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托福考试中无论是对话conversation还是讲座lecture中,询问素材大意的主旨题都是常见的高频题型。今天小编给大家带来了托福听力高频题型主旨题解题技巧实例讲解 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。







e.g.1 A : Hey, how is everything going?

B: Well, everything is going fine.

e.g.2 A: Hi, are you Paula?

B: Oh, hi, Jim. Nice to see you!

在这些寒暄之后说话人A说Do you need some tutoring in English? 说话人B说:yes, I am taking English composition and my English is not very good. 这才是文章的真正内容,也就是文章的主旨。所以选项的相应部分选择的是:She needs a tutoring appointment!


例1: 有个教授上来先说I am sorry that I didn’t bring your paper, and it took longer to grade than I thought. So I will bring you the paper next class. Today, I want to continue our topic about Renaissance. 所以 “I am sorry that I didn’t bring your paper, and it took longer to grade than I thought. So I will bring you the paper next class.” 这句话都是在说与文章主旨无关紧要的话。而真正与文章主旨有关的是以today开头的这句话!所以,显而易见,这篇文章的主要内容就是文艺复兴Renaissance。

例2: In the last class, we discussed the Jazz music history. But today, I am going to talk about the development of the jazz music. 那么很显然,In the last class, we discussed the Jazz music history.这是上节课讲的内容。在强转折but之后,老师紧接着说I am going to talk about the development of the jazz music. 那么,文章的主旨也就很明确了。


Last week we talked about Anne Bradstreet and the role of women in the Puritan colonies.

上周我们谈论过Anne Bradstreet以及在北美殖民地中女性的角色。

Today I want to talk about some other women who've contributed to American history—some famous and some not-so-famous.


The first woman I'd like to talk about is Molly Pitcher.

第一位女性我想要谈论的是Molly Pitcher

Those of you who are familiar with the name may know her as a hero of the American Revolution.


But, in fact, there never was a woman named Molly Pitcher.

但是,事实上,从来没有一个女人叫做Molly Pitcher。

Her real name was actually Mary Ludwig Hays.

她真正的名字实际上是Mary Ludwig Hays。

She got the nickname Molly Pitcher for her acts of bravery during the Revolutionary War.

她得到Molly Pitcher这个外号是因为她在革命战争(美国独立战争)期间的英勇表现。

As the story goes, when Mary's—or Molly's—husband, John Hays, enlisted in the artillery, Mary followed, like many other wives did.

据说,当Mary的—或者说 Molly的—丈夫,John Hays,应征参加了炮兵,Mary跟随而去,像很多其他的妻子那样。

She helped out doing washing and cooking for the soldiers.


She was known to be a pretty unusual woman.


She smoked a pipe and chewed tobacco.


Anyway, in the summer of 1778, at the Battle of Monmouth, it was a blistering hot day, maybe over a hundred degrees, and fifty soldiers died of thirst during the battle.


Molly wasn't content to stay back at camp.


Instead, she ran through gunshots and cannon fire carrying water in pitchers from a small stream out to the thirsty American soldiers.


The relief that she brought with her pitchers of water gave her the legendary nickname Molly Pitcher.

她用她水罐里的水带来的安慰(的事迹),给予了她传奇的绰号Molly Pitcher。

The story also says that she continued to load and fire her husband's cannon after he was wounded.


They say she was so well liked by the other soldiers that they call her "Sergeant Molly."


In fact, legend has it that George Washington himself gave her the special military title.

事实上,传说George Washington亲自给予了她这个特殊的军衔。


Before I tell you about the interesting discovery related to Tyrannosaurus rex, I need to review something we studied last semester, the difference between what are commonly called cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals.


In warm-blooded animals, birds and mammals, for example, the body temperature normally stays within a narrow range, no matter what the outside temperature is.


As a result, a warm-blooded animal is usually active in both cold and hot weather because its body temperature can adjust to the temperature of its environment.


On the other hand, cold-blooded animals, such as most reptiles, amphibians, and insects, are unable to create enough heat internally to raise their temperature above the temperature of the environment.


So, for example, the temperature of a cold-blooded animal falls when the environment is cool.


I hope this distinction is clear. Now, moving on to Tyrannosaurus rex, you may know that dinosaurs, being reptiles, are generally believed to have been cold-blooded.


Well, a recent research study found that the chemical composition of the bones of Tyrannosaurus rex was consistent with the bones of an animal that has a very narrow range of internal temperature, indicating that it was probably warm-blooded.

好,最近的调查研究发现霸王龙 rex的骨头的化学组成同内部温度有很小范围(变化的)动物的骨头是一致的,表明它可能是温血的。


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