我们以剑13的Test 1的第一篇阅读题为例来讲解填空题的审题要求。这一道阅读题的1-7是表格填空题,做题之前先审题。题目的要求有两点:1.不多于一个词(ONE WORD ONLY);2.从文章中找词(Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage)。基于这样的题目要求,我们在做题的时候就只能往空上填一个词,而且这个词必需来源于原文。看清了题目要求,就可以开始做题了。
我们以第一个空为例,讲解如何根据关键词定位文章位置。我们在题目的图表中看到,第1和第2个题都属于“Database of tourism services”这个分类之下,我们可以通过这个分类迅速将题目答案范围定位到第二段Database of tourism services的位置,然后回头看题目“allow businesses to information regularly”此时我们要在题干中选取定位词,可选的定位词有两个“business”和“regularly”,但是“business”太过宽泛,我们就用“regularly”来定位。然后根据这这个定位词,我们将答案出处定位在原文的这句话里“In addition, because participating businesses were able toupdate the details they gave on a regularbasis, the information provided remained accurate.”所以答案就出来了,空格上填“update”。综上所述,我们可以看到做填空题的时候要经历这几个过程,先确定定位词,再找到对应内容,然后在空格上填入合适单词即可。刚开始做填空题不要着急提速,先学会找关关键词学会定位文章位置,等到大家练习的多了速度自然就提上去了。
Is microwaving food safe? 7 nutrition myths debunked
Do you need to drink one glass of water for every caffeinated beverage you drink? Are “white foods” like onions less nutritious than broccoli? Is dark chocolate really rich in antioxidants? Read on to learn the truth about seven common nutrition myths.
1Myth: Multigrain foods are rich in whole grains
When a food is labeled "multigrain," it means that more than one type of grain was used in the product -- though none of them are necessarily whole grains. This is also true for products such as “seven-grain” bread.
Whole grain means all the parts of the grain kernel -- the bran, germ and endosperm -- are used, allowing for a more nutritious product compared to foods made with refined grains. Whole-grain foods contain nutrients, fiber, and other healthy plant compounds found naturally in grain.
According to an article in the Journal of Nutrition, there is consistent epidemiological evidence indicating that whole grain foods substantially lower a person's risk for developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and also play a role in body weight management and digestive health.
To make sure a product is whole grain, look at package labels. The first ingredient listed should contain the word “whole,” such as “whole wheat” or “whole oats.” The USDA recommends healthy adults consume about 6 ounces of total grains per day, and that at least half of those grains (3 ounces) are whole grains.
2Myth: White vegetables lack nutritional value
While you may have been told to steer clear of “white foods” for good health, this advice does not hold up when it comes to white vegetables. Cauliflower, onions, mushrooms, turnips and even potatoes are packed with just as many nutrients as their colorful veggie counterparts. Eating white vegetables can increase intake of fiber, potassium, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals – in addition to improving overall vegetable consumption, according to a paper published in Advances in Nutrition. The next time you add color to your salad, don’t forget the white.
3Myth: Dark chocolate has more healthful flavanols than milk chocolate
Dark chocolate is often perceived as healthier than milk chocolate because it contains higher concentrations of cocoa. However, dark chocolate does not necessarily have more cocoa flavanols than milk chocolate.
Naturally found in fresh cocoa beans, cocoa flavanols are a unique group of plant nutrients (phytonutrients) that research indicates may help improve circulation, cardiovascular health and blood flow to the brain. According to The National Confectioners Association’s Chocolate Council, the cocoa percentage marked on a chocolate’s label isn’t a reliable indicator of flavanol amounts.
“Cocoa flavanols are easily destroyed by typical processing techniques including the amount of time, temperature and moisture when making cocoa or chocolate. This process starts from the time the cocoa beans are harvested and continues throughout processing,” said Hagen Schroeter, Director of Cocoa Flavanol Research at Mars, Inc.
If you are looking to add more cocoa flavanols to your diet, Schroeter recommends additional sources, such as cocoa extract supplements.
4Myth: Cut calories to lose weight
While cutting calories will likely help you drop a few pounds in the short term, Alyse Levine, a registered dietitian nutritionist and founder of the Eating Reset weight loss program, says if calorie restriction is your main focus, you’ll likely gain more weight in the long term.
“Everyone thinks weight loss is about what they are eating, but losing weight for the long run comes down to why and how you eat,” Levine said.
Rather than focusing on consuming a set number of calories a day, Levine advises her clients take a more holistic approach to weight loss.
“There are three very simple-sounding things I tell people to do to lose weight for the long run: Eat when you are physically hungry, choose whatever foods will satisfy you and stop when you are more than comfortably full," Levine said.
The problem with strict dieting is that it often forces you to ignore physical hunger cues, which can eventually lead to over-indulging. Levine’s philosophy gets you in touch with your physical hunger, creating a healthier dynamic for long-term weight loss.
5Myth: Dietary supplements are a waste of money
Recent recommendations by the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force indicate a lack of evidence that a daily multivitamin will ward off major diseases like cancer and heart disease. However, that doesn’t mean dietary supplements don’t play an important role in your overall wellness, particularly for certain groups of people.
