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很多考生绞尽脑汁想在考试的时候,用复杂生僻的难词体现自己超群的英文水平。却发现,在思考用什么样的词的时候思路和表达会卡住,这不仅会影响表达的流畅性,甚至会占用后面观点的时间,导致答案说不完,影响话题展开的完整性和持续性。明明可以用bad-tempered来修饰一个人脾气不好,非要用dyspeptic ( bad-tempered)。这会给考官一种什么感觉呢?用中文举个例子,这就如同你想说“我喜欢跑步”,最后变成了“我喜欢犇”。那考官对于词汇的要求到底是什么呢?- Appropriate, effective use of vocabulary with only minor errors.


有的考生不仅想用词来体现自己的英文水平,还想用观点体现出自己的道德素质,文化素养等。比如有这样一道题:What’s your favorite book?有的同学觉得我一定要宣传一下中国传统文化,所以答:My favorite book is Hong LouMeng (红楼梦,Dream of the Red Chamber).可是接下去要解释为什么喜欢《红楼梦》就陷入了纠结。我喜欢这个剧情,剧情那么复杂怎么解释清楚呢?我喜欢其中的人物,怎么把这个人描述清楚又是一个难题。结果十五秒的准备时间过去了,思路也没想清楚,那自然答题的时候断断续续,甚至会有长时间留白。这种情况我们不如“庸俗”一点,我们回答一些好说的答案,比如I’m fond of TOEFL OG. Or, the book that I’m into is Three Little Pigs, etc.


比如题目问的是:Who’s the person you admire? Describe him or her and explain why you think he or she is great.部分同学的答案是: I admire my father, because he is experienced. In my eyes, he is the most experienced person in the world. Any way, he is great. So, I’d like to find him for help.这样的答案从中文的角度看来,貌似很充实合理,实则很虚。大多数情况是考官不认识考生的父亲,单凭考生的一面之词,不给出细节和例子体现出你父亲的这些品质,考官就不会相信和理解考生的观点。如果我们用这样的细节,如: My father has gone through a lot.或者He knows a lot about job market theses days.甚至可以举一个例子,来体现出这些品质。


Task2 – When a friend is coming to visit your place, do you prefer a surprise visit or an informed one?

Task 2

Some people like surprise visits from their friends, others prefer to be informed ahead of the visit. Which one do you prefer?


2015年1月31日中国大陆Task2:Some people like surprise visits from their friends, others prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer?



If one of your friends is gonna visit you, which way do you prefer? a surprise drop-by or inform you in advance.

I would definitely prefer to be informed in advance. Coz even though people may say a surprise visit may give you some pleasant surprises, in fact, in today’s fast-paced modern society, a surprise visit may just be a total day time nightmare; people’s lives are hectic nowadays, we have to deal with various workloads, and are always running out of time for deadlines, a sudden visit may disrupt everything, like should I spend time with my friend coming from afar or continue to finish the urgent task at hand? It is really unpleasant and may even ruin our relationship.



Personally speaking, I don’t like surprises, especially a surprise visit. Because, first, it may throw up my schedule. I like following through a plan without interruptions. Making adjustments for the short notice are stressful. And if a friend wants to visit me, I would also need some time to clean up my room and prepare the food or something for a decent meal. Sometimes, A well-intended surprise visit may also end up with embarrassment. Last week, I invited a bunch of friends for my birthday Party at my place except my best friend, well my girl friend, because she had told me about a business trip she had to take weeks before. So, we were having fun drinking and playing games, then some one knocked on the door, it was her with a huge birthday cake, looking jealous.



I would definitely prefer an informed visit. Sure, surprise visit could be fun, but it could also mean awkwardness. What if my place is messy or there's nothing to eat? What's worse, what if I'm not home? That could be very disturbing for my friend and terribly embarrassing for me. On the other hand, if I'm informed, I would have sufficient time to coordinate and plan. There'll be no conflict between our meeting and my work. And I'm confident to prepare for a tidy and cozy dining environment, wouldn't that be great?


5月7日托福口语真题Task2 – Some college students like to join clubs and enjoy club activities, others like to spend their time studying another courses or doing schoolwork. Which one do you think is better and why?




From my point of view, attending social activities is definitely a very important part for students. First of all, students should develop their skills from all aspects apart from the academic knowledge. Some clubs like sports and debating clubs can help students cultivate some practical abilities that cannot be obtained from traditional classroom, like interpersonal skills, and team-work spirit. Also, students need to attend different activities to explore their interests. You know, one will be more motivated and devoted in the area that he is interested in.


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