:ok,now,look at me.(this card is painted on the bell.)what card above? c:little bell.
t:good,this is little bell.follow me together.ok? tc:little bell~~~~~~
t:now,i wonder if you know what bell emits sounds? c:
t:that’s very good!
t:now,we looking this card.what card above? c:little car.
t:(you awesome,you sat in the little car)do you like it? c:yes.
t: now, i wonder if you know what train, bell and car emits sounds. c:yes i know .
t:let’s play the game now.
rules of the game: teachers say the word fire little train, children sent about little train
sounds .teachers give notice little train sounds, children began to speak about the sound of the word.
talon at me。(please aistant to help demonstrate again)let the children play their own.
t:ok,we wait playing games.now,look at me.i sing a sang hear the sound of a train inside you ?
(teacher in the fies , paragraph of sing song and performing songs.
c:there are train tracks sounds.
t:what is the sound of the train?and the aongs are not the same.
t:have you ever heard the voice of little bell and little car?
t:now,i put all the children were divided into three groups.
t:this group of children is the little train set. t:this group of children is the little bell set. t:this group of children is the little bell set.
t:now, when the train teachers to sing,little train to sing wu wu wu~~,when the bell teachers to sing, little bell to sing ding ding ding ,when the car
teachers to sing car ,little car to sing di di di,ok? t:behold i am the most powerful group of children.t:are you ready? c:
after the end of game. three:practice
one:丢手绢:the game’s songs replaced i can hear,like the rest of the play.
four:oh,we dance to dance to this song right.t:are you happy today?let’s say baybay.
2、复习用英语数数及单词face,学习用英语说出五官并能正确发音 3、通过游戏促进幼儿交往能力和初步的竞争意识
活动准备:face课件、五官卡片〈用来拼图〉、娃娃脸纸〈用来粘贴五官〉 活动过程:
一、开始部分引出主题 1、用英语问候
hello,boys and girls hello,mi chen
师幼共同唱〈good morning 〉 2、复习单词
今天老师再来给小朋友变个魔术, look,whats this?
its face 师:yes,〈教师模仿face〉:“i am a face,nice to see you” 幼:“nice to see you too” 师:oh,very good 。face上都有什么呢?who want to help me? 幼:眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴…… 师:那我们一起来用英语数数看face上都有几个器官吧 幼:one two theer ……
师: whats this? 幼:嘴巴 师:oh,this is mouth,follow me mouth 幼儿看老师口型跟读 ,向mouth打招呼hello mouth类似学习nose、eye、ear 师:小朋友学的可真快,鼓励鼓励自己 幼、good dood verygood.三、游戏比赛记忆单词 师:小娃娃哭了?小朋友看发生了什么事?〈出示课件face五官消失〉原来娃娃的五官丢了,怎么办啊? 幼儿积极讨论想办法。
师:小朋友,小娃娃脸真漂亮,他们要回家了,先和他们说再见吧 幼:goodbey 师:下面老师要和小朋友做个游戏,游戏的名字叫:touch touch
教师找一名能力强的幼儿配合示范游戏〈教师用手请轻轻拍幼儿的手,一边说touch touch nose幼儿赶快用另一只手指在鼻子上,要求能够听到后,快速的指出相应的五官〉幼儿学会后可以自由找自己的好朋友玩这个游戏,教师鼓励帮助交往能力差的幼儿找到好朋友。在欢乐的touch touch游戏中结束活动。
活动自评: 通过本次英语活动,幼儿基本上可以掌握所学单词,并复习到一些简单的英语口语。活动通过听、说、学、用等多种游戏形式,使幼儿在玩中将所学知识得到巩固和使
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