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首当其冲的是th的发音,凡是遇到th我们都要咬舌头,比如the, think, this, mother, both, three, through, month, maths。绝大多数学生在遇到th时,都用/s/或/z/来替代,没有伸出舌尖。这样做的结果是自己说得很舒服,听的人很不舒服。


Neither father nor mother likes this weather.


还有两组非常常见的错误:/l//n/不分,/w//v/不分。南方人倾向于出现/l//n/不分,北方人/w//v/不分。曾经有个贵州学员在第一次上课做自我介绍的时候居然说“My leim is …(My name is …)”,全班同学都忍着才能不笑出来。无疑这样的自我介绍也会给考官留下很不好的印象。

英语辅音/n//l/的发音部位和汉语的这两个音的发音部位基本是一致的,/l/是舌侧音,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流由舌头两旁出来,/n/是鼻音,发 音时也是舌尖抵住上齿龈,但气流是从鼻腔里出来的。这个区别如果不注意加以强调的话,学生一出口就容易犯错误,以name一词为代表。容易/n//l/淆 的常见词还有:let,like,live,light,low,night,ninenose,net等等。



Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. (八次张嘴,元音极其饱满!)

I like the shape of that mountain.(包含了四个容易混淆的元音)


双元音是指音标中的八个音/aɪ/ /eɪ/ /aʊ/ /əʊ/ /ɔɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/。正确的双元音读法应该经历一个先升再降的抛物线式拖音过程,强弱分明,而不是很多同学的直线式发音,比如把[əʊ]读成“欧”音,[ai]读成“爱”音,[au]读成“奥”音等等。发双元音时如果不注意强弱区别、饱和度不够的话,往往会影响听力理解。


雅思口语考试,中国的英语学习者在读英语单词时,常犯重音位移错误,主要表现为将第一个音节重音后移至第二个音节。英文的重音就像中文的四声,和单词的发音是不可分割 的,重音后移听起来会有非常的奇怪的声调。最常见的重音后移的单词是interesting,它的重音在最前面,而不是在t的前面。类似的还有 subject、mobile、recent等,这些单词的重音也都在最前面。




Do you often look in the mirror?

Do you often buy mirrors?

Where do you put mirrors?

Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration?

1. Do you often look in the mirror?




look into the mirror 照镜子

every now and then 偶尔/有时

check my make-up 检查妆容

check my good looks 查看美丽的外表

check how I look 检查下美不美

hair style 发型

with the help of… 在……的帮助下

get rid of… = remove… 去掉……

sleepies 眼屎

stick around 粘着

be addicted to… 沉迷于……

get smudged 晕染了

embarrass oneself 丢脸


Well, sometimes! You know, I’m a lady and I’ve got to make sure I look good 24/7. Plus, every now and then I need to check if I’ve got any sleepies sticking around the corner of my eye.


I guess so. You might not know this, but I’m quite addicted to heavy make-ups and that. So I kind of have to constantly check my face to see if I’ve got my eyeliners smudged. Otherwise I could potentially scare some people. Did that once actually. Was pouring that day, so my whole face was all gone.


Not particularly. You know what, I don’t even own a mirror to be honest. But sometimes I do borrow other people’s mirror for a second just to check the spot on my face. Other than that, I don’t really spend much time looking in some mirrors.

2. Do you often buy mirrors?


误区:有的同学会就用粉饼盒子当镜子,但是英文又不确定怎么讲,没关系的,稍微解释一下就行‘I just use my face powder box or container, you know they always come with a powder puff as well as a mirror’


free gift 赠品

cosmetic products 化妆品

blusher 腮红

foundation powder 粉饼

plastic wrapping 塑料包装纸


Not at all. In fact, most of the mirrors I’ve got are free, I think. They are either from my friends or just came in some magazines, you know they always put some free gifts in the plastic wrapping.

3. Where do you put mirrors?




hang… on the wall 挂在墙上

hang… in the bathroom 挂在浴室

be scared 害怕

horror films 恐怖片

all those years 这么多年来

avoid doing… 避免做……


Well, if you mean the baby ones for my make-ups and that, I always just stuff them in my handbag. But when it comes to the bigger mirrors, you know the ones you put in the house, I think I might prefer to have one on my bathroom wall or anywhere else except in my bedroom, cause I would be quite scared. You know, I’ve watched too many creepy horror films all those years.

4. Do you think mirrors are a necessary decoration?



语料:appear larger 显得更大

look more spacious 看起来更宽敞

the size of… 和……一样大


Well, they can be. I’ve seen a lot of shops using a massive mirror the size of a wall and surprisingly that does make the whole place appear twice larger. In fact, I might place some big ones in my new flat to make it look more spacious.


1. Do you like shopping for shoes?

Yes: Absolutely! Just like most girls do.Cuz to me, they are not just something you put on, but more of a fashion accessory (时尚配饰).

No: Actually, unlike some people, I’m not big on (be big on: be a fan of;be fond of) buying shoes. To me, it’s just a matter of (仅仅是…) finding the right ones. Nothingmore.

2. How often do you buy shoes?

Yes: From time to time (时常,常常), I think. I would buy acouple of new pairs of shoes almost every season to match with my outfit (搭配我的着装).

No: Probably once in a few months, onaverage (平均来说). Cuz my shoes tend to be quite durable (耐用的,耐穿的), and they usually last a long time before they are worn out (磨破,穿破).

3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?

I shop for a wide range of shoes, from highheels (高跟鞋), flats(平底鞋), boots (靴子), totraining shoes (运动鞋), you know, to serve different needs (满足不同的需求).

The shoes I shop for are mostly simple, plain-looking (ordinary-looking) and comfortable ones. Cuz that’s basically everything that I need!

4. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking shoes?

That’s an easy one! When it comes to shoes,comfort is always the number one priority(something that is more important than anything else).But that doesn’t mean I don’t care for (be fond of) looks. I mean, nobody wants to wear shoes that lookhideous(super ugly), right?

5. Do you have a pair of shoes that you especially like?

I do, as a matter of fact (in fact; actually). They are a pair of limitededition (限量版) that I bought a few years ago. I kind of splurgedon (splurgeon sth: spend a lot of money on sth 挥霍) them, but they are totallyworth it (be worth it: 值得)!

6. Do you ever buy shoes online?

Yeah, sometimes. Cuz there are some specialsoffers and discounts (优惠、折扣) every once in a while, which could save me some money. So,why not?

No, never. I would buy other things online,but if I wanna shop for shoes, I’d rather go to a shoe store. Cuz theproblem with shopping online is that (The problem with sth is that…: 什么的问题是…) you won’t be able to trythem on (试穿) andmay end up(end up doing: 到头来) buying a pair of shoes that don’t fit.

7. Do you think men and women are equally interested in buying shoes?

I don’t think so. Generally, women seem tobe more into shoes compared with guys. They tend to own shoes of differentstyles for various occasions (场合). For men, on the other hand, they are prettymuch (to some degree) the same thing.


★ 英语口语


