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Superficial confrontation indicates the similarity of essence。



Technology seemingly pushes humans forward, yet forward to the unknown; humanities mirror humans into the past, the past of existence and hope。

批判、 传统与创新、教育


The prerequisite of rational critical thinking is the arduous training and undistinguished inheritance。

个体与集体、 创新与传统、自由


The greatness of individuals lies in the uncompromised struggle against the collective conformity. They fight for freedom, a freedom banned by the collectivism。



Laws prohibit human’s evils. It is the invention from government. By laws, humans do not turn to demons; morality glorifies humans, turning them into angels。



Success is individual behaviors. Collectivism is in no need of this; collectivism desperately need conformity。


人性,只能通过教育去激发。 天使要读圣经,魔鬼则是没有读过圣经的天使。

To educate is to be humane. Angels are angels, for they read the bible; demons are those angels who do not read bibles。



Coincidence comes from ignorance. Destiny, from universe. The beginning of science is human’s attempt to see the destiny。



Choice is puzzlement; without choice, freedom is lost. Thus, a rational mind and a circumstance allowing rationality be exercised publicly, are the prerequisite of freedom。



The mind of a man is so complex that it can never be judged by its out appearance. However, the mind never satisfies with solitude and always leaks some clues for others to explore。

艺术与大众、 审美


Beauty comes from unfamiliarity and incomprehension。

重点与普遍、 政府的施政纲领


Emphasis on something implies the scarcity of resource. The scarcity is the result of human’s unchained lust。

批评与赞扬、 不同声音的意义、批判思考


Progress is prompted by self-negation。


Activity is the only road to knowledge.(George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist)

行动是通往知识的唯一道路。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳)

A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books.(Thomas Jefferson, American president)

一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外, 还可以从许多别的来源获得知识. (美国总统 杰斐逊)

A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. (Adams Franklin, American humorist )

我的大部分知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外的发现了另上的资料。(美国幽默作家 富兰克林)

If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.(Benjamin Franklin, American president )

倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林)

Imagination is more important than knowledge. (Albert Einstein, American scientist )

想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦)

Knowledge is power. (Francis Bacon, British philosopher )

知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根)

The empty vessels make the greatest sound. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist )

满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚)


And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. ( Chaucer, British poet)

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟)

Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek philosopher)

与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

Genius without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克。 B.)

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher )

教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。( 古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)


GRE issue写作优秀实例:独立思考


What most human beings really want to attain is not knowledge, but certainty. Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind open—but most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything.



What does most human beings want is not discovery and change but reassurance.Although discoveries and changes are the real impetuses of human civilization, most people prefer reassurance than innovations and changes in that in this world most people are conservative and the discoveries and changes would sometimes harm some ones' benefit, which based on the obsolete systems.

On the one hand, in fact, most people value what they have obtained much more than what would be gain through new ways. This conservative kind of thinking in some sense is very common indeed since trying new ways always means taking risks of losing the present benefit. Take many Chinese workers for example. In China now,during the transformation of economy system, many factories and companies are under the danger of bankruptcy due to their rigid ways of thinking. And the workers in these companies or factories do not have positive attitudes neither. They ignore, or we can say give up, the better chance such as leave the old companies and find a new one which would be more suitable or quite for a short time to study some new skills; but stay where they are to wait for reassurance from the companies or government. the reason for this kind of behaviors is that they are fear for losing the jobs, whish however have little points after all. Simply put, they think they can survive if they keep the salary, but maybe lose everything when taking risks. Actually, these people fail to see the wealth behind changes and discoveries. No pain, no gain. One reluctantly loses something, he/she would not gain more important and valuable.

On the other hand, discoveries and changes would bring new systems and value and moral standards, which would necessarily break the outdated ones. In this sense,discoveries and changes could harm some ones or some classes' benefit. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the resistance against new things and the preference of reassurance to the obsolete system. The Industry Revolution is just a case in point.

