truth:其实,一个句子的长短,和考生得到的分数之间,也是没有任何关系的。但是中国同学普遍非常热衷于把一个能够用一句话说清楚的句子,在他的前面,后面和中间,加无数的废话,来把这句句子凑的很长。例如Recent years, this problem has appeared in the cities of China, the tendency of which is more and more serious.这句话在中国同学的眼里看来,是多么的亲切而又熟悉啊。其实这样的啰嗦地使用从句是完全没有必要的,我们完全就可以用一句句子说清楚:This is a recent and growing problem in cities in China.我们要记住,GRE考试,考察的是考生是否具有能与别人进行学术交流的能力。如果你没有这样一种有效地和别人交流沟通的能力,你的句子写的再长,也一样会得低分。那么如何做到convey meaning effectively呢?其实非常简单,就是把一句话用最简洁的语言说清楚,就行了。但是难道就一直用短句,不用长句了吗?究竟什么时候该使用长句呢?当我们用一句话不能把一个意思表达清楚,一味地使用一系列的短句反而是啰嗦的,不以利于有效交流的。这个时候,我们就需要使用从句,来把分成几个句子表达的意思用一个句子说清楚,从而达到句子简洁及有效沟通的要求。
truth:不可否认,英语好是考好GRE的前提之一。但是,光英语好,是没有用的。因为我们的GRE写作,根本就不叫写作,根本就不叫writing,他叫做分析性写作,叫做analytical writing section,他考察的题目也不叫做issue,叫做"Analyze an Issue" task,因此,在英语好的基础上,更重要的,是你的分析能力,对于一个问题,有没有做到insightful和in-depth的分析,要有critical thinking,你的语言再好,如果只是翻来覆去地说一些非实质性的内容,依然是无法获得高分的。这也就是为什么之前,笔者一再地强调,写废话,凑字数,背模板。是没有意义的,也是没有办法获得高分的。获得高分的关键,是在于考生对于一个复杂的问题,是否进行了深入的思考,以及如何去分析,这才是最重要的。
"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things."
The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. This is something I learned from everyday experiences. I always found that the things I decorated my life with abundantly, were the things I treasured most. It could be a memory, a possesion, or just a view. It's hard to create a whole picture without first looking at the pieces within it. My whole life of school and studies have brought me to college and have sparked my interest in applying to a graduate program. Never before did I realize how these little efforts would create this dream. In my field of dietetics many would be amazed to find that the food we eat could kill us or help us from disease.
There are many times where I'll be looking at the beautiful view, and I just have to go out and enjoy it. I do this by walking, gardening, or just lying in the grass. The feeling of the warm sun makes me dream. I know I'm not the only one who tends to overlook the basic things, like the tree outside that you used to climb, or the food you eat to give you energy and growth. We just have to take the time from our busy schedules to stop and smell the roses. Everyone's life is different, with our own experinces and thoughts to motivate us, and no matter who we are, some of the simplest things can bring great achievements in our lives.
This is a limited response; it does not adequately analyze the issue. The essay is primarily concerned with discussing the writer's own personal enjoyment of commonplace things. As such it never fully engages the topic's central issue -- the quality of the ideas that come from those commonplace things. Early in the response, the writer makes the following observation: "I always found that the things I decorated my life with abundantly, were the things I treasured most." This is typical of the simplistic analysis that characterizes this essay.
At the end of the first paragraph, the writer does make some hesitant steps toward a discussion of the ideas that might come from these everyday experiences, mentioning that "in my field of dietetics many would be amazed to find that the food we eat could kill us or help us from disease." This insight is not adequately developed, however, and, in the second paragraph, the writer returns to a discussion of the idea that one must enjoy the little things in life. In short, the essay is limited in its development, revealing only a partial understanding of the topic's assertion.
In general, the essay displays control of standard written English. There is not much syntactic variety, but neither are there profound errors. The essay received the score of 3 because its analysis is simplistic and vague, and its development is limited.
"The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things."
While the best ideas do indeed arise from mankind's interest in the commonplace, one must realize that the "commonplace ideas" of our current society continue to evolve at such a rapid rate that we are converging on the Twenty-First Century on a wave of thought, ideas, and creation that would surely baffle our forefathers.
Simply put, Thomas Jefferson, a brilliant, and progressive thinker, was motivated to create certain societal services that he felt necessary for his time. Historians report that Mr. Jefferson witnessed a fire which destroyed a man's home. The victim was left with nothing. Mr.Jefferson, thinking it most unfortunate that a man should lose all his worldly posessions, developed a system of homeowners insurance. Of course today, we have taken insurance to a new and all-encompassing level. President Roosevelt adored nature and found great solace while visiting Yosemite in Wyoming. Among his many accomplishments, Rooselvelt, our twenty-sixth President, is perhaps best known for his creation of a National Parks Protection program.
Over time, the basic needs of mankind have been met due to interests in the commonplace mixed with a progressive trait in man to make things simpler, faster, less expensive, and more gratifying.
Today, our "simple thoughts" turn to ideas such as space stations, the technological superhighway, and electric vehicles. Sadly, we must also repair much of the fallout from some of our "commonplace" inspired ideas. For example, evolved transportation has a price as we work to restore our environment.
If we are inspired by the simple motivations, dreams, and tasks of everyday life then we must make a commitment to development our muse. Perhaps, the best way to move ahead is to step back; to re-examine and learn from the art, science, history, love and war of our founding fathers. Perhaps simple is best. After all, that's where all the best ideas are born.
This essay presents a competent discussion of the issue. The opening paragraph introduces two ideas that serve as the primary focus of the essay. The first is that, as the topic claims, the best ideas are the result of an interest in commonplace things; the second is that our ideas are evolving at a rate of rapidity that would "surely baffle our forefathers." These two ideas are adequately developed in the course of the paper, but not with enough fluency or complexity to merit a score of 5.
The second paragraph, which considers the way in which ideas arise from an interest in commonplace things, is the most thoroughly developed section of the response. The examples are relevant: Thomas Jefferson, who used everyday observations to come up with the idea of homeowners insurance, and Theodore Roosevelt, whose passionate interest in nature led him to develop the National Parks Protection program.
The essay's other area of focus -- the rapid rate at which our ideas change -- is discussed in the third paragraph. Some good ideas emerge, but, unfortunately, they are not well developed.
The essay is organized with an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, the organization would be stronger if the ideas in one paragraph or section were more clearly connected to the points made in the next section.
While there are some errors, they are not severe enough to interfere with meaning. In general, the writer expresses ideas adequately, although at times the wording seems almost haphazard and therefore a bit confusing: "to re-examine and learn from the art, science, history, love and war of our founding fathers." For reasons of adequate content and adequate presentation of ideas, this essay received a score of 4.
★ GRE写作:高分技巧
★ GRE写作:列提纲的注意事项
★ GRE写作:写作论据的技巧
★ GRE写作:高分冲刺
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★ GRE写作:怎样准备提纲