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Ambassador Zhang Ming Speaks to BBC on the Situation in Hong Kong


9 August 2019

BBC: How do you see the situation now in Hong Kong?


Ambassador: I think it’s extreme violence, not peaceful demonstration. Some radicals defaced the national emblem and flag, stored explosives, set fire on public buildings, smashed cars, and so on. So this is law-breaking. Should the “chaos” and “violence” continue, prosperity and stability in Hong Kong would be put to ruins. And so would “One Country, Two Systems”. The top priority at the moment is to stop violence and chaos and restore law and order.


BBC: You say that. But certainly earlier in these protests some two million people were taking to the streets. That’s a quarter of the population of Hong Kong. That’s a significant number of people dissatisfied with the way in which the territory is being run.


Ambassador: But now, as we saw, it is turning into riots and chaos. So we have to stop the chaos.

张大使:但我们看到的是,现在已经出现暴乱,暴乱必须得到制止。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

BBC: You don’t say that violence is growing out of frustration by a younger generation of Hong Kongers, who weren’t even born when Hong Kong was returned by Britain to China, who feel that they want more control over their own destinies, and who perhaps have different aspirations than those who were around in 1997.


Ambassador: There are some people who are plotting behind the scenes and who are trying to use the youngsters as a political pawn, which is very dangerous. I believe that, as their real motives are laid bare, more and more young people would come to realize this and change course.


BBC: This week, Head of Chinese Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Mr Zhang Xiaoming told reporters, and I quote, that if the situation worsens further, and there’s turmoil that the Hong Kong government is unable to control, the Central Government will absolutely not just watch without doing anything. Could you maybe expand on that?


Ambassador: As we know, Hong Kong is part of China. All Chinese people, including people in Hong Kong, treasure and uphold peace and stability in the Hong Kong SAR. The Chinese people would not allow the situation to get out of control. According to the Basic Law, the Central Government has sufficient means and capabilities to maintain stability and prosperity and a peaceful life for people in Hong Kong, and to safeguard the “One Country, Two Systems”.


BBC: Are you referring here to the possible deployment of the People’s Liberation Army in Hong Kong?

BBC: 您是否意指(中央政府)可能在香港使用军队?

Ambassador: The Central Government, as I mentioned, has sufficient means and capabilities to maintain Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity.


BBC: But does the Central Government in Beijing have any red line when it comes to maintaining stability? You yourself have been speaking about the chaos and violence in Hong Kong.


Ambassador: In any country, any society, such chaos and riots are not allowed. So that is the red line.


BBC: So the red line has been crossed already according to you.


Ambassador: I think some rioters are touching (the red line).


BBC: So the protesters, in your view, are getting very close to crossing that red line, which would then prompt the Central Government to send in the People’s Liberation Army.


Ambassador: I think some people are acting very dangerously. They are violating the Basic Law and ruining the order and system in Hong Kong. So they are playing fire.


BBC: How important is it to your government to maintain the “One Country, Two Systems”?


Ambassador: That’s the basic policy for the Central Government and the Hong Kong SAR. We will try our best to safeguard the “One Country, Two Systems”.


BBC: Because a couple of years ago, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in uncertain terms that the “One Country, Two Systems” was not binding on Beijing. It was only, and I quote, “a historical document that lacked practical significance”.


Ambassador: At the moment Hong Kong was handed over in 1997, the British rights and obligations under the document were fulfilled. Now, Britain has no sovereignty, no jurisdiction, and no right of supervision over Hong Kong.


BBC: So China could tear up that joint declaration at any time? They could say, “Sorry, the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ no longer exists. We are not interested in it.”


Ambassador: We’ll try our best to safeguard the “One Country, Two Systems”.


BBC: Why? Why should you?


Ambassador: This is for the interest of Hong Kong, for the interest of China, and for the interest of people all over China.


BBC: Are you worried, Ambassador, about the possibility of what might be described as “contagion” that these pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong might spread to the Chinese mainland? What the people are asking for in Hong Kong, which is a greater say in the election of their leaders, might be copied in China itself.


Ambassador: The people in Hong Kong are asking for stopping “riots” and “chaos” in Hong Kong. And no one would allow such acts to spread into the mainland.


BBC: But you’re worried that might happen.


Ambassador: No worry.


BBC: Ambassador, thank you very much!




Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Ni Jian at the Reception Marking the 92nd Anniversary of the PLA


30 July 2019





Your Excellency, Brigadier Mr. Ahmed Yousef Al-Suwaidi,

Dear friends,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening!

