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无论是OG还是Delta,都把阅读的题目分成十类,即:Understanding Facts and Details, Identifying Negative Facts, Locating Referents, Understanding Vocabulary in Context, Making Inferences,Determining Purposes, Recognizing Paraphrases (Simplifying sentences), Recognizing Coherence (Sentence inserting), Summarizing Important Ideas and Organizing information. 我将按顺序一一解释。



Emoji are being adopted at a faster rate than any other 'language' - and eight in 10 of us now use the colourful symbols to communicate.


To plot this popularity, a linguistics professor has conducted the first 'Emoji IQ' study looking at how the pictures are used and by whom.


And she has created an online test to determine how well you know your 'confused' face from your 'angry' face to determine if you're an emoji master.


The test contains 10 questions that ask users to identify the meaning of certain symbols, and how they would write sentences using emoji.


At the end of the test they are given a percentage score - rather than an IQ score as the test's name suggests - and the aim is to be an Emoji Master with a perfect score.


According to the study, four in 10 people send messages made up entirely of emoji and 18 to 25-year-olds find it easier to express emotions using the symbols.


More than half of this group admitted emoji has improved their ability to interact with others.


But for the over 40s the language is lost in translation.


More than half (54 per cent) admitted to being confused about what the symbols mean, while a third claimed to have avoided using emoji in text, instant messaging and apps because they lacked the confidence to use them appropriately.


TalkTalk Mobile teamed up with Vyv Evans, linguistics professor at Bangor University to launch the study and improve understanding of emoji with the 'Emoji IQ' tutorial.

TalkTalk Mobile公司与班戈大学的语言学教授Vyv Evans合作进行了这项“表情符号智商”测试的研究,帮助理解表情符号的意义。

'Emoji is the fastest growing form of language ever based on its incredible adoption rate and speed of evolution,' said Professor Evans.


'As a visual language emoji has already far eclipsed hieroglyphics, its ancient Egyptian precursor which took centuries to develop.'


The most popular emoji, according to the study, is the 'smiley face' followed by the 'crying with laughter face'. The 'See no evil monkey' rounded off the top 10.


'Given the utility and added value provided by emoji, their usage is expected to increase exponentially across all age and cultural groups,' continued Professor Evans.


'Unlike natural languages such as English, emoji is almost universally recognisable because it exploits the visual representation system.


'Emoji won't replace traditional languages but it will increasingly be used to enhance them.


'I think it's conceivable that emoji will increasingly be used to complement digital versions of written works.


'For instance, the inclusion of emoji to help convey meaning in abridged versions of Shakespeare could help bring those great stories to life for a whole new generation.'


Instagram recently similarly studied the use of the symbols on its app to try to establish the context of many popular, and more obscure, emoji.


It discovered emoji often have a shared meaning regardless of where in the world you are, and in some cases, are replacing internet slang completely.


According to Instagram, almost 40 per cent of text comments on the app now contain emoji.


Researchers discovered that emoji are replacing internet slang.


For example, 'omg' - slang for 'oh my god' - has been replaced with the 'face screaming with fear' emoji.


While 'lol', and 'lmao' - laugh my ass off - is being replaced by the 'face with tears of joy' emoji.


The love heart has replaced kisses on comments, and the 'thumbs' up emoji is a catch-all for good luck, good job, fingers crossed, impressed and proud.


The research also revealed that the 'person raising both hands in celebration' emoji is more commonly used in place of words relating to waiting and stopping.


'Women with bunny ears' is typically used to represent sisters, and the 'dancing lady' is used for birthday-related posts.




The first emoji was created in 1999 by a team working on Japanese mobile phone provider i-mode's messaging features.

第一个表情符号创于1999年,是日本手机运营商 i-mode的一个研究消息传递的团队设计的。

Originally meaning 'pictograph', the word emoji literally means 'picture' (e) and 'character' (moji).


There are 722 different emoji characters currently available in the standard Unicode set shared by most platforms.


