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"Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."
Should academic scholars and researchers be free to pursue whatever avenues of inquiry and research that interest them, no matter how unusual or idiosyncratic, as the speaker asserts? Or should they strive instead to focus on those areas that are most likely to benefit society?
拿问句来起头,来质疑。脱离出了一般的解释题目的开头。虽然不是特别特别,但是还是让人感觉比较的attractive。l strongly agree with the speaker, for three reasons.非常直白的陈述自己的观点,同意speaker的观点。
First of all,典型的连接词,开始陈述观点了。Who is to decide which areas of academic inquiry are worth while?又是一个问句,但是这个问句的作用和开篇的问句不同了,是引出来自己论证的第一个方面。Scholars cannot be left to decide.自问自答。
Given a choice they will pursue their own idiosyncratic areas of interest, and it is highly unlikely that all scholars could reach a fully informed consensus as to what research areas would be most worthwhile. Nor can these decisions be left to regulators and legislators, who would bring to bear their own quirky notions about what would be worthwhile, and whose susceptibility to influence renders them untrustworthy in any event.
gre满分作文两个否定句非常干净利索的说出作者的看法,没人有能力来决定什么是应该worth researching的。
Secondly, by human nature we are motivated to pursue those activities in which we excel. To compel scholars to focus only on certain areas would be to force many to waste their true talents. For example, imagine relegating today's preeminent astrophysicist Stephen Hawking——霍金我想就不用介绍了吧—— to research the effectiveness of affirmative-action legislation in reducing workplace discrimination. Admittedly, this example borders on hyperbole(夸张法).Yet the aggregate effect of realistic cases would be to waste the intellectual talents of our world's scholars and researchers. Moreover, lacking genuine interest or motivation, a scholar would be unlikely to contribute meaningfully to his or her "assigned" field of study.
Thirdly, it is "idiosyncratic" and "unusual" avenues of inquiry that lead to the greatest contributions to society. Avenues of intellectual and scientific inquiry that break no new ground amount to wasted time, talent, and other resources. History is laden with unusual claims by scholars and researchers that turned out stunningly significant——that the sun lies at the center of our universe, that time and space are relative concepts, that matter consists of discrete particles, that humans evolved from other life forms, to name a few. One current area of unusual research is terraforming——creating biol.ical life and habitable atmospheres where none existed before. This unusual research area does not immediately address society's pressing social problems. Yet in the longer term it might be necessary to colonize other plan in order to ensure the survival of the human race; and after all, what could be a more significant contribution to society than preventing its extinction?
Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it.
Many wonder the intrinsic impact of industrial revolution over the last century. Is it a blessing or a curse? Ever since the invention of steam engine, mass production enabled factories to make out products in a madly efficient manner, while machines also supplanted innumerous traditionally skilled artisan, forcing them out of work. Gone are the days when they boasted of their craftsmanship that they assumed to be able support their family all their life. Consumers became more aspiring to novel design instead of durability as goods were made to be discarded.
Hundreds years later, with the first installation of integrated circuit on the chip, another profound turnover took place. Now the computer pervades our life so much that one may find himself half illiterate in absence of input skill. This time, thousands of jobs were created in Silicon Valley, transforming some of the few into billionaire over one night. Nevertheless, the original inventor might not expect that the ensuing slow down and thus recession in IT sector would approach so soon in less than 10 years, which is obviously less than a presumable 15 years time normal for a periodical change.Positive or negative, one mark that characterizes the technological bombardment indicates a constant fact: changes exist ubiquitously and operating at an ever-increasing tempo; those who fail to catch up with the torrent of change would ineluctably engulfed by billows, floating no where and eventually dissolve as negligible bubbles.
Favors as well as opportunities goes to who adapt to the contemporary trend. Fully recognizing this axiom, long before the scientists announced accomplishment of sketches of human genes or earlier successful cloning of Doris, candidates preparing for university admission have smelt the sense. Today, in the U.S., biology and its branch disciplines become the first choice for top students of senior high, determining that this subject, foretold as the third wave in technology, could bring them brilliant future as “Bill Gates” dreamt the same in the previous wave.
In addition to academic realm, respect would be paid to people who though deprived of their past secure professions, choose not to be a loser in the whimsical society. Like the artisans who lost jobs, a vast number of skilled laborer in China’s city of Wengzhou have undergone darkness and depression in those old days. However, after years of endeavor and refinement, they prove their value again. By accurately posit the economic trend and market demand, they play an active role in almost all economic sectors, garments, catering and lodging, hi-tech industry, you name it.
While ability honed in surviving the fickleness of the world makes the path through success shorter, it is essential for the more ambitious to acquire the pith of reformist and lead the trend. In this way, it could help him distinguish from the mediocracy and platitude. This is absolutely not an easy task. Inborn insight and foresight are needed to tell uncommon out of the commonplace; extraordinary perseverance and encouragement is a must to face the coming challenges against his iconoclasm. Very few people crowned with triumph possess this quality, whether the Nobel Prize winner or those who makes coverage on the Times.
In sum, as shown in the course of history, success, whether academic or professional,involves an ability to surviving in a new environment and---, eventually, ---to change it.Now some elite persons have again forecast that another social change is impending.Are you ready for that?
It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation cannot reform human nature. Laws cannot change what is in people's hearts and minds.
Ever since the Code of Hammurapi comes into being, laws have begun to put restrictions on people's behaviors and have played an important role in the maintenance of social order. But aside from its impact on shaping public deportment, legislation is of no avail to reform human nature as well as mankind thoughts.
Our collective life experience is that we make choices and decisions every day--under a legal system. No one is ever granted the rights to surpass the boundary of laws; otherwise there may be lack of protection for private property and personal right from being violated. Common sense tells us that the laws will punish the wrongdoers severely sometimes so harshly even to sentence the felons to death. It is the awe to controlling authority as well as the fear of castigation that made most of the people away from the illicit behaviors. Laws, for better or worse, have put up a paradigm on which people abide by, for the sake of personal interests and the social stability as well.
Laws can exert their influences on people's “hands and legs”, but when it comes to man's hearts and minds, it cannot. In the long history of its development, laws change over time and vary from region to region not to alter human nature but to be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times and places. The end of a legal system impels laws to evolve to keep pace with changing mores, customers, and our collective sense of equity but with little concern for the reconstruction of human thoughts. Bigamy, to be commonly regarded as illegal in most countries, is yet legitimate in some Arabian countries. For Islamic, outlawing bigamy seems an impinge upon their religious freedom of choosing mates. Instead of bringing about a revolution in the conception of marriage among Islamic disciples, laws give way to the entrenched customers. Still more, from the psychotic analysis angle, that laws will change nature is further doubted. Sigmund Freud has divided the individual personality into threefold: the id, the ego and the super ego. The ego, as the surface of the nature and the part you show the world, is governed by the “reality principle,” otherwise known as laws.
However, so powerless are laws to extend its impacts on the id and the superego remains below, each has its own significant effects on the personality. A rapist, for example, despite years of imprisonment may still relapse into outrages in that laws fail to civilize the id desires composing of instinctual drives. By no means can laws alone alter our nature. Were laws by itself be able to cause a change in the human nature and exercise a fundamental influence on people's hearts and minds, then it would probably be no need for its existence. People at no time can ever have imagined this.
In fact, to truly change the human nature, it is through the synergic efforts associating the education, moral and ethic social interactions altogether that brought about a reconstruction of human nature.
In conclusion, in spite the fact that we may live in a harmonious society with the implementation of the laws, it seems unthinkable for laws to undertake the role as a reformer in rebuilding man's nature as well as hearts and minds.
象征:symbolize; emblematize; indicate; represent; signify; stand for
进步,提高:improve ameliorate better develop remedy revise enhance enrich upgrade refine
重要,关键:important significant consequential momentous considerable essential valuable distinctive great weighty major serious grave vital capital substantial material
正确的,无误的:correct rectify accurate precise proper undistorted right impeccable
增长和减少:increase rise extend magnify decrease reduce fall amplify aggrandize elongate intensify enhance prolong strengthen curtail shrink terminate lessen abate raise boost intense(intensify) expand augment enlarge diminish dwindle slump
证明:justify warrant assert claim contend argue validate substantiate verify accuse assign indict allege affirm
论题:statement claim declaration assertion opinion belief view conviction persuasion
要求:request demand needs requisition
撤销:to cancel; to revoke; to countermand; [Law] to rescind; to quash
建立:to build up; to establish; to set up; to found; to take root; to strike root
消除:to eliminate; to clear; to remove; to clear up; to take away; to smooth away
推理: inference; reasoning; deduction; ratiocination
1. corresponding; relevant; relative; fitting; appropriate
2. accordingly; correspondingly; by the same token; in a corresponding way
3. to correspond to; to act in responses; to work in concert with; to support each other
导致:to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate
后果:a consequence; an aftermath; an outcome
检查:to inspect; to check; to examine; to look over; to put to the test; to keep a check on
程度:strikingly greatly highly exceedingly dreadfully remarkably drastically dramatically
足够:sufficient adequate enough
越来越: be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, a growing number of
人们认为: it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that
许多问题: a host of/a number of problems
引起人们注意:claim /call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.
意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken sb. to the fact/danger
适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change
接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems
接触社会: come into frequent/close contact with the world/society
获得成功:achieve/accomplish success
提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions
作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do(with work/study)
影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work
产生影响:exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable effect on
随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society
开阔眼界/兴趣: broaden one’s interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge) one’s mental horizons
有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the popularity of/the growth of/the solution of
有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards) solving the problem
迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune
把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.
利用机会/技术:make (full/better) use of/take advantage of opportunity/time,
tap/harness technology potential/skills/talent
把知识/经验运用到:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience… to practice/daily life/good use
取得进步: make much progress/strides/gains in
充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one’s ability/potential to the full, give full play to one’ s ability
充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for
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