非常高兴与大家一起庆祝中国人民解放军成立92周年。在此,我谨代表中国驻阿联酋使馆向中国人民解放军致以节日的祝贺!向出席今晚招待会的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

It gives me great pleasure to celebrate with you the 92ndanniversary of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UAE, I would like to extend my festive greetings to the PLA, and my warm welcome and sincere thanks to all guests present here tonight.


“Recalling the past glories, we aspire to a better future”. This year marks the 92nd anniversary of the PLA. Over the past 92 years, the PLA has worked arduously and strived heroically under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, thus making tremendous contributions to China’s independence, liberation and prosperity, to national sovereignty, security and development interests, and to world peace and human development. At present, our defense and military development with Chinese characteristics has entered a new chapter. The PLA is accelerating in fostering a world-class people’s army that is reformed, modernized and regularized, which is providing strong support for the realization of the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation.


Peace is the common aspiration and lofty goal of all mankind. China will always be the defender, participant and builder of world peace. As a firm guardian of world peace, the PLA stands ready to deepen military exchanges and cooperation with armies of other countries, to make a bigger contribution to world peace and development. This year marks the 29th anniversary of China’s participation in the UN peacekeeping operations. During that course, China has dispatched nearly40 thousand peacekeepers who have taken part in 24 UN peacekeeping operations. In total, they have built 13 thousand kilometers of road, involved to complete 13 million kilometers of cargo transportation, treated 170 thousand patients, and accomplished over 300 armed patrols and escorts, to name but a few. Chinese naval hospital ships have visited 43 countries and delivered medical services to over 230 thousand local people. In the future, the Chinese army will be more active in international peacekeeping missions, counter-terrorism and humanitarian relief, enhance international cooperation on non-proliferation, take part in the management of sensitive hotspots, jointly safeguard the security of international routes, and provide more public security products. China will show in practice its determination to take responsibility as a major country, to build a community of shared future for mankind, and to make greater contributions in maintaining world peace and promoting common development.


In recent years, China-UAE defense cooperation has been deepened and substantiated. This year, Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe visited the UAE; a high-level military delegation from China attended the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi; and Chinese naval vessel Kunlunshan for the first time participated in the Naval Defense and Maritime Security Exhibition (NAVDEX). Military exchanges and interactions between China and the UAE have boosted mutual understanding and friendship, and become an important part of our all-dimensional cooperation. I believe with concerted efforts, China and the UAE will achieve new developments and reach new heights in our military relationship.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 35th anniversary of China-UAE relationship, which is now at its best period of development in history. Last July, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a successful visit to the UAE. Only few days ago, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed returned a successful visit to China. The exchange of visits between our top leaders within a year created a milestone in the history of China-UAE relationship, which is also testimony to the high levels and special significance of China-UAE comprehensive strategic partnership. Let’s take our leaders’ mutual visits as an opportunity to push ahead with bilateral cooperation in the fields of military, political, economic and cultural exchanges, and further expand China-UAE great partnership, to promote the giant ship of China-UAE cooperation to set sail and embark on a new journey of common development in the new era!


Finally, may the friendship between China and the UAE last forever! May our two countries prosper and peoples live in happiness! May all the guests here today enjoy good health and great success!


Thank you!



Sing for Our Times and Our Patriotism


Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Concert in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China


6 August 2019

尊敬的中华青少年交响乐团团长卢多维克·莫洛先生,考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。


Mr. Ludovic Morlot,

Overseas Chinese,

Dear Friends:


Good evening and welcome to the Chinese Embassy!


I am delighted to have you all with us at tonight’s concert in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

I wish to give an especially warm welcome to the young musicians, who arrived in London only this afternoon and come to meet us without a moment’s rest. Let’s give them a big round of applause. Thank you for bringing such a special national day gift to the overseas Chinese in the UK.


Overseas Chinese,

Dear Friends:


Tonight, we are here to enjoy beautiful music. But I think we have our own music to make. I hope we could all join in to play the three movements of the new era.


The first movement is peace and development. This is the theme of our times.

We live in a world that is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Amid the tremendous changes, peace and development remain the theme of our times.

In face of this theme, China is ready to work with global partners to build a community with a shared future for mankind, where countries respect each other, uphold equity and justice, and engage in win-win cooperation.

This is a world where mankind deserves peace and happiness.


