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托福口语做笔记常见误区汇总介绍, 原来这些记录方法都有问题。下面小编就和大家分享托福口语做笔记常见误区汇总介绍 ,来欣赏一下吧。



1. 盲目地记录一些文章细节,而忽略了对文章整体架构和主要信息的把握。

2. 缺乏对文章内容进行归纳总结的能力,把握不住文章的重点。

3. 不能通过阅读短文从而找出接下来要陈述时所能扩展的点或者说是可以说的点。


1. 在这部分中,考生容易在做笔记时走两个极端路线,一是对主体解释的理论部分作了过多的记录,二是对文章举例部分记录太多。

2. 边听边记的能力有待提高,为了记录某些信息错过了之后的内容。

3. 缺乏对题型了解,不清楚听力材料中哪些内容才是需要重点记录的信息。

4. 本身的听力词汇基础比较弱,缺乏听力技巧,譬如对关键词信号词signal words所透露的重要信息的把握。



There's too much blue blood in this family! They really should mix with the common people otherwise they'll degenerate.

Blue ribbon:最高荣誉、最高奖项

She won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair.

lead a Charmed life:陶醉的生活

Mike was living the charmed life until he lost it all on that bet he took.

Cream of the crop:出类拔萃

Don't worry about you two breaking up, you're the Cream of the Crop! You're the Best there is! You don't need him.

Dressed to kill:衣着华丽引人注目

Wow, Christy, even though this is a semi-formal, you're dressed to kill, babe!

Footloose and fancy-free:自由自在

I think I'll go hiking in Europe for my holidays; I'll probably go on my own, footloose and fancy-free.

Go to town : 干劲十足,飞黄腾达

That kid can really go to town on a dance floor.

Gravy train:美差

Look over there, Brian is riding the gravy train again.


He is such a happy-go-lucky child.

Have/got it made:非常成功

Now he's married a rich wife he's really got it made.

Head over heels in love:深深坠入爱河

She is head over heels in love.

In the pink:红光满面(形容健康)

She looked so well, she was "in the pink"

Keep up with the Joneses:比阔气、跟邻居攀比

If he can't afford a decent meal, he should not keep up with the Joneses.

live in the Lap of luxury: 过着奢侈的生活

He used to live in the Lap of luxury, however, he got broke a while ago.

On cloud nine:九重天,欣喜若狂

He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.

Pop the question:求婚

Did you ever pop the question to her?

Roll out the red carpet:隆重欢迎

They were ready to roll out the red carpet when they heard that the celebrity was not the real McCoy.

Sitting pretty:在风头上

He's been sitting pretty ever since he got that new job.

Strike it rich:恭喜发财

Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich!

Sweep someone off his/her feet:佩服的五体投地

I am swept off my feet by her wit and charm.

Through thick and thin:不过艰难险阻

A true friend sticks through thick and thin.

Tickle someone's fancy:逗弄

There was plenty there to tickle a child's fancy.

Tickled pink:乐坏了、兴高采烈

I was tickled pink at the news.

Tie the knot:结婚

I really want to tie the knot this year and start a family.

Upper crust:上流社会

Eton is a school that only the children of the upper crust can afford.

With flying colors:很有风采 (取得胜利)

He passed the examination with flying colors.








何为通用呢,比如题目是State a good friend whohad good influences on you,或 one of your favoritefriends ...... etc。同一类的问题可以有一个共用的原因就是,很喜欢她的character,还有从achievement,thought 等的方面去讲,这些都是她为什么是你好朋友的共同原因。

还有像relax way or good method to keep in good shape...,同样这些也是可以套用的 I pretty like... 或 I have to tell you thatit is my best way.。.所以回答一些比较“难”的话题上,可以用此种方法去套。



三. 反答和建议,这是对回答问题技巧上的一个补充。

反答,Ex,some students prefer tolive on campus but others like to board out, which opinion do you support?或者题目是do you agree with that students should live outside in stead ofbeing in the dorm?

Answer: some students like to live out of campus butI prefer to live on campus.

建议,Ex,the video game shouldbe refrained for their children?

Answer: I disagree... ... ... children should be given one hour free oronce a week for playing the video game.



Ex: 1. what are the features you care about whenyou go to a restaurant or cafe ?


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