The word 'emoji' was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013.


In April 2015, Andy Murray posted a wedding day tweet which described the day in emoji.

2015年4月,英国网球运动员安迪·穆雷(Andy Murray)在贴子上运用表情符号记录了他结婚的这一天。

There will 2 billion smartphone users by 2016 according to eMarketer; 41.5 billion messages and 6 billion emoticons are sent daily according to Swyft Media, a London-based firm that makes emoji for brands.

据总部位于伦敦的 Swyft Media公司统计,到2016年将有20亿的智能手机用户;人们每天将发送415亿条短信和60亿表情符号。该公司把表情符号打造成了商标。


emoji 表情符号

eclipse 使……黯然失色;超过

hieroglyphics 象形文字

precursor 先驱

emoticon 表情符号


In case you feared you were lagging behind your peers, a new infographic reveals exactly when Brits achieve life's major goals from marriage to buying their first home.


According to a poll of 2,000 people, the 25 milestones begin with a first kiss at the age of 15 and end with a relatively early retirement at 60.


But many cash-strapped thirtysomethings will be baffled by the finding that the majority of people in the UK buy their first property in their late 20s and are splashing out on two holidays a year by the age of 36.


The study commissioned by lending company, Amigo Loans, quizzed UK adults between the ages of 16 and 65.

这一研究由借贷公司Amigo Loans委托,调查对象是16岁到65岁之间的英国人。

The research found that the most awkward life milestone - the first kiss - is best ticked off at the tender age of 15.


The experiences of our early 20s should include passing a driving test at 20, moving out of home and buying our first car at 22 and jetting off to sunnier climes for the first time with a boyfriend or girlfriend at 23.


Researchers also revealed that 19 is the best age to start a full-time job, while we should feel free to enjoy the first holiday without mum and dad two years later.


The common consensus is that by the time we are 30 we should have ticked off everything from living on our own at 24, to meeting the one and getting engaged at 25, and getting married at the age of 27.


According to the data, buying a house and even having a first child are best ticked off before reaching the big 3-0, at the ages of 29 and 28, respectively.


The age of 31 was hailed as the prime time at which to have a second child, while landing a managerial role and being able to afford to buy a brand new car should also be within sight at this point.


Additionally, two holidays a year should be affordable by the time we turn 37, and we ought to have our eye on a buy-to-let property two years later.


As we head through our mid to late-30s and early-40s we ought to be aiming to have moved to slightly bigger second home, have earnings of around £40k a year or more, and even have considered, or set up our own business.


A spokeswoman for Amigo Loans, who commissioned the study, said: 'It's normal to want to achieve certain things by certain ages and it's good to be ambitious.

Amigo Loans公司委托此项调查的发言人说道:“人到了一定的年龄就想实现一定的目标,这很正常。人应该心怀抱负。”

'Borrowing money to achieve life's milestones, such as moving out, buying a car or starting a business is harder than ever for ordinary, hard-working people and our research shows nearly half of people between the ages of 16-34 expect to turn to their family and friends for financial help to achieve their life goals.


'Indeed, nearly 80 per cent of our guarantors are family members.'


The team of researchers also found those who are yet to tick off significant milestones are struggling to do because of financial pressures.


Of those who have managed to achieve most of those on the list, the majority did so within their targeted time-frame.


But the milestones which proved the most difficult to achieve and which took longer than expected were passing a driving test, buying a first car and then being able to afford a brand new car.


Most had to wait longer to have their second child than they would have liked, while getting to the point where two holidays a year wasn’t a problem also proved tough.


The study also looked into the subject of pressure and the part it plays in helping us achieve our goals.


One in three people said they felt there was more pressure on the current generation to reach milestones within specific time-frames.


But according to the data, a large percentage of us also put the pressure on ourselves to achieve things by certain times.



splash out 随意花钱

tender age 未成熟的年纪

sunnier climes


tick off 勾出


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