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雅思阅读各大题型中,雅思阅读配对题属于难度较高,失分也较多的一大题型,下面小编就和大家分享雅思阅读配对题List of Headings4种解题技巧 ,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思阅读配对题List of Headings4种解题技巧



注意:不是所有转折词都那么明显,有时可能会用别的词语替代,比如refute,Some don’t agree this等等。考生需要多做题,培养对转折词的敏感度和语感。



通常,雅思阅读配对题List of Headings题型难度较高,无法在文章做定位,需要我们通读全文才能着手去做,所以建议大家做完其他题目再做雅思阅读配对题。


文章段落中,出现的引证和举例内容可以先忽略,我们应该把注意力放在引证和举例之前的部分。比如for example, for instance, A is one of the best examples to demonstrate等等。论据的就是用来阐述论点,所以论据前面的论点语句,通常可以用来做段意选择。


难免有些文章段落让我们很苦恼,无法做出答案,建议大家不要因此浪费时间纠结。而是应该做个标记,然后move on,去完成其他题目。等到完成其他题目,其实你也就缩小了可选的范围,加上此时如果还剩余时间,还可以再好好阅读原文,找出最合适的答案。


1. cause=reason=factor=origin=root 原因 n.

2. measure=weigh=time=take=read 测量 v.

3. route=motorway=highway=expressway 车道 n.

4. exclude=omit=miss out=leave out=drop 排除在外 v.

5. renewable=sustainable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可再生的 adj.

6. exist=there is/are=be found=occur 存在 v.

7. limit=restrict=constrain=confine=keep to 限制 v.

8. boundary=border=edge=outskirts=frontier 边界 n.

9. allow for=make sth. Possible 使…成为可能

10. proposal=suggestion=recommendation=proposition 提议 n.

11. urban=city=town=municipal 城市的 adj.

12. odour=smell=stench=stink 味道 n.

13. find one's way=navigate 导航 v.

14. bearing=position=standing 方位 n.

15. exchange=share=distribute 分享 v.

16. waste=unwanted materials=rubbish=garbage=trash 废物 n.

17. dental=teeth 牙齿的 adj.

18. priority=preferential=the most important=overriding 优先 n.

19. encourage=promote=help=support=be supportive 鼓励 v.

20. explore=look for=discuss=think 探索 v.

21. factor=cause=reason=root=origin 因素 n.

22. cultivate=grow=raise 培养 v.

23. convert=modify=transfer=adapt=customize 转变 v.

24. digest=take in=absorb=assimilate 消化 v.

25. preserve=protect=keep=store=keep sth. In storage 保存,保护 v.

26. monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.

27. allocate=distribute=apportion=grant=confer 分配 v.

28. decline=decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.

29. fragile=weak=delicate=breakable=feeble 脆弱的 adj.

30. upgrade=improve=make sth.better=make improvements 改进,提高 v.

31. advanced=developed=sophisticated=high-tech 先进的 adj.

32. sustainable=renewable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可持续的 adj.

33. evidence=proof=documentation 证据 n.

34. long-standing=lengthy=long-running=lasting 长期的 adj.


1. large numbers of=tens of thousands of=many 大量的

2. large=massive=huge=enormous=vast 巨大的 adj.

3. resemble=look like=alike=much the same=akin to 相像 v.

4. foe=enemy=adversary=hostile 敌人 n.

5. more than=exceed=over=in excess of 超过 v.

6. decrease=crash=reduction=fall=drop 下降 n.

7. stop=halt=come to a halt 停止 v.

8. sufficient=abundant=enough=adequate 充足的 adj.

9. establish=found=build=set up 建立 v.

10. be Successful=prosper=do well=succeed=thrive 成功

11. recognize=certify=accept=acknowledge承认 v.

12. label=display=call=brand=hail 贴标签,命名 v.

13. adapt=adjust=get used to=become/grow accustomed to 适应 v.

14. mistake=error=fault=slip=mix-up 错误 n.

15. keep a check on=monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.

16. unexpected=unpredictable=unforeseeable 不可预见的 adj.

17. generally=in general=in the whole=all in all=all things considered 大体上的 adv.

18. previously=before=earlier=formerly 先前 adv.

19. apply=use=make use of=exercise=utilize 应用 v.

20. due to=because=since=owing to=thanks to=as a result of 因为

21. raise=lift=lift up=pick up=scoop up 使…上升 v.

22. in addition=besides=additionally=too=also=as well 除此之外

23. inhabitant=resident=population=citizen=local 居民 n.

24. collapse=failure=fall 崩塌,失败 n.

25. set up=establish=found=start=open 建立

26. ensure=make sure=make certain=see to it that 保证 v.

27. assist=help=aid=give a hand=do sth. For 协助 v.

28. deny=refuse=withhold 否认 v.

29. permit=allow=let=agree to=authorize 许可 v.

30. interfere=intrude=disrupt=meddle 干扰 v.

31. repeat=redo=retake=do sth. again 重复 v.

32. prevent=stop=restrain=hold back=discourage 阻止 v.

33. disrupt=disturb=upset=break up 打扰 v.

34. long-term=chronic=long=lengthy=long-running 长期的 adj.

35. expose=show=reveal=present=let sb. see 暴露,揭发 v.

36. intense=strong=passionate=powerful=fervent 强烈的adj.

37. random=arbitrary=at random 任意的,随机的 adj.

38. require=demand=need=call for 要求v.

39. fatigue=tiredness=exhaustion=drowsiness 疲劳 n.

40. manifest=show=reveal=present 显示 v.

41. concentrate=pay attention=put one's mind on=attentive 专注 v.

42. produce=make=manufacture=create=fashion 生产 v.

43. carry out=implement=put sth. into practice=execute 实行v.

44. perform=do=conduct=dabble in 执行 v.


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