一. 不同分数段对雅思写作词汇的要求
雅思写作考试要写一大一小两篇作文,小作文中常见图标分析题,这类题目与大作文的写法不同,所以在积累词汇的时候要针对这类题目多积累一些表达词汇,比如趋势类词汇、极值的表达词汇或者短语、倍数表达方法。举个例子,比如我们在分析一个走势渐增的图表题时,必须要多次提及“上升”这个概念,大家在脑海中能够想到的词汇有哪些呢?平时不注重积累的同学可能只会想到“go up”“increase”,然后再也想不出其他词汇了,结果在通篇文章里多次使用这两个词汇,作文分数肯定也不会很高,其实如果我们在平时注重积累的话,就会学到诸如“rise up”“grow up”“jump up”“surge”等等表示上升的词汇或者短语。
2. 提升表达如何积累写作词汇
Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing.
Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
Model Answer:
People learn through their entire lives. Curiosity was always the basic characteristic of a human being. We always want to break limits and learn more. At this point some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and spend most of their time on school studies. This will help them to succeed in the future. However, for several reasons, which I will explain bellow, I think that children should not study at a very early age.
Of cause, children who begin to study at a very early age have more chances to succeed in the future. They gain more knowledge and experience which are priceless and valuable. In addition, studying more now they will give them the opportunity to perfect their knowledge in the future and become better professionals.
However, I think that every child must have his or her childhood. Children should learn through playing and communication with their friends and parents. I think that such basic qualities as kindness, self-confidence and just a good sense of humor can not be gained from studying. Children should more time spend with their family, playing and learning with their parents. Imagine that a child instead of playing with his friends does his homework and feel exhausted and tired. Another important aspect of this is that children at their early ages need more exercise because at this age the development of their body is a very essential aspect. Children first of all must be healthy.
To sum up, I think that children should have their careless childhood with no responsibilities. Moreover, I am sure that playing helps them develop not only their bones and muscles but their ability to make decisions, analyze things, make conclusions, which is very good for their future.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.
Model Answer:
Some people think that fiction books have no use at all. They claim that people should read about real events that took place, real people, and established facts. I have to totally disagree with this statement. From my everyday experience and observation I can stand that fiction, miracles and fairy tails are required in our life. For several reasons, which I will mention below, I believe that fiction books play an essential role in our life.
First of all, it is kind of difficult to imagine a six year old child reading about politics or history with the real facts that are not always pleasant. I think that children need miracles and Santa Claus because the real world is too complicated for them. They are too innocent and inexperienced to know the real facts and understand what a real life is about. In addition, I am sure that making a child read only non-fiction books can result in shock.
Second of all, following this statement about refusing from reading books about fiction events we also should refuse from festivals, parades, and celebration such holidays as Halloween because most of the characters there are fictional. Moreover, comic books will disappear as well as animated films and fiction movies. The disadvantage of non-fiction lies in the facts that nothing happens to excite the mind and spirit. From the other side, fiction provides a great slope for a mind to think creatively.
In conclusion, I think that people need miracles. We can not be satisfied with only naked truth. Human kind must believe in something and this belief helps people break limits and make new inventions.
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