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  Fit for Life


  historian n. 历史学家 recipe n. 处方;食谱,菜谱 physician n. 医生,内科医师

  bark n. 树皮;(狗)叫,吠 vi. (狗)叫,吠 chemist n. 药剂师;化学家

  trial n. 试用;试验;考验 tablet n. 药片;写字板,书写板

  standardize vt. 使符合标准,使标准化 best-selling adj. 畅销的

  painkiller n. 止痛药,镇痛剂 author n. 作者 heart attack 心脏病发作

  thin vt. & vi. (使)变稀,(使)变薄,(使)变淡;(使)变细

  block vt. 阻塞,阻挡;妨碍 length n. 长度 contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的

  Scottish adj. 苏格兰的 note vt. 发现,注意到;记录 transparent adj. 透明的

  application n. 应用,运用;申请 name vt. 命名,给……取名

  unable adj. 不能的,不会的 chemical adj. 化学的 purify vt. 使纯净,净化,提纯

  quantity n. 量,数量 widespread adj. 普遍的,普及的,广泛的 lung n. 肺

  mass adj. 批量的,大量的,大规模的;群众的,民众的

  n. 团,块,堆;较大部分,主体部分;体积,大小,群众,人群

  rapidly adv. 迅速地,快速地 powerful adj. 效力大的,强效的

  wonder adj. 非凡的,奇妙的,奇特的,神奇的

  n. 奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇,惊讶

  millions of 数百万的,大量的 relief n. 减轻,缓解;轻松,宽慰;救济,救助

  potential adj. 潜在的,可能的 enquiry n. 询问,咨询 ward n. 病房

  fundamental adj. 基础的,根本的;重要的,至关重要的

  handful n. 少数,少量;一把 annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的

  arrangement n. 安排;排列 receptionist n. 接待员,招待员

  pleasure n. 愉快,快乐;乐事 eyesight n. 视力 adjustable adj. 可调节的

  magic adj. 有魔力的,不可思议的,魔术的 needle n. 针 art n. 技艺,技术

  sharp-edged adj. 有锋利边缘的 swollen adj. 肿胀的 arrowhead n. 箭头;箭头状物

  sharp adj. 锋利的锐利的;尖的;突然的,急转向的;尖刻的,辛辣的;灵敏的,敏锐的

  fine adj. 细的,纤细的 point n. 点,位置;尖端;要点;分数

  insert vt. 插入;嵌入 symptom n. 症状 function n. 功能,作用

  heartbeat n. 心跳 addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺,入迷 overeating n. 过量饮食

  relieve vt. 减轻(病痛、忧虑、负担等),缓解;救济,救助 unclear adj. 不清楚的


  1. keep us healthy 2. open up 3. carry out 4. give up 5. come true 6. figure out

  7. go wrong 8. put off 9. put up with 10. make out 11. call back 12. look out for

  13. at certain points 14. find out 15. if so 16. recommend doing

  17. in contemporary society 18. in large quantities 19. trun into

  20. be fundamental to (doing) 21. a disease called malaria 22. look into

  23. look down upon 24. put through 25. come up 26. remind sb to do

  27. be based on 28. block from doing 29. focus on 30. reduce the risk of

  31. try out 32. due to 33. in addition to 34. have an influence on

  35. leave behind 36. ask for 37. set up 38. put off

  39. take measures to do 40. let … out of 41. be connected with



  1. A p____________ is a person who has general skills to treat physical problems.

  2. Penicillin was d___________ in the mould that grew on a special transparent jelly.

  3. He is the a__________ whose books are best-selling this year.

  4. Stoke is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain b_____ suddenly




  Teaching Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students should

  ? master the key w ords and expressions through the competitio n;

  ? practice their reading skills such as skimming and scanning;

  ? enhance their cooperation abilities through group work;

  ? realize the importance and emergency of protecting wildlife;


  Teaching Important Points:

  ? Students can do the competition actively and master the words and expressions ;

  ? Students can finish those reading exercises by thems elves by using reading skills;

  ? Students can do the group task successfully.

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  Students can un derstand the content of the passage and do the group discussion successfully.


  Teaching Procedures:

  Part 1. Pre-reading (11’)

  1. A video of “THE LION KING” and some pictures of the miserable animals;

  2. Words and expressions competition.

  Part 2. While-readin g ( 20’)

  1. Skim the whole passage and finish the chart below.

  2. Read the Paragraph 1 and find out the answers to the following questions.

  1). How did the antelope feel?

  2). Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes?

  3. Read paragraph 2 and choose the best answer according to the text.

  1). Why is the number of elephants increa sing in Zimbabwe?

  A. Because more elephants have come to Zimbabwe.

  B. Because farmers are happy and no longer kill them;

  C, Because those elephants don’t destroy farms any more.

  2). How does the government of Zimbabwe help protec t wild animals?

  A. It allowed tourists to hunt a small number of animals if they paid the farmers;

  B. It forced farmers to protect the animals.

  C. It put m ore wild animals into Zimbabwe.

  4. Read parag raph 3 and fill in the blanks.

  When the carpet and Daisy came to ___ ___ ______, they saw a _______ rubbing itself with a millipede _______, which can ______ mosquitoes because it ______ a powerful drug. The money told Daisy to pay more ________to the rainforest and _____ how the animals live t ogether. No forest, no animals, no _____.

  5. True or False statements.

  1. Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet.

  2. Daisy’s sweater was made of sheep wool.

  3. The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe.

  4. In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants.

  5. The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now.

  6. This is a real story in Daisy’s life.

  Part 3. Post-reading ( 8’)

  1.Ask “Daisy” to talk about her feeling;

  2. Discussion: What should we do to protect wildlife?

  3. See a short video of Jackie Chan.

  Part 4. Summary and Wri ting ( 1’)

  Write a short passage based on the discussion.


  Please write a letter to WWF and provide some suggestions on how to protect wildlife.




  Improve students’ ability of extensive reading.

  Improve students’ a skills of listening.


  1. Teaching important points:

  A. Improve students’ ability of extensive reading.

  B. Improve students’ a skills of listening.

  2. Teaching difficult points:

  A. How to finish the task in limited time.

  B. How to get the accurate information while listening.




  Step 1. Greeting

  Step 2. Daily report

  Step 3. Revision

  Check the answers to the exercises done yesterday.

  Step 4. Extensive reading

  1. Ask students two questions before listening to the tape, and then listen to the recording of the text:

  A. When did dinosaurs live on the earth?

  B. Why did they die out?

  2. Explain the following language points:

  ① long before 很久以前

  before long 不久之后

  Dinosaurs do live on the earth long before.

  Before long dinosaurs die out from the earth.

  ② on the earth- in the world

  on earth 究竟

  What on earth do you want?

  Step 5. Listening

  1. Explain the following difficult words to the students before listening:

  ① once upon a time 曾经;很久以前

  ② curious adj. 好奇的

  ③ wing n. 翅膀

  ④ trap n. 陷阱

  ⑤ spear n. 矛

  2. Listen to the recording of Dodo’s Story.

  3. Finish Ex 1 on p30.

  4. Check the answers (C D B C)

  5. Listen to the tape again and finish ex2 on P30

  Step 6 Homework

  1. Finish Ex. 21-55 on English Weekly 15th

  2. Review the language points in this unit.


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