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Dear_University Leader:

In the snowy season, the new students ushered in the annual independent enrollment. This will also be the first major turning point in my life journey. I come from _ high school, my name is _, male, _ years old. Today, I solemnly recommend myself to your school, because entering _ is my dream, and I aspire to be a student of _ and become a real _ person.

The yearning for _ has been around for a long time. From the day when I entered high school, I began to have a gradual understanding of _. The university has been mentioned by classmates and teachers more than once, and students have always regarded entering_ as a kind of honor and pride. I began to pay attention to _ and understand _ bit by bit.

_University is_the first university. Its predecessor is_University. It was founded on _year_month_day. It has gone through a glorious course of _years. It has always followed the school motto of "seeking truth from facts" and constituted "rigorous scholarship". The excellent school spirit of "strict teaching requirements" is the profound foundation accumulated over the past century, which brings endless driving force and encourages every student to make great efforts to govern and start a business for the country.

With the deepening of understanding of _, my feelings for _ are increasing day by day. Every time _ is mentioned, I feel that kind of kindness. Yes, I seem to have an inexplicable relationship, and I silently consider the entrance to_ as my own Goal. Although _ is so far away, so high and unattainable, but I have to work hard, I have to pursue my dreams, and I have to realize my beautiful dreams. With the continuous improvement of myself and the steady improvement of academic performance, I began to approach _ step by step. I understand that it is my dream that supports me to study harder and supports me to strive for entry.

I was born in an ordinary worker's family. Both my parents entered the city after entering a secondary school from the countryside. They have always had a perfect expectation of me, that is, going to a prestigious school and fulfilling their unfulfilled wishes. From elementary school to high school, my parents have never imposed too strict requirements on my study. They pay more attention to the cultivation of my personality, and pay more attention to my healthy and happy study and life. They don’t expect me to be a nerd who reads hard and hard. They want me to grow into a sunny and joyous person, a kind, upright, and grateful person. It is this family environment that gives me enough space to express my personality. I am happy, I am sunny, and I am strong. Although I am only seventeen years old, I have grown to 1.82 meters. I have become the pride of my parents.

During my ten-year study career, I have grown up little by little and matured step by step. I will not miss any opportunity to express myself. I participate in various activities organized by the school. I will participate in speech contests, sports competitions, etc. in front of. I care about the class and the organization. I have been a class leader from elementary school to junior high school. After high school, we started running for the Student Union. I was the first to sign up for the election of the Minister of Sports. After hard work, I finally became a student of the Student Union. Minister, every week I will participate in the school week to help teachers manage students. The student union and weekly experience over the past three years have exercised my organizational skills and language skills, and also tempered my will.

It is said that being a student union cadre will affect learning. I don't feel that way. It is the work of the student union that promotes my study. The student union cadre must not lag behind others in learning. From entering high school to 50 students, I have improved my ranking year by year. What I am most proud of is that I have refreshed my highest ranking and score with the most certificates. At this moment, I have entered the first echelon, and I have not fallen behind in any subject. Phenomenon, the results of each subject develop in a balanced way, but my favorite is physics and chemistry, and I have achieved nearly full marks many times, which has increased my confidence and motivation in studying.

I understand that I still have a necessary distance from _ at this moment, but I will use the remaining nearly 180 days to complete my studies, work hard to improve myself, and accumulate strength for my self-entry. I like engineering, I like hands-on, and I have strong hands-on skills. I think the profession of _ is also very suitable for me. If I can enter _, I must work hard to learn professional skills and increase my talents. I also want to be like those seniors of _ Like us, we designed more "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube", and researched out many firsts after the first aircraft engine, so as to bring glory to people.

Yours sincerely,


































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