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  诸位“烤鸭”们如果不想被潜规则的话,就必须首先明白这些不成文的规则(rule)到底是什么。今天小编给大家带来了 雅思口语考官系列之这些口语潜规则,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



  谦虚(modesty)是中国人的传统(traditional)美德,影响(influence)并反映在每一个中国人身上。时至今日还有不少人在奉行着孔子在两千多年前的信条(belief):“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。”这固然是一种优点(advantage),但在实际操作的时候还要讲求方法(method)。拿雅思口语考试来说,如果(if)考生不认识或听不懂考题中的某个单词(word),他们完全有权利(right)来问考官,而且不会被扣分。关键在于怎么问(how to ask)—假如你只是说一句Sorry或Sorry, I don’t know,给考官的印象(impression)就是你缺乏最基本的(basic)社交能力(social ability),甚至是一种不礼貌(impolite)、不友好的(unfriendly)态度(attitude),此类考生一定会被潜规则掉(即落入最多5分的范围)。相反,如果你说“Sorry, what does this word mean?”或“Sorry, what does that mean?”或“Sorry, could you please explain this word to me?”,那是完全可以被接受的(accepted)问话方式(way)。因此,考生在碰到生词(new word)或听不懂某个单词的意思(meaning)时,第一,切莫慌张(因为听不懂是很正常的事);第二;一定要使用得体的语言(language)来询问考官,千万不能只说一声Sorry!

  潜规则二:话语中一定要有something original

  先问一个常识性的问题(question),希望大家能不加思考地回答我:如果你是一位雅思口语考官,每次考试要接待30个考生,而每次问到food时,30个人都会异口同声地说delicious;每次问到What do you think of Shanghai?时,30个人的开场白都是Shanghai is a beautiful city …,这时你会有怎样的感受(feeling)和心情(mood)?拿费闻立的话来说,“You will be bored to death!”(你会郁闷到死!)直白地说(frankly),考官也是人啊,也有人的所有感情及情绪啊,每天都听到delicious, beautiful, important, international这些陈词滥调,不烦闷才怪呢!因此(therefore),费考官强烈建议(suggest)考生:You must say something original and don’t say “beautiful” all the time. 也就是说,在考官心目中,原创的精神(original spirit)比什么都重要,再好的词汇、再优美的语言,一旦成了人人口中的陈词滥调或“口水话”(英文叫cliché),就比任何东西都要糟糕(worse)。就刚才的food问题,我们完全可以说fantastic, incredible, marvelous等表示赞赏的词,而谈到对Shanghai的看法,情愿用Shanghai is a great city这种更简单的语言来避免机械化的套路。说到原创精神的培养(training),一是多开发点同义词和近义词,来替代原来的cliché;二是多与外教交流(communicate),及时注意他们在用词方面的原创之处。比如老外绝对不会去说learn knowledge,而有一次我听到一位外教说recipients of knowledge(知识的接受者),我就赶紧记下来,日后可以为我所用。

  潜规则三:最恨两样东西 — generalized & memorized

  在感觉与费闻立先生熟络了之后,并发现他的话匣子已经打开,我就单刀直入地问他,“What do you hate most in a candidate’s response?”略加思索(consideration)后,他直言不讳地告诉我,他最恨两样东西,一个是过于笼统抽象的回答(generalized response),另一个是死记硬背的答案(memorized answer),并坦白地说,一旦他发现有这种倾向性(inclination),会立即纠正(correct)或警告(warn)考生,而如果考生继续一意孤行的话,就把他们直接“打入地狱”。通常的做法是bring them back to a narrower topic或者interrupt their memorized answer and ask them a very different question,由此可见考官对整个考试的操作灵活度是相当大的,也同时对各位考生提出了一种警示(warning):胆敢用事先背好的答案在资深考官面前“耍大刀”无异于在玩一场极其危险的游戏(dangerous game),而该游戏的最终失败者还是你自己!在此给出专家的建议(suggestion form experts):背诵一些优秀的答案的确是有助益的(helpful),但需要注意两点,一是尽量把memorized answer内化,即变成你思想的一部分或你自己平时讲话的一部分;二是在背诵(reciting)之后,至少要能用三种不同的方式来复述(retell)一遍。能做到这两条的考生就能把memorization变作一件有意义的(meaningful)事情!


  这是费闻立的原话,“We can use a lot of flexibility in the exam。”后来仔细听下来,发现这种弹性对于考生来说,既有有利的地方,也有不利之处。举例来说,在Part 2有道题目是Describe a structure that you like,在老外的生活常识里面,structure一般是指一种人工建筑(楼房、大厦或像长城那样的土木工程),但如果某位考生不太理解这一点,而去描述了the structure of a company,费闻立说那也无可厚非,考生可以灵活理解某个单词的含义,考官也同样应该灵活接受考生的这种变通。接下来我又问他,在Part 2的描述题中有三个小问题,考生是否需要一丝不苟地一一进行回答,以及万一漏掉了会不会扣分。费考官说,“I don’t care if they answer all the three questions or not, as long as they stay on the topic. These little questions are just a guide, and candidates are allowed to talk about something else within the topic。”换言之,考官不会在意你是否老老实实地把描述题中的所有小问题都予以回答,他关注的是你有没有能力进行长达2分钟的细节描述、描述的生动性和可信性、以及你的用词变化。

  但考官的弹性不一定都是一件好事—如果你是一位优秀的(excellent)考生,口语也达到了一定的水准,那么考官会在Part 3的问答中reword the questions to make it more difficult(通过改变措词来加大问题的难度),而改变的方法往往是increase the difficulty of vocabulary,比如通常的一个问题是What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong family relationship? 但经过考官的一番改装之后,变成了What are some of the pros and cons of a strong family bond? 显然,这种弹性是大多数考生不愿看到的,但现实情况是:越是高端的考生越需要做好考官万一换词的心理准备(preparation),也只有经历过并存活下来的考生才能获取高分(high score),正所谓“不入虎穴、焉得虎子!”

  潜规则五:是生是死都在Part 3!

  这绝对是令人感到震撼的一句话,就出自我面前的这位费闻立先生之口。他说,我们绝大多数考官在长期接触考生的过程中,已经养成了一种习惯:把Part 1看成只是warm-up,因为考生刚入场,紧张、忐忑、焦虑、惶恐等不良情绪都或多或少存在(exist),所以Part 1的目的主要是打破考生心中的冰山,让考生安定下来,以便达到后面的最佳状态。

  在Part 2中,由于不少中国考生备考非常认真(serious),对每种可能出现的描述题都准备得很充分,即使是事先背出的答案也能说得十分自然流畅(fluent),就像自己思考出来的那样,因此考官很难确定是真是假。老外有一个很优秀的传统(tradition):在无法判定善与恶、是与非、真与假、美与丑的情况下,宁可相信前者而非后者。很多老外也知道自己的这一软肋,所以更倾向于把Part 2视为一个灰色地带,一个缓冲区,一个可以从侧面大致了解考生程度的考察部分,也就是说考生在Part 2的发挥优异与否和最终的分数关系不大,它并非真正的考验(test)。

  费闻立在会晤中不止一次地提到,只有Part 3才是决定考生命运的一道关卡!作为整个口语考试中的最后一道防线,Part 3在所有考官心目中的份量重于泰山。拿费先生的话来说,“It is the third part that’s really important。”在这道生死关上,考官会想尽办法让你用creative thinking来进行回答(answer),而富有经验的(experienced)考官更会问一些“前无古人、后无来者”的问题,彻底颠覆你妄图使用现成答案的幻想!道理很简单(simple),因为只有这样,你的真实(true)水平才会在考官面前一览无遗—他想看的就是这个。

  会谈时间只剩下最后5分钟了,我赶忙抛出一个蓄谋已久的问题,“Can you give me an example of the most difficult questions in Part 3?”费闻立会心一笑,给我举了一个例子:Do you think all new homes will be equipped with household machines in the future?Why?并补充说,类似这样的让考生估测未来的考题属于Part 3中的高难题,或许会成为很多考官的一个杀手锏(我相信他自己也肯定包括在内,呵呵)。因此,提议:雅思口语备考的70%以上的精力都必须用在Part 3上,只有把这一部分补足才是真正的强大,而其中“展望未来”、“利弊对比”、“事物差异”“今昔对比”等题型是难中之难,希望各位考生打起十二分的精神来应对(deal with)它们。


  2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:博物馆还是互联网更能获取有价值信息。Some people believe that to improve public health, we should increase the number of sports facilities; others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. But others think the purpose of museums is toeducate, not to entertain. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  Museums hold a series of activities to interact with people, functioning as an option of relaxation.

  The large number of tourists brings about income, which can be used to preserve cultural and historic heritage.


  Museums can help illustrate culture and history to native people, which is an important source of education.

  Museum is a place to best represent the meaning of education: to inspire. The key purpose of museums and their related activities promote people’s interests and encourage them to learn voluntarily.



  In the past, important knowledge about culture and history was stored in museums. Nowadays, information is freely available on the Internet. Therefore, there is no longer any need for museums. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:政府还是教师确定教学内容。Some people think that the subjects and lesson contents for children should be decided by authorities, e.g. central government. Others think that teachers should decide these for students. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  Authorities such as the central government can make more far-­‐reaching decisions because they are clearer of the overall situation of a country than individual teachers.

  The government is more capable of pooling maximum social resources and education experts to set up curriculum and to compose unified textbooks.

  The opinions from individual teachers vary from person to person, which cannot guarantee the overall teaching outcomes. Even some teachers may convey overly subjective views to students.


  The more efficient we expect teaching to be, the more individualised it has to become, and only teachers who has rich practical experience know how to tell the real needs of every student, what advantages they have and what they are lack of

  It is hardly feasible for the central government to take care of detail teaching contents, especially for big countries, and uniformed contents may end up being inappropriate, e.g. the different states in the USA lay more stress on their own historic account in textbooks; the regional gap in education level can be a headache for authorities.

  Academics need the soil of freedom to thrive. If the central government conducted overly strict regulations, real academics would not survive.

  论据共享题 同套路题


  Some people think the government should act to decide how people live in order to make a healthier life. Others think individuals should decide their own lifestyle. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:跨国公司与全球化的影响。Some people think that the spreading multinational companies and the increasing globalisation produce positive effects to everyone. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  The large scale investment of foreign capitals develop local economy and provide a wealth of job opportunities, which in turn (从而), improves the living standard of local people. 外 企设立工厂

  Under the circumstance of globalisation, people can widely extend their horizons, e.g. facebook, and benefit from internationally prevailing products, e.g. Microsoft and iPhone.

  The trend also provides a solid base for mutual understanding among the variety of cultures and helps achieve a more thriving world, e.g. the opening policy of China to China’s entering WTO to China becoming a forceful engine to the global economy. 多元文化


  Powerful economies often monopolise markets in less developed countries and even conduct dumping (倾销), e.g. genetically modified beans (转基因大豆). 外企设立工厂

  Many energy-­‐consuming and pollution-­‐triggering manufacturing industries are transferred

  to underdeveloped countries, leading to the damage of local environment. 外企设立工厂

  Taking advantage of widespread media such as films and Internet, some developed countries boast about the superiority of their own cultures, and cause the weakening of minor cultures, e.g. Hollywood superhero movies. 全球化媒体对本土文化的影响 ;多元文化 (主要强调文化同化 );国与国变得相似 (主要强调文化同化)



  Some people think inviting large foreign companies to set up factories in developing countries is helpful for local economy, while others think that the foreign companies should not be allowed to build their factories in developing countries, instead, local companies should be encouraged in order to develop local economy. Discuss both these views and give you own opinion.


  Due to the increasing cultural and business communication between countries, differences between countries have become less evident. People in different countries watch the same movies, read the same books and have the same fashions. To what extent do the advantages of international media outweigh the disadvantages?


  Multicultural societies, in which there is a mixture of different ethnic groups, bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


  Due to the increasing cultural and business communication between countries, differences between countries have become less evident. People in different countries watch the same movies, read the same books and have the same fashions. To what extent do the advantages of international media outweigh the disadvantages?

  In the past, buildings often reflected the culture of a society but today all modern buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming more and more similar. What do you think is the reason for this, and is it a good thing or a bad thing?














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