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2. 几种变通手段




如“感冒可以通过人的手传染”可以译为Flu can be spread by hand contact.其中的contact(接触)就是根据译文需要添加上的。

而“百姓出现做饭点火难现象”中的“现象”一词可以省略,只译成“people do not even have matches to light their stoves.”就足以表达原文中的信息。


词类变形和转换,是英语语言的一个很重要的特点,特别是名词、动词、形容词这三种最主要的词类,大部分可以直接转换使用,或者稍加变化(前缀、后缀等) 即可转换为另一种词类。

例如:他的演讲给我们的印象很深。His speech impressed us deeply.




例如:门锁好了。The door has been locked up.



Paper cutting is a unique form of folk arts in China, with a history of more than two thousand years. It is very likely that paper cutting originated from Han dynasty, which followed the invention of paper.( Paper cutting is very likely to have originated in Han dynasty, which followed the invention of paper.) Since then, it was popularized in a lot of places in China. The materials and tools which can be used for paper cutting are rather simple: paper and a scissor. The paper cutting works are usually made of red paper, because red color is related to happiness in Chinese traditional culture. Therefore, red paper cutting works are the first choice for the decoration of windows and doors on pleasant occasions such as wedding ceremony and the Spring Festival.





Chinese families attach due importance to children's education. Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well educated. Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's education, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn. The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities. As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in international exchange projects, so as to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.




【解析】此举为主谓宾结构,十分重视:attach due importance to

【参考答案】 Chinese families attach due importance to children's education.



【参考答案】Numerous parents deem that they should work hard to ensure that their children are well educated.


【解析】出现“不仅……而且……”, 选择“not only…but also…”处理,可以将not only提前,将句子处理为半倒装。

花时间做某事:spend time (on / in) doing sth.

情愿:bewilling to;投资:investin;督促:push/urge

【参考答案】Not only are they very willing to invest in their children's education, but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn.



多数:most / the great majority of; 大学:prestigious universities.

【参考答案】The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities.


【解析】此句子有两个状语成分,其中“由于改革开放”是原因状语,处理为“dueto”或“as a result of”;“让其拓宽视野”是结果状语,处理为so as to broaden their horizons.

改革开放:the reform and opening up; 国外学习:study abroad;参加国际交流项目:participate in international exchange projects

【参考答案】As a result of the reform and opening up, an increasing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate in international exchange projects, so as to broaden their horizons.


【解析】期待某人做某事:expectsb. todosth; 注意此处“健康”处理为副词,修饰动词“成长”;

为…做贡献:contribute to

【参考答案】Through these efforts, they expect their children to grow up healthily and contribute to the development and prosperity of the country.


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