The significant change had brought human beings into a new stage of both material and spirit; but during the revolution, many people hold the point of view that the change is very dangerous to human civilization. Such individuals included peasants,old noble men and some government officials. The fundamental reason for this situation was that such a profound and overall change shook the old social and economy system and thus those depended on such a system felt they were threatened.

For example, the peasants lost their lands and the old noble men lost their taxes from the peasants; even the government officials, were in the fear of losing their positions.Thereby, for the men who would still receive benefit from the obsolete system, they would prefer reassurance than changes and discoveries.

It is true that sometimes changes and discoveries would bring some damage to the present society; yet they would automatically build a new one full of vigor and creativity. So people should not be restrained with the conservative ideas and open their minds to see the future benefit they would gain from the new system built by changes and discoveries. Anyway, new things are always prior to the old ones.



The function of science is to reassure; the purpose of art is to upset. Therein lies the value of each.



Science and art are two of the most glorious fields in which numerous people have made their great contributions. As the society develops, people concern more about the function of science, of art and of other realms. Some may argue that the function of science is to reassure, and the purpose of art is to upset, however, as far as I am concerned, science and art have more significant values than just to reassure or to upset people.

The main function of science is to propel the development of human society and to provide people the power to understand the nature and ourselves. In the primordial days of the human history, when the conception of science first emerged, science was to answer people's questions and to satisfy people's curiosity towards myriad mysterious phenomenon. If we understand the science in such way, we can't see clear differences between the inchoate religion and the inchoate science, because, the functions of both of them are nearly the same, and both contain totally absurd theories if one studies them today. One may agree that in that period of time, science was largely to reassure people's fear towards the mysteries just as what religions try to do.

However, the development of science finally makes it an important tool for us to understand the nature and to change the nature in our favor. The understanding of electricity expels the old thought that the thunder is a sign indicating that the god is angry. The advancement achieved in medicine greatly elongate human's life, and nowadays people no longer depend on certain rituals to give them health. Discoveries and inventions alike have transformed our society into the nowadays form, and provide us great power to determine our future. If science is only to reassure us, how can we achieve the feats we have made through our history? As Francis Bacon once said, "Knowledge is power", the true function of science is to give us the power to conquer the difficulties we confront.

Unlike science, arts which seldom give us the power to better our material lives, mainly concern about our spiritual lives. Admittedly, some arts actually upset people by let us see the weakness of the human nature or the darkness of our society, as the art works of Michelangelo. However, arts possess much more functions than just upset us. Arts can ease our emotions and reassure us, as the music of Mozart does; arts can give us confidence and braveness, as the music of Beethoven does; arts can also tell us what philosophy is, as the music of Mahler does. Although arts possess so many functions,one can judge that the major function of art is to represent the life and to present the artists' ideals. Most literary works, such as fictions, poems, dramas, give us a vivid image of the society. Other forms of arts have the same kind of functions. For example, Tchaikovsky composed music to represent the hard life of the common Russian people, while Van Gogh drew pictures to represent the beauty of the nature. There're also other pieces of art showing us the inner part of the artists, for instance, the representative new trend movie "four hundred blows". By presenting the life and the ideals, arts give us true understanding of our circumstances and ourselves in a spiritual way. Arts can not explain why it rains,but it explains how people feel about the rainy day.

Before we can make full utilization of any subjects of study, we must at first understand their main functions and values to our society. For example, if we depend upon rituals and ceremonies to give us fortune and luck and to provide us enough to eat, we may probably die of hunger. The true value of these rituals and ceremonies lies in the fact that they are crucial part of our culture. It's the same case for science and art, if we hold the opinion that science is only to reassure people, and art is only to upset people, we can't see the importance of these two subjects to our society. It's possible that we ignore the development of them, and sequentially our society won't develop without the breakthroughs made in science, and our citizens won't lead a happy life and will stay in an ignorant status without the existence of great art works.

Science and art, as discussed above, are crucial to our society. Admittedly, science can reassure people by explain the mysterious phenomenon, and arts can upset people by let us see things we can't discover with our own eyes. However, if we simply regard science and art this way, we would miss so much that our society will stop developing or even collapse into chaos.
















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