“Some populations like women who are or may become pregnant, people with nutrient deficiencies or malabsorption problems, strict vegetarians or vegans, and older adults may need supplements to meet their increased needs,” said Caroline Kaufman, a registered dietician nutritionist based in Los Angeles.
If you choose to take a multivitamin, Kaufman recommends talking to your health care provider to determine the right type for you as needs vary depending on diet, health history, age and medical conditions. In addition, it’s important to look for quality brands that have been tested and verified by a third-party organization, such as the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).
6Myth: Microwaving food destroys nutrients
This is an old nutrition myth – recently reiterated comically by Jennifer Lawrence’s character in the movie American Hustle – but microwaving food does not destroy nutrients. In fact, according to Kaufman, in some cases microwaving food offers health benefits.
“A fast and convenient way to steam vegetables, microwaving can help people retain more water-soluble nutrients often lost when drowning vegetables in water and cooking them too long. Microwaving also helps preserve heat-sensitive nutrients like vitamin C due to a faster cook time,” Kaufman said.
In addition, partially cooking meat in the microwave means less cooking time over an open flame.
“Microwaving meat before pan-frying or grilling can substantially reduce the formation of potentially cancer-causing chemicals, caused heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which cause cancer in animals, and may be linked to colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer in humans,” Kaufman advised.
7Myth: Coffee is dehydrating
A January 2014 study published in the journal PLOS ONE found that, contrary to popular belief, your morning cup of coffee will not dehydrate you. Researchers analyzed the hydration status of 50 male coffee-drinkers when they drank four mugs of coffee each day compared to when they drank four cups of water each day and found no difference between the two beverages.
While this is good news for coffee drinkers, Kaufman warns healthy adults should consume no more than 400 mg of caffeine a day -- that’s about 4 cups of brewed coffee, one "venti" Starbucks coffee or 10 cups of green tea. Consuming over 600 mg of caffeine each day is considered “too much” by the FDA because overdoses can be harmful and possibly lethal.
“While caffeinated beverages may help you meet your fluid requirements, in excess, caffeine can have negative effects on health like anxiety, agitation, headaches, insomnia, increased heart rate, dental caries, and more,” Kaufman said.
你有坚持“每日五蔬果”么?虽然那的确有益健康,但是,你的果蔬选择是否正确呢? Eating your five-a-day? Good for you. But are they the right five-a-day?
专家建议我们丢弃胡萝卜和柑橘,转而购买一些红薯和木瓜。 Researchers say we should ditch carrots and oranges and buy some sweet potatoes and papaya instead.
他们还说,最受大家欢迎的水果、蔬菜并不一定最有益身体健康。 Our favourite fruits and vegetables are not necessarily the best for us, they claim.
与其每天吃那些我们熟悉、喜欢的食物,倒不如丰富我们的口味,储存一些甘蓝菜、蓝莓、红薯、木瓜等果蔬。 Rather than making up our five-a-day with foods we know and like, we should broaden our tastes and stock up on kale and blueberries, as well as sweet potatoes and papaya.
这样一来,我们不仅能品尝到各种口味,还比吃胡萝卜、柑橘等我们喜欢的果蔬能吸收更多营养。 Not only will our palates appreciate the variety, they are better for us than carrots, oranges and other favourites.
研究人员集中研究营养素--植物化合物被认为对人们的眼睛、骨骼、心脏、大脑和免疫系统有益,同时还能有效降低心脏病、癌症和糖尿病的风险。 The researchers focused on phytonutrients - plant compounds believed to boost the health of the eyes, bone, heart, brain and immune system, cutting the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
专家们还说,虽然胡萝卜富含胡萝卜素--抗流感的维他命A的构成元素之一--红薯中的胡萝卜素含量约是它的两倍。 They say that although carrots are rich in beta-carotene - a building block of flu-fighting vitamin A - sweet potatoes contain nearly twice as much.
同样地,虽然每天早上喝一杯橘子汁并非难事,但食用少量木瓜就能获取15倍乃至更多的隐黄质--另一种维生素A构成元素。 Similarly, while it is easy to start the day with a glass of orange juice, a handful of papaya contains 15 times more beta-cryptoxanthin - another vitamin A building block.
来自美国维他命药片制造商纽崔莱的Keith Randolph博士表示,虽然大家都清楚地知道很多人并没有食用足够的蔬菜和水果,但那些听取建议坚持“每日五果蔬”的人会更健康。 Dr Keith Randolph, of U.S. vitamin pill manufacturer Nutrilite, said that while it was well known that many people do not eat enough fruit and vegetables, even those who ate the recommended five-a-day could do better.
“这一数据更强调了一点:数量固然重要,摄入果蔬的质量和多样性更加重要。 ” 'This data highlights the importance of not only the quantity but the significant impact that quality and variety of the fruits and vegetables can have.'
但是,英国营养基金会的Emma Williams教授表示:“如果没有健康、多样的均衡饮食作为前提,任何食物都不是‘超级食物’。” But Dr Emma Williams, of the British Nutrition Foundation, said: 'No food is a superfood if it is not part of a healthy, varied and balanced diet.'
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