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如剑7 Test 4 Section 2最后一题的文字答案为:And finally let‘s pass by the Waterbird Refuge.This area is in a sheltered part of estuary, that’s why the park‘s viewing shelter is a favourite spot for bird watchers who can use it to spy through binoculars.这边出现了几个比较生僻的词语:estuary河口,binoculars双筒望远镜,而此题的答案viewing shelter 也是一个比较难的词语,因此在这个地方如果不看文字答案将很难听明白。
再比如剑7 Test 3 Section 2第17题,文字答案为:you’ll start the trek on Day Three walking through the enormous Katiba Forest which will take the whole of the day.此题要听出答案forest并不是很难,但是前面的专有名词确实不可能能听出来的,通过文字答案也能更加好的了解具体内容。
托福听力提升方法第三步 冷却
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"This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry is about the world's smallest machines."
Göran Hansson, secretary general of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, earlier this morning.
"The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry jointly to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir James Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa for the design and synthesis of molecular machines."
Sauvage was born in Paris and is now an emeritus professor at the University of Strasbourg. Stoddart comes from Edinborough and is now at Northwestern University in Illinois. Feringa is from the Netherlands and is at the University of Groningen.
Following the announcement, Feringa called in and explained some of the potential applications for the microscopic machines.
"First of all let me say I feel a little bit like the Wright Brothers, who were flying a hundred years ago for the first time. And then people were saying, 'You know, why do we need a flying machine?' And now we have a Boeing 747 and an Airbus. So that is a bit how I feel...but once you are able to control movement, you have a motor, you can think of all kinds of functions."
"So indeed, we think of transporters, like in your body there are many motors and machines that make it possible that your cells divide, that your muscles work, that there is transport in the cells, etc. But you can think also much broader. Think about nanomachines, microrobots, think about tiny robots that the doctor in the future will inject in your bloodstreams and that go to search for a cancer cell or are going to deliver a drug for instance. But also smart materials, for instance, materials that can adapt, change, depending on an external signal, just like our body functions. That is the kind of functions you can think of."
Inside our guts is a diverse ecosystem of bacteria:the microbiome.
But the makeup of the community can depend on what we eat.
Emulsifiers are food additives that extend the shelf life of processed foods.
And now research with mice finds that consuming emulsifiers may throw off the microbiome's delicate balance and thereby contribute to obesity and inflammatory bowel disease.
In the study, mice were fed doses of common emulsifiers in their water and mouse chow.
The substances appeared to make it easier for gut bacteria to chew through the layers of mucus that typically line the intestine.
The result was the triggering of chronic colitis in mice with impaired immune systems that predispose them to the condition.
And even in mice with normal immune systems, emulsifier consumption appeared to trigger mild intestinal inflammation.
These mice then tended to overeat and become obese and insulin resistant.
The study is in the journal Nature.
Could emulsifiers cause the same health consequences in humans and be behind some of the obesity trend?
The researchers hope to find out in future studies.
If nothing else, they write that their new finding suggests that there should be improved testing on the total health effects of chemicals in our food.
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