一般来说,人们写作时只是出于文体或上下文一致的原因,才使用被动语态。及物动词既可能是主动的,又可能是被动的。如果是主语发出的动作,谓语应用主语语态;反之,如果主语是动作施加的对象,谓语则应用被动语态。但事实上,人们更偏爱主动语态,因为它显得突出而直截了当。若谓语采用较弱的被动语态,行为者往往被隐去大名,或显得好像并不重要。然而,当不知道行为者是谁,或者作者想把重点放到动作承受方而不是动作方时,动作本身比采取动作的人更重要,这时就有必要用被动语态了。weak passive: he’ll need to be looked after.
strong active: he’ll need looking after.
weak passive: you’re going to be covered favorably by the press.
strong active: you’re going to get fabulous press.
weak passive: do you remember when nelson mandela of south africa was freed?
strong active: do you remember when nelson mandela of south africa walked free?
weak passive: rumors of a broader deal between dailmerchrysler and nissan motor co. have been spread far and wide.
strong active: rumors of a broader deal between dailmerchrysler and nissan motor co. have gained currency.
weak passive: his language was too bad to be repeated.
strong active: his language wouldn’t bear repeating.
weak passive: my shoes need to be mended.
strong active: my shoes want mending.
weak passive: honey was gathered by the bee as it flitted from flower to flower.
strong active: the bee, flitting from flower to flower, gathered honey.
weak passive: what awaits him when a door is opened by him is known by no man. surprises may be harbored in even the most familiar room.
strong active: no man knows what awaits him when he opens a door; even the most familiar room may harbor surprises.
weak passive: the great challenge of this conference is to give voice to women everywhere whose experiences are not noticed and whose words are not heard by the rest of the world.
strong active: the great challenge of this conference is to give voice to women everywhere whose experiences go unnoticed and whose words go unheard.
weak passive: this project has been benefited from many outstanding contributors who have worked with exceptional care and devotion.
strong active: this project has the benefit of many outstanding contributors who have worked with exceptional care and devotion.
特殊情况: 如果动作的承受方比动作的实施者更为重要,则采用被动语态则更为有力。(目的在于强调行为的承受者或忽略动作的实施者)
good passive: all the buildings were destroyed during the bombing
good passive:i resent being spoken to so rudely.
good passive:any person who attempts to escape will be shot.
good passive:apples are grown in michigan, so are blueberries.
good passive:much has been written and much has been said, but nothing has been done.
good passive:scott fitzgerald had written that his contemporaries grew up "to find all gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken."