高二1战7分, 就是这么任性,今天小编给大家带来了高二雅思1战7分,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
【雅思高分经验】高二1战7分 就是这么任性
·进考场前,将自己的物品(水和纸巾貌似可以带进考场,不过要给考官检查)寄存到指定的教室,然后安静的在考室外等待(有考官在门外给你指示,记得带好ID CARD 和照片);
·考试开始前,一定要follow the examiners' instructions,他们会告诉考生如何填写答题卡(名字一定要全部大写。如:PARKMAN。那天我后面那位仁兄交了卷才发现自己没全部大写,杯具maybe;还有,千万别偷看试卷!);
·考试中,全程要保持高度的注意力,注意单复数、定位词、关键词、两题之间的距离(若很近则前一个单词可以不写完整。如:firewood and coal可写成fir w d and coal)、听力中的重音或停顿的词(若真不会,往往那些就是答案),答案的词性……
·平行阅读(这绝对是真理中的真理;尽量不要急着写答案,所有问题的答案都可以在文中直接找出----if you are really careful and patient);
·排除法(做HEADING,MATCHING,MULTIPLE CHOICE的绝对高招,很多错误选项认真看都有漏洞的,大胆地除去,往往emerge的就是真理);
·舍难求易(高手瓶颈!突破自己的心里关和习惯,这是考试,不是思维训练的练习,你的目的是拿高分,而一味地indulge in难题只会undermine your confidence,影响你做题的速度---偶这次考试阅读拿BAND 8就很大程度上归功于最后时刻对这一点的顿悟---最好是做完了有把握的再想难的)
·长短句结合(KISS,keep it short and simple,考官也是人,他们看成篇的复合句复杂句头不晕就怪了)
·忠告:你的语法、单词、句型和90%的考生一样,如果你想在W上面拿7+,就一定要有独特的东西!(如:我对猫王很熟悉,我在写作文时可以用ELVIS PRESLEY作为素材---例如写TALENT,而非用爱迪生爱因斯坦这种被用了N次的例子,this may impress examiner's a lot;还有就是,千万不要用模版!按照你自己的template构思作文!)
·两个公式:Band 7+ =单词+语法+句型+N独特、合适的论据
IELTS Writing=基础+论据+学术性+独创性
在短短的15min内,你要给考官留下深刻的印象不是你的语法、单词、句型,而是你的庞大、生动,个性的信息量。考官想听的是你的故事(Originality),而不是你华丽的句型、语法和单词。用你独特、有趣的经历打动考官的疲劳的心吧!Another formula:考官听懂的信息量>>语法+单词+句型+表情+礼貌+风趣+长得帅(美丽)……
As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of female students was far higher than that of male students at Toya.
As can be seen from the chart, those who chose to study for IELTS far outnumbered those choosing to study for TOEFL. Meanwhile, the number of those who chose to study for TOEFL was on a steady rise.
As can be seen from the diagram, the frequency of Toya students eating at restaurants revealed a trend of fluctuations in different months.
As can be seen from the charts, the weekly workload borne by male teachers outweighed that of female teachers at Toya.
As can be seen from the chart, the sales of Toya Headquarter and the five branch schools all revealed a trend of fast increase across the board.
As can be seen from the chart, the income of Toya teachers revealed a general trend of steady rise.
As can be seen from the chart, the advertising investment of Toya revealed a trend of gradual decrease, but interestingly, its sales witnessed a trend of increase by leaps and bounds.
The pie chart shows that the percentage of female students was much higher than that of male students while the graph indicates that in terms of students’ performance on IELTS, female students did a much better job than male ones.
The pie chart indicates that IELTS accounted for a much larger percentage than TOEFL at Toya while the graph shows that student enrollment on the two programs on a monthly basis revealed a general trend of fluctuations.
The graph indicates that the sales of Toya both in the first half and the second half of the year revealed a general trend of fast increase while costs and expenses fluctuated greatly.
As is indicated in the graph, male employees working in executive positions accounted for a much higher percentage than females.
As is indicated in the graph, the income of all the groups revealed a general trend of increase across the board though the margins of the rises varied.
As is indicated in the graph, the higher one’s education level was, the higher his income.
As can be seen from the table, net sales and costs and expenses of the designated company both showed a general trend of fast increase while its profit fluctuated.
As we can see from the first chart, the percentage of female smokers was on a steady rise across the board while the number of male smokers showed a trend of fluctuations.
As can be seen from the chart, the percentage of those who chose math declined steadily while those who studied business management revealed a general upward trend.
As can be seen from the table, the total road accidents over the designated period revealed a general trend of fluctuations.
As is indicated in the graph, China’s auto manufacturing and sales both revealed a general trend of dramatic increase.
As is indicated in the graph, private car ownership revealed a trend of dramatic increase for 10 years in a row while air quality showed an obviously opposite trend.
As can be seen from the chart, the number of Toya students who drove to school showed a trend of substantial increase and the index of difficulty for parking increased accordingly.
As we can see from the graph, married women did far more household work than married men did no matter how many children they had.
Generally speaking, there were more students of both genders getting enrolled in IELTS than in TOEFL at Onlytoya College.
As we can see from the charts, a much higher percentage of men worked on managerial and professional jobs than women did while women took up a much larger percentage in terms of clerical and its related jobs than men.
Generally speaking, the service sector, which covered a much wider range of job varieties, employed a much lower percentage of the workforce but produced a much higher proportion of the GDP value in the designated country.
In general both demand and supply revealed a general trend of fluctuations across the board with supply surpassing demand as the main trend after the year 2003.
As is indicated in the bar chart, the higher people’s income was, the more frequently they dined at restaurants and the more they spent each time.
As is indicated in the diagram, the age of IELTS candidates showed a trend of getting younger over the designated period of time.
As can be seen from the chart, the family financial statuses of IELTS candidates were much better than that of TOEFL candidates.
As is indicated in the graph, the number of students who chose to go to U.S.A. and Canada showed a trend of decline while that of those who went to the U.K. and Australia revealed a trend of steady rise.
As is shown in the chart, the increase in the number of IELTS per month had a significant impact on the rapid increase in the number of IELTS candidates.
Topic:Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these view and give your own opinion.
Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breackthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, but an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace to it.
Those people who believe they have achieved some security by doing the same, familiar things are living in denial. Even when people believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them from changing. Sooner or later they will find that the familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the 'safe' patterns of of behavior are no longer appropriate.
However, reaching the conclusion that change is evitable is not the same as assuming that change is always for the better. Unfortunately, it is not always the case that new things are prompted because they habe good impacts for the majority of people. A lot of innovations are made with the aim of making money for a few. This is because it is the rich and powerful peple in our society who are able to impose changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that are in their interests.
In conclusion, I would say that change can be stinulating and ebergizing for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.
★ 英语学习
★ 高三学生励志主题班会