The second movement is integration and mutual learning between civilisations. This is the overarching melody of our times. Unilateralism and protectionism are not the theme of our times. Nor are “trade wars” or “conflict of civilisations”. These naked acts of bullying are against the general trend of our times. They are losing hearts and minds, and are doomed to be renounced by history. Exchanges, integration and mutual learning are the only way to ensure that all civilisations flourish together. I sincerely hope that the performance of NYO-China in London will contribute to the cultural exchange between China and the UK, to friendship between our peoples, and to mutual learning between the Eastern and Western civilisations.


The third movement is patriotism. This is the spirit of our times. President Xi Jinping said, “to realise the Chinese Dream, we must stick to the Chinese road, carry on the Chinese spirit and pool the strength of the Chinese nation”. Great dreams are built upon great spirit. So what is the Chinese spirit? The Chinese spirit is the internal strength of the nation with patriotism at its core. Patriotism runs in the blood of the Chinese nation. This spirit has driven generations of sons and daughters of the Chinese nation to strive hard for the development and prosperity of the motherland.


I would like to pay special tribute to the overseas Chinese community for your important contribution to China’s development and national reunification over the years. As tensions in Hong Kong escalated recently, you sent letters to British politicians, issued statements and held seminars to deplore violence and oppose foreign interference. You have demonstrated a strong sense of justice and responsibility and you have lived up to the Chinese national spirit! I solute you! I would like to reiterate that the top priority for Hong Kong now is to end violence, bring violent offenders to justice and restore order. The Central Government of China fully supports the SAR Government under the leadership of Chief Executive Carrie Lam in governing Hong Kong in accordance with law, supports the Hong Kong police in enforcing law strictly and rigorously, and supports the relevant departments and judicial institutions in Hong Kong in bringing violent offenders to justice.


Thank you!



Speech by H.E. Ambassador Cheng Xueyuan at the Award Ceremony of the Chinese Government Scholarship 2019/2020


8 August 2019







Hon. Lucky Jayawardana, State Minister of the City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education,

Mr. Madhawa Dewasurendra, Additional Secretary for Development, Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education,

Mr. Selvaraj, Additional Secretary for Bilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mrs. Damayanthi Rajapakshe, Director General, East Asia and the Pacific Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Winners of the Scholarship and family members,考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

Officials from the Ministry of Higher Education,

Friends from media and press,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Good morning!


First, I would like to welcome all of you to the Embassy to attend the ceremony! Especially, I wish to congratulate all the winners of the Chinese Government Scholarship from Sri Lanka for the year 2019/2020 as today is a big day for you!


As you may know, each year Chinese central government, local government and some universities provides over 200 Chinese scholarships to Sri Lanka, among which 80 are under Bilateral Chinese Government Scholarship scheme, which were jointly nominated by our embassy and the Ministry of Higher Education of Sri Lanka. Currently, 56 students are studying in China under this scheme. Therefore, this year we have 24 new winners of the scholarship who are going to China to pursue their further education. The full scholarship will cover the tuition, lodging, living allowance and medical insurance throughout the whole academic years, which values up to Rs. 2,500,000 annually. I wish all the winners of the scholarship would cherish this opportunity and succeed in your learning journey. You will be the needful talents for the national development of Sri Lanka and the natural friendship envoys for both China and Sri Lanka.


The world is undergoing complex and profound changes in a century and China has also entered the New Era. The Chinese people are striving to build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and realize the dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I believe that your learning experience in China at this historic moment would have a great impact on your life.


China and Sri Lanka are good neighbors, good friends and good partners. Our friendship can be dated back two thousand years ago. Over the past six decades, we have been supporting each other’s choice of development road and collaborating in international arenas. Our friendship is built on the profound and broad popular basis. Today, China is aligning its One Belt and One Road Initiative with Sri Lankan national development strategy to reach common development. China will never pursue development at the expenses of Sri Lanka. We are confident that the increasingly deepening win-win cooperation in many fields between our two countries would bring tangible benefits to our two peoples.


I wish to take this occasion to announce another annual “Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship Scheme”, which was launched in 2016 by the Embassy in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, which aims to reward those academically excellent undergraduate students in Sri Lanka Universities. So far, 230 students have been awarded. The Embassy decides to continue this program for the fourth consecutive year by increasing the donation to Rs. 5, 305,000.00 which could award 106 students with Rs. 50,000 each. I wish this award could help those students a bit on their way to fulfill their dreams.


I’d also like to avail of the opportunity to show my gratitude to the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education for the cooperation, high efficiency and hard work of their staff. It’s been a great pleasure to work with your esteemed Ministry.


Finally, congratulations again to all the winners! I wish you all have a pleasant and fruitful stay in China for the next few years!


Thank you!


★ 英语学习


