
Lesson Three

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  • 1A Unit(精选17篇)

    教学方案(第一课时)第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:六年级二、 单元:unit6三、 课题:holidays四、 课型:新授课五、 教学内容:part a六、 教学目标: 掌握单词、词组:christmas, halloween, new year's day, spring festival,mid-aut...

  • Unit 2 How are you?(通用5篇)

    教学目标:1. learn to say : how are you ? and respond : fine, thank you. / not bad , thank you . / not so good . i’m sorry. 2. learn to sing s song : hello! how are you ?教学重点难点:learn to say : how are you ? and...

  • 体验精彩的猜谜游戏:《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 6”On a farm“第一课时(精选15篇)

    小学生好动,注意力集中时间短,好胜心强,一般来说比较喜欢猜谜等游戏。在教学过程中,如果我们能够结合学生的年龄特点和心理特点,巧妙并且适时地使用 guessinggame,就能把枯燥的单词或句子操练变成学生乐于接受的学习形式,可以激发学...

  • 牛津英语1A Unit 1 my Classroom(通用4篇)

    教学目标:1. using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g. open your book.2. using formulaic expressions to ask how someone is, and respond e.g. how are you? fine, thank you....

  • 第二册 unit(精选6篇)

    Unit one My AgeAims: Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others.Ask questions to find out information Use English to communicate with others when playing gamesUse proper pronunciation and intonation...

  • Animals(精选13篇)

    小学英语第一册《Animals》教案设计教学内容:小学英语第一册第四单元Part A 中的 Let`s learn .(单词:rabbit、duck、dog、panda、bird、bee、monkey ) ,句子:I have a …… 。教学重点、难点:听说、认读三会单词。...

  • 《牛津小学英语》1A Unit 1教学设计(精选12篇)

    教材简析:“planning for the weekend”是译林版《牛津小学英语》6a unit6part a,主 要 教学内容是关于娱乐活动类的单词词组,和一般将来时在句中的应用。...

  • 第一册 Unit(精选13篇)

    Teaching Plan of Fun with English 3AUnit 5 How are you?(Period 1)l Teaching content: Unit 5 How are you? l Teaching targets:1. Aim of knowledge:Pupils are able to read and speak out drills: How are you? Fine, thank you....

  • 《中秋节》教学设计(精选14篇)


  • 小学一年级